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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

Sole Omega in an Alpha Family chapter 2

* * *

While Jungin was lost in thought, he missed his chance to wake up.

What should he do now?

Time passed as the doctor left the room.

He couldn’t keep pretending to sleep forever. Not knowing what time it was and realizing he couldn’t stay here indefinitely, Jungin decided to stop pretending.

Just as he was about to slowly open his eyes, he felt a warm hand tightly holding his own. This warmth—it was definitely his older brother, Jungjin. But why was Jungjin holding his hand and not someone else’s?

“I thought everything was going to be fine… why is it like this…”

Something felt off. Jungin thought his brother was just being kind because they were family, but it was too much.

Why was he crying, holding onto him like this?

Jungin’s heart felt strange. Perhaps it was because no one had ever worried about him like this before. Jungjin’s deep sigh turned into quiet sobbing, and Jungin couldn’t push him away. He softly called out Jungin’s name for a long time before quietly leaving the room when someone else called him.

“Ha… ngh.”

Jungin moved his shaky legs and quickly headed to the bathroom. Something was definitely wrong.

This sense of unease had been building up, and Jungin felt like he needed to look in the mirror to figure it out.

Just walking to the bathroom made him feel out of breath.

“Haah, huh—”

Why was it so hard to walk? Sure, he had just woken up, but still…

Panting heavily, he barely managed to open the bathroom door and step inside, and then he saw a familiar face.

He knew it. Phew…

The tension in his body released when he saw the familiar face. A small laugh escaped, and he reached out to him.

“Hey, Jungin, why are you in the bathro—”

Wait a second. Why is he copying my every move?

A chill ran down his spine as he furrowed his brows, and the reflection’s face twisted in the same way.

“Haha… Have I finally lost my mind?”

Jungin reached out to the figure, but his hand touched cold glass.

“…A mirror.”

The space where he thought Jungin was standing was actually a wall covered in mirrors. That meant the person he was seeing wasn’t Jungin—it was him.

“I’ve… become Jungin?”

What was this?

Jungin clenched his trembling fingers into a fist and blinked rapidly.

This wasn’t some novel or movie where he’d switch bodies with someone else.

Where was his original body? Where was Jungin?

The more he thought about it, the more a throbbing headache began to set in.

“Ah, my head…”

At that moment, his legs gave out.

As he fell, he knocked over a shelf, and items clattered loudly to the floor.

Lying on the cold bathroom floor, squinting in pain, Jungin heard someone banging on the door from outside.

“Jungin! Sweetheart!”

“J-just a moment…”

This was crazy. Why couldn’t he stand up? How did ‘Jungin’ live in a body like this?

Gritting his teeth, Jungin tried to lift himself up, but his body wouldn’t cooperate.

Impatient, Jungin’s brothers broke the door down and rushed into the bathroom.

“Sweetheart, are you okay? Let me see if you’re hurt. Jungwoo, call Dr. Choi immediately.”

Looking concerned, one of them reached out to help, but Jungin flinched and pulled away.

Still, one of them managed to scoop him up in his arms before he realized it, lifting him like he weighed nothing.

“I already called him. The floor is too cold for Jungin. Let’s get him back to bed.”

Cradled in his arms, Jungin noticed the man’s jaw trembling slightly.

As they left the bathroom, the other brother followed behind, shouting with an anxious expression.

“Look at his arm, it’s all scratched up! I told you to get rid of anything dangerous. This fragile kid keeps getting hurt!”

Jungin looked down at his stinging arm and saw a tiny scratch on his pale skin.

‘Wow, they’re really making a fuss over something so small.’

The brothers, all taller and bulkier than average, surrounded him.

Jungin felt like the life was being drained out of him in this situation he had never experienced before.

‘Is this how Jungin has been living?’

Where should he even begin to explain? His lips felt heavy, refusing to move.

Pretending not to hear them, Jungin kept his eyes closed, but they started panicking, thinking he had passed out, forcing him to open his eyes and look at them.

“Don’t worry, little one. If you get a scar, I’ll take care of it. Hell, if it’s bad, I’ll give you a skin graft!”

“Jungseo, quiet.”

“Yeah, if you’re going to talk nonsense, shut up. You’re going to make Jungin’s ears bleed.”

Jungin was already about to lose his mind, so their intervention gave him some relief.

But judging by the way the youngest of the brothers acted, he wasn’t someone to be taken lightly.

“Aren’t you guys worried that Jungin got hurt? And second brother, didn’t you say you had plans? The eldest is busy with work too. I’ll stay here, so you two should leave.”

“I’m not going anywhere.”

“Me neither. Jungseo, don’t you need to study? Your exams are coming up soon, aren’t they?”

Jungin was right—this guy was the third brother.

“Since when did you guys care about my grades?”

“I don’t think you should be saying that.”

Their argument started to spiral again, and Jungin could feel himself losing patience.

Honestly, he wished someone would knock him out already.

He should have been hit on the head with the shampoo bottle earlier, not his arm.

Just then, the medical team rushed into the room, and Jungin sighed in relief, secretly glad the situation had finally calmed down.

“What’s the condition?”

“It’s… just minor bruising. He should be fine by tomorrow.”

“He collapsed in the bathroom. Shouldn’t you do a brain scan?”

No, please stop overreacting… Judging by the way the doctor looked, they probably wanted to say,

‘Why are we making such a big deal out of this?’

“It’s not good to be exposed to radiation too often. Let’s monitor him for a day and decide on the next steps.”

“Yes, let’s do that.”

“The treatment is complete, sir.”

As the doctor got up, having disinfected and applied ointment to the small scratch on Jungin’s arm, Jungin felt a wave of embarrassment.

“Thank… you…”

With his face flushed red, Jungin bowed his head in thanks, hiding his face under the blanket until the medical team left the room.

In all his 19 years of life, Jungin had never received such treatment.

His hands and feet curled from the awkwardness.

“I’ll stay with him tonight.”

“No, you should go study.”

“Aren’t you two supposed to go to work? I’m free tomorrow.”

With a smirk twisting on his lips, the third brother shrugged his shoulders while looking at his eldest and second brothers.

But wait a second… Are they really planning to stay… here?

It wasn’t like he was in critical condition.

Were Lee Jungin’s brothers always this overprotective?

But wait, didn’t Lee Jungin say his family didn’t care about him at all?

‘Alright, for now, I’ll just pretend to be Lee Jungin. Who knows, maybe by tomorrow things will go back to normal.’

After much deliberation, he had come to a conclusion.

The best course of action was to stay calm and do nothing until his original body woke up.

There’s always that kind of thing, right?

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  1. Alreign says:

    No way a sibling acts like that

  2. Zed25 says:

    They’re all bro cons

  3. Dee says:


  4. Shi_Wo2024 says:


  5. kaiss says:


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