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How to gain points

If you want to unlock advanced chapters for free, here’s what you need to do:

  1. Register: Sign up and get 20 points instantly.

  2. Daily Login: Earn 20 points every day just by logging in.

  3. Reading: Gain 10 points for every chapter you read. (MAX: 10/day)
    No repeated points gained for each post, pages and series page.

  • 10 points for every time you view a Novel summary page (MAX: 10/day)
  • 10 points for every time you view an announcement here->>(MAX: 10/day)
  • 10 points for every time you view a page e.g. Unlimited Mana pages (MAX: 10/day)
  1. Commenting: Leave a comment and receive 10 points. (MAX: 10/day)
    No repeated points gained for each comment.
  • SPAM -5 points. Comment once on each post. They must be words and not jibberish.
  • Reply to another comment are allowed.
  • Comments are manually approved.

Collect points by completing these actions to access more chapters without spending a dime!

NOTE: When log reaches 10,000 queries, the database is emptied so chapters bought with points are for sale again. This usually happens every Wednesday, Friday and Sunday of the week.

This happens in order to avoid overloading the database with many data.

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