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GTLTGIDES chapter 57

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“Cha Junseong told me to check on you. Elliot seemed busy today, so he asked me to see how you were and let him know.”

“Oh… Junseong did…”

“Hey, by the way. I heard some esper bastard threw you against a wall? Who the hell did that? Who’s the bastard that hurt you?”

‘He doesn’t know who did it yet.’

It seemed he didn’t know that Cha Younghwan was the one who threw me.

That was a huge relief.

If hot-tempered Rex found out, it would put Cha Junseong in a very difficult position.


“Heewoon, I asked who did it. Seriously, just let me get one good punch in…”

“Instead of getting angry, could you hold me?”

“What? Huh? What?”

“Hold me.”

I repeated myself, extending my arms toward Rex.

He stood there with his mouth hanging open, making a dumb sound.

Then, as if coming to his senses, he nodded.

“Oh, that kind of ‘hold you’… I thought…”

What kind of ‘hold you’ did he think I meant?

Lately, there’s been more and more subtle suggestions beyond just being a “kitchen guy,” hasn’t there?

For a moment, I was bewildered, but before I could say anything, he wrapped me in his arms just as I wanted, and I lost the chance to ask.


But as he held me, his broad chest was so warm that it made me feel better.

Rex was always warm.

Sometimes, too warm, which could be a problem, but today I needed that warmth, so it was okay.

In fact, it couldn’t be just warmth like this.

“Rex, I’ll guide you.”

“I don’t need it. I didn’t come for that.”

“No. I want to do it.”

A truly perverse thought, but… I wished my body would hurt.

I wanted it to hurt so much that I couldn’t think of anything else.

I tugged at Rex’s clothes and looked up at him, trying to convey as much urgency as I could.

“Right now, I just want to think about you.”

“Damn it, you… crazy Yang Heewoon!”

As soon as he heard my words, Rex’s face turned bright red, and he let out a shout before pulling my face close and pressing his lips to mine.


The moment our lips parted, his mindscape, boiling like molten lava, surged over me like a wave.

It felt like it would melt me away without leaving a trace.

I almost pushed him away instinctively but managed to resist the impulse.

The heat that had been searing my skin slowly gathered around my chest.

It seeped into my heart, making it burn red hot.

It felt like I was carrying the sun in my chest instead of a heart, drying out my blood and shriveling my cells.

Parched by the sensation, I greedily swallowed Rex’s saliva as it flowed into my mouth.

However, even the pain from Rex’s mindscape couldn’t fully break the chain of awful thoughts.

As soon as our lips parted and the heat began to subside, dark thoughts crept back into my mind.

I hadn’t achieved my goal, but it didn’t matter. It was enough to have an excuse.


I couldn’t hold back the sobs any longer.

Luckily, Eunsoo was asleep. I couldn’t stop the tears, but I didn’t want to show my weakness in front of the child I had to protect.

I buried my face in Rex’s chest and clutched his clothes tightly.

“I really didn’t ask for much…”

As a transmigrator, someone who had already lived a previous life that ended too soon, I accepted this new life as another short one.

I didn’t cling to life; I thought I was living modestly without desire.

I wasn’t greedy for money. If I had used my knowledge of the original work to invest in stocks or other ventures, I could have amassed a fortune.

But I didn’t. I only did what I could as “Yang Heewoon.”

I tried to live as quietly as possible, ensuring my existence didn’t negatively impact this world.

“I just wanted Eunsoo and the three members of Special Team A to be a little happier…”

Just one thing.

If I was greedy, it was that I wished for the happiness of the people I cared about.

Was that too big a mistake?

Was it too presumptuous for an extra, an outsider from another world, to try to change the lives of the main characters?

“Then why does it keep turning out like this…”

What did I do that was so terrible to deserve this?

Why did Eunsoo lose the powerful ally of “Polwel” and end up being threatened instead?

Why did Eunsoo have to hear that he must help Jake Polwel avoid punishment for his crimes?

Even worse… why does that damned bastard’s disgrace have to fall on innocent Eunsoo?

The world of “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” that I love is one where, despite countless absurdities, those who do not lose their light uphold their own justice.

I loved “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” for that, but…

“If that’s the case, it would have been better…”

It would have been better not to transmigrate. I didn’t want to see a work I love get ruined.

These weak thoughts keep creeping in, causing me pain.

“I love you.”

Rex, who had been silently listening to me since holding me, suddenly spoke up.

And the content… It was enough to paralyze my mind for a moment.


“Wow, look at that expression. You didn’t even see it coming, did you? Didn’t I give enough hints?”

“…Are you serious about this?”

“Of course! Why would I ask you to sleep with me if I didn’t like you?”


Come to think of it, that made sense.

No, no.

There was a reason I let that slide.

“Wasn’t it just about giving it a shot?”

“No, you idiot. If I was looking for something casual, I would’ve found someone outside. Who in their right mind throws themselves at a coworker? I’m not some reckless guy who just pulls down his pants without thinking.”



As immature as Rex can be, he doesn’t live recklessly.

He’s had a hard time since coming from abroad and being a public figure, so he’s always managed his reputation carefully.

Even if he runs his mouth, he doesn’t mess around with his body.

That must be why.

I’ve been so focused on the fact that I’m terminal that I didn’t think much about how messy things could get, thinking it would only last a few months anyway.

Suddenly, my face started to heat up.

‘Wait a minute. Is it okay for me to be like this?’

He’s still Rex, but somehow, he feels different.

The warmth surrounding my body, the firmness of it, the way his muscles twitch with even the slightest movement—it all feels different from usual.


Even the way he says my name somehow feels sweet… It’s making my head spin.

“I don’t know why you’re saying that, but… I’m happy when I’m with you. Your presence is my happiness. Isn’t that enough? Is it not enough?”


I bit my lip hard.

Just being confessed to was overwhelming enough, but Rex’s words were filled with affection for me.

I’ve never received affection from others—no family, no friends—so I don’t even have the capacity to handle it. It was clearly an overload.

I blinked slowly, avoiding the situation by lowering my head.

Then Rex asked again.

“Am I not enough for you?”

“You’re more than enough.”

How could he not be? If anything, it’s too much.

Thank you. I’m so grateful I don’t know what to do.

It’s not even like you confessed just because you wanted to.

You said it to encourage me because I was so unsure of myself.

“Thank you… for liking someone like me.”

“Hey. Why do you talk like that… You’re really pissing me off. I have high standards!”

“Ah, okay…”

“What’s with that look? I’m serious. I mean it.”

No matter how much Rex protested, the fact remained.

Yang Heewoon is definitely not someone who is objectively attractive.

It’s not like I have a great body, background, or outstanding abilities…

There’s nothing about me that stands out, so I don’t get why he’s saying this.

‘But wasn’t Rex supposed to have high standards…?’

Is this like when Polwel suddenly turned his back on Eunsoo?

It’s one thing to lower your standards…

Should I be relieved that he’s seeing the world with fewer prejudices, or should I be worried about my pride?

But the fact that Eunsoo’s future husband has lower standards…

As his guardian, it’s a bit hard to forgive.

Doesn’t that mean the chances of him cheating are higher?

It would be nice if his standards were as high as they were in the original…

What do I do…

“Ha, damn it. Stop giving me that pitying look. It’s pissing me off.”

“I’m sorry. It’s just that my heart hurts too much…”

“Oh, come on, seriously! Fine! Forget it! Then…”

Rex, frustrated, ruffled his hair before grabbing my cheeks with both hands.

Then, in a voice lower and heavier than usual, he asked.

“Should we start dating?”


“…Heewoon, didn’t you feel a wave of emotions after my confession? You rejected me without hesitation… You didn’t even think about it…”


Rex is Eunsoo’s man.

The idea of us dating never even crossed my mind.

I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that he confessed to me, let alone think about dating him.


“I was genuinely moved. Thank you for saying you love me. And thank you even more for saying I make you happy…”

My gloomy mood had lifted. I felt like a sunflower raising its head, warmed by the sunlight that is Rex.

Both my body and heart felt warm.

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4 days ago

Well i suppose I get it now. He is addicted to pain. Thats why his behaviour are often illogical.

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not work with dark mode