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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

Sole Omega in an Alpha Family chapter 5

* * *

‘Who is this person, really? With all those scars on his face and arms, he didn’t seem like some rich family’s young master like Lee Jungin, but the subtle air of nobility he carried was confusing.’

“And to be honest, if I were to judge based on looks alone, he was close to my ideal type. Is that why Jungin never mentioned knowing such a handsome guy?”

“What are you mumbling about to yourself?”

“I didn’t say anything…”

The man, who had been holding his phone for a while, shoved it carelessly into his pocket and reached out to grab Jungin’s hand.

“W-Wait, where are we going?”

“The hospital room.”

“Hold on a second!”

“Lee Jungin.”

Jungin was startled by the man’s intimidating voice for a moment, but while fear is fleeting, the sweetness in his mouth would last longer.

With his eyes squeezed shut, Jungin spoke.

“I-I need to grab the fruits!”

When he added, “If you’re not going to eat them, I’ll just take the mangoes with me…” the man, who had been gripping his hand tightly as if to drag him away, suddenly loosened his grip.

“You. You’re acting a little strange today.”

Was it because he had spoken with someone who knew Lee Jungin for too long?

Well, it’s not like Jungin was the type to obsess over food. Still…

“Did you really hit your head? You’re acting a little dumber than usual.”

Jungin held his breath, waiting for the man’s response, but what came instead was being dismissed as “dumb.”

‘What a tiger who bites without warning!’

Jungin thought of countless insults but didn’t dare say them aloud. He simply huffed in frustration while glaring when—

“Young Master.”

“What about Chairman Ki?”

“The surgery was successful.”

A man who looked like a gangster suddenly appeared, and Jungin quickly composed his expression.

Good grief… His black suit was stained with what seemed like blood.

Just like something straight out of a movie or TV show, it gave Jungin a momentary chill.

“Is the scene cleaned up?”

“Yes. Everything’s been taken care of; there’s nothing to worry about.”

Was “cleaned up” always such a creepy word?

For a split second, Jungin made eye contact with the man and flashed a bright, innocent smile as if he had heard nothing.

His face muscles twitched as if they might spasm, but he had to endure it to survive.

“Haa… Mr. Yoon, please take Jungin home.”

The man’s gaze shifted toward Jungin as he gave the order.

Meeting his eyes, Jungin maintained a harmless expression and kept smiling, as if he had seen nothing.

“Yes, understood. Let’s go, Young Master Jungin.”

Mr. Yoon approached, calling Jungin’s name, but Jungin instinctively backed away with a pitiful expression and tightly pressed lips.

However, the man who seemed annoyed by Jungin’s behavior brushed back his hair with a sigh and said,

“I’ve already left a message for Hyeon. Just drop him off at the hospital room.”

“Yes, sir.”

Mr. Yoon bowed at a 90-degree angle to the man and then directed a curt “Let’s go” at Jungin.

“I-I’ll go by myself.”


“I can go alone.”

It was uncomfortable walking with a stranger, and this was also his chance to return to his body.

“Hey, Jungin.”


He only called his name, but it felt threatening. His cold voice had taken on a different tone from before.

“It would be wise to stop playing games around now.”

‘But I’m not playing games… Who the hell was this guy, not letting me even walk around on my own?’

Anger welled up inside, but seeing the irritated look on the man’s face, Jungin clenched his mouth shut.

“Mr. Yoon.”


With a nod toward the elevator, Mr. Yoon approached again, looking ready to drag Jungin by force if needed.

Reluctantly, Jungin walked toward the elevator, occasionally glancing back at the man, though their eyes never met.

“Excuse me, sir.”


“Does that guy always talk like that?”

At first, Jungin was intimidated, but thinking about it, he realized that he was also a young master from a rich family, just like Jungin.

He couldn’t remember exactly which group, but there were memories of classmates whispering about it.

With that in mind, no one would mess with someone like Jungin easily, and this overconfidence crept into his thoughts.

“And sir, what’s with the blood? Is that real blood? Or are you an actor, maybe?”

I mean, how many people walk around covered in blood these days?

Maybe it’s all just makeup. As they walked to the hospital room, Jungin kept talking to the man called Mr. Yoon, but he only remained silent, focusing on walking.

If this was how he was going to act, why bother offering to take him?

As Jungin slowed his pace and began thinking of ways to escape, the man suddenly picked up the fruit basket.

“Oh, no…!”

“I’ll carry it to the hospital room.”

“I-I can carry it—”

Cutting off Jungin again, the man casually took the fruit, and Jungin’s suspicion shifted back toward him being a gangster, rather than an actor.

“Go inside.”

With no other option, Jungin found himself in front of the hospital room.

Somehow, the man in the black suit seemed more unyielding than the door itself.

Unable to argue, Jungin accepted the basket and opened the door.


“Whoa, you scared me.”

Jungjin rushed out with a startled face after realizing Jungin was missing.

“Where have you been? That was dangerous!”

“Damn it, you scared me half to death! Where the hell did you go, you little punk?!”

Jungwoo and Jungseo quickly surrounded Jungin as well.

“Are you hurt? They said you ran into that guy.”

That guy?

Jungin blinked in confusion, while Jungseo, frowning, began checking over his body.

“Yeonhwa Construction, that bastard—”

“Lee Jungseo. I told you not to say unnecessary things.”


Jungseo’s words, spoken in a heated moment, were cut short by Jungjin, who seemed intent on hiding something from Jungin.

Glancing up at them, Jungin could tell they wouldn’t reveal anything.

Why were they all… staring like that?

Following their gaze, Jungin realized that Mr. Yoon was still there.

“Ah, this person…”

“Jungwoo, take the kid and put him to bed. Jungseo, step outside for a moment.”

After patting Jungin’s head, Jungjin left the room.

He seemed to have some business with the man, maybe to thank him.

Noticing Jungin constantly glancing toward the door, Jungwoo gently picked him up and laid him on the bed.

“Jungin, it’s time to sleep. It’s really late.”

It seemed he wasn’t planning to leave until Jungin fell asleep.

Sitting right next to him, Jungwoo patted his chest.

No one had ever put Jungin to sleep like this before.

Feeling awkward, Jungin glanced around, but Jungwoo covered his eyes with his large hand.

“Shh. Jungin, you can check out the hospital tomorrow. Go to sleep now.”


Yeah. It was already past 2 AM, and it was time to sleep.

As Jungin’s eyelids grew heavier, he closed his mouth and tried to fall asleep.


The sound of something breaking outside startled Jungin, and he tried to sit up, but Jungwoo gently held his shoulder.

“Something probably fell. It’s nothing, so just close your eyes.”

Being in a hospital, he explained, it might be a bit noisy, but it was nothing to worry about.

He even placed a headset on Jungin’s ears, with white noise coming through the speakers.

The sudden wakefulness quickly faded, and his eyelids felt heavy once more.

“Good night, little brother.”

Just before Jungin fully lost consciousness, he felt a gentle hand caress his cheek, and for a brief moment, he wished he could truly be Lee Jungin.

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  1. Kouign.amann says:

    Thank for the chapter 😁

  2. Kouign.amann says:

    I wanted to marinate this novel but I’m too excited to not read this 😭😭😭

  3. Alreign says:


  4. Dee says:


  5. mushroomm says:


  6. Shi_Wo2024 says:


  7. kaiss says:


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