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GTLTGIDES chapter 7

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Although no words were exchanged, the message in those eyes was obvious.

“Who are you?”

“Why are you giving this to me?”

In that moment, my mind went blank.

I wasn’t even sure I would be able to meet Eunsoo, so I hadn’t planned this grand gesture.

It was a beautiful day, and since I saw Eunsoo in the morning, I just thought I should give him something to eat.

How should I explain this?

“If you really don’t like it, you can throw it away! I have an extremely important event planned today, so I’m trying to build up my ‘good person points’ by doing good deeds. It’s really nothing special, so don’t worry about it. Just take it.”

What came to mind was nonsensical.

Worse, it came out of my mouth unfiltered.

This won’t do. I must look so suspicious.

Time to run away.

“Well then, have a nice day!”

Terrified of hearing rejection or having the drink returned, I darted out of the convenience store before Eunsoo could say another word.

I watched from a distance, relieved to see Eunsoo had set the drink aside near the register.

A grin spread across my face.


Truthfully, I wanted to give him food, not just a drink. Not bread, but a proper meal. Even a convenience store lunchbox would do.

Eunsoo is still small and growing. Kids his age eat so well… I wanted to make sure he ate his fill.

However, knowing his cautious and smart nature, he wouldn’t eat something from a stranger, especially if it wasn’t sealed.

For now, I shouldn’t be greedy.

Even if he ends up discarding the drink later, it’s okay. I won’t be hurt. Just the act of giving something to Eunsoo made me feel stronger.

After all, it’s a step forward from yesterday.

“Go for it! I can do this!”

I clenched my fist and shouted a cheer to myself.

Part of what I told Eunsoo was true.

I had a significant plan to execute today.

“Hello. What brings you here?”

“I’m Yang Heewoon from Special A Team. I’m here to apply for a transfer.”

“A transfer request, correct?”

“Yes. Please process it.”

“Alright, please wait a moment.”

The first step of my “Three Brats Reform Project” is what I call the “Fix the barn after losing the cow” strategy.

In the original story, Eunsoo used this method. The strategy is simple: apply for a transfer and throw the documents at my team members.

It’s to show them that I’m not someone they can take for granted.

“When Eunsoo threw the transfer papers at the three brats, it was such a thrilling moment!”

People often forget the value of someone they see as always being there.

So it’s good to give them a wake-up call.

There’s nothing more exhilarating than watching someone realize how valuable you are when they’re about to lose you.

However, this plan isn’t without flaws. There’s a critical issue.

I am not Ye Eunsoo.

Eunsoo didn’t really miss those three, but I do.

It’s not just about feelings; I have very personal and practical reasons to need them.

“They’ll hold me back… won’t they?”

Once a seed of doubt takes root, it quickly grows.

Ye Eunsoo is an irreplaceable S-class guide. Even if he humbles herself a bit, it wouldn’t hurt his pride too much.

But Yang Heewoon is only a B-class guide. Would they really care if I leave?

They are elite, wealthy, and from prestigious families.

Even without the S-class Esper title, they’re formidable.

Would they really succumb to my threat?

My hand, holding the coffee milk, started to tremble.

“Calm down. This is all part of the plan.”

In the original, after Yang Heewoon died and Eunsoo was rescued and joined the Special A Team, the position of their exclusive guide remained vacant for just two months.

And for Espers, that’s a significant amount of time.

Their hostile emotions could harm any interim guide, making it almost impossible for anyone to take the position temporarily.

Even if someone did, they wouldn’t go as far as Yang Heewoon in guiding them.

The longer they go without guidance, the fewer guides willing to take on the accumulated impurities.

Thus, they’d be the ones to suffer.

Moreover, this is the period before the S-class guide Ye Eunsoo is known to exist.

They have to miss me.

If they don’t… I’m doomed.

“To confirm the transfer, you’ll need the signatures of all team members. Also…”

While I was nervously wiping my face, the documents were printed.

I accepted the crisp papers.

“Thank you.”

I bowed my head and stepped out with the documents.

It was time for the grand declaration: “I can’t stand you guys anymore. I’m moving teams, so take note.”

I took out my device and stared at the screen, taking a deep breath.

As I started to compose the message, I overheard voices from inside.

“So Yang Heewoon is finally leaving.”

It was a short sentence, but I could sense the hostility aimed at me.

Instinctively, I stopped and focused on the conversation.

“What? Yang Heewoon is really leaving the team?”

“Yeah. He lasted long enough.”

“I’ve always wondered, was he sticking around for the money or trying to seduce one of the three? There are so many guides trying to seduce Espers because they believe in the ‘body follows the heart’ theory.”

“Haha, doesn’t matter. If he seduces one of them, money follows anyway.”

Why is this body unnecessarily sensitive to sound?

Despite the closed door, their conversation was crystal clear. Sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss.

“Well, it’s true Yang Heewoon stayed in Special A Team for the money.”

This part didn’t bother me much.

Whatever they say, I only have to endure for six months.

As an ordinary citizen, I don’t care about my reputation, so I’m indifferent to what the world says about me after I die.

However… their conversation didn’t end with Yang Heewoon.

“What now? Who will be the exclusive guide for Special A Team?”

“Exactly! It’s driving me crazy… No one can handle those monstrous emotions for long… We can’t leave them without a guide for too long.”

“S-class Espers… without proper management, they’re just S-class disasters, aren’t they? Rex and Elliot were sent here because they were too difficult for their home countries to manage.”

“Sometimes, they’re scary. They’re like ticking time bombs.”

“Sometimes, they’re just a nuisance. Why can’t they just go back to their home countries? I think Junseong is enough.”

At this point, it was hard to listen.

I closed my device and took a deep breath, trying to calm down.

“I must endure. I must, endure. I must endure…”

That’s what I thought in my head.

But unfortunately, my body wasn’t listening to my head’s commands and was already moving.

  • Clunk.

I opened the door and walked in.

“Hey, don’t worry. You don’t need to find new people. I respect all three team members and will continue to stay with Special Team A.”

It seemed they didn’t realize I was listening, as they looked startled and blankly stared at me.

I put on the friendliest face I could and smiled warmly.

“And remember, espers usually use their abilities when a gate opens to deal with monsters or when they are sent out to save others. They use their powers to help others despite the risks of going berserk. Don’t take the peace they’ve created for granted and start complaining about ‘time bombs’ or whatever. Especially, those three will never go berserk. I hope you don’t waste unnecessary time fantasizing and worrying about something that will never happen.”

  • Bang!

As soon as I finished speaking, I slammed the door shut without realizing it.

“I’ve really done it now…”

Trying to lecture someone who enjoys badmouthing others won’t make them reflect on their actions. What I just said will probably just give them more material for gossip.

Ugh, I sighed and ruffled my hair.

“What does it matter? It’s only going to be six months at most.”

I hope they won’t be petty enough to skip my funeral or contribute a small amount of condolence money just because of what I said.

It’s not like I said anything I shouldn’t have. I was confident.

I deliberately straightened my posture and tried to appear dignified. Even if no one else noticed, I wanted to be true to myself…



Someone was watching.

Cha Junseong.

At the end of the hallway on the other side, Cha Junseong was standing, looking directly at me. He even had a slightly surprised expression on his face, which seemed out of character.

‘Why, of all times, is that guy here?’

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1 month ago

Cha Junseong be like, so this is how I fell in love to your mama 😻

26 days ago


26 days ago


7 days ago

Love at first sight😭

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