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Living as a Butler to the Northern Duke chapter 13

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“I’d rather just remain a passing character in the lives of the Grand Duke and Ronen.”

Ed pulled the blanket up, covering his lower body as if pulling up a net.

He decided to push the troubling thoughts aside and get some more sleep.

“…YoungYoung Master Ronen, you should discuss that later with His Grace…”

Just then, there was a knock at the door.


When Ronen responded, the door opened.

Ed realized that Ronen’s circumstances had changed. In the past, no one would have dared open the door without permission, whether Ronen was there or not.

At the same time, Ed’s eyes narrowed. The man with light purple hair who entered was not unfamiliar.

‘Ah, with that hair color, it’s obviously Jaynon.’

Noticing Ed’s gaze fixed on Jaynon, Ronen introduced him.

“Oh, Ed. This is one of Asnel’s men. He’ll be helping out until you’re fully recovered.”

“You mean me?”

“Yeah. He’ll cook your soup and even change your bedding.”

Normally, Jaynon was not the type of person who would serve anyone.

He was intelligent, highly loyal, and resourceful, which had quickly earned him a position as the Grand Duke’s right-hand man.

Under normal circumstances, Jaynon would never be tied down by such menial tasks.

He had even insisted on going to the battlefield, only to be left behind to guard the North by the Grand Duke… Ed’s gaze shifted to the large bandage on Jaynon’s forehead.

‘Looks like the Grand Duke found out he was hiding my letters.’

“Are you personally making the soup?”

“Yes, Ed. I am Jaynon, a subordinate of the Grand Duke Asnel. I will do my utmost to ensure your recovery.”

Jaynon answered as he placed the tray of food down.

This wasn’t his usual demeanor. He was normally cold and sharp, with a cynical edge, never one to bow his head to anyone.

If the Grand Duke hadn’t saved him as an orphan, he might have died in some back alley long ago.

“Is that so?”


As Jaynon bent over to set down the tray, Ed whispered to him.

“So, how many letters did you hide?”

If Jaynon hadn’t hidden the letters, there would have been no need to consume the poison.

And then, he wouldn’t have had that disturbing dream last night.

That’s why Ed decided to make Jaynon his first target. The cold and sweet taste of his first revenge.


“I sent more than 30 letters.”

“You sent 8 letters.”

“So you did hide them, didn’t you?”

Jaynon’s brow furrowed slightly.

“Out of the letters you hid, how many did the Grand Duke find?”


Since there was no response, it seemed that not all the hidden letters had been discovered by the Grand Duke.

If Ed had more letters discovered by the Grand Duke, his already considerable leverage could become even more powerful.

If he revealed the truth to the Grand Duke, the bandage on Jaynon’s forehead might need to be even bigger.

Ed turned his gaze to Ronen, smiling faintly.

“YoungYoung Master Ronen, I was about to suggest something before we were interrupted. I think I should rest for about three months and then head to the North.”

Of course, he didn’t actually intend to stay at Count Herrin’s estate for that long.

“Oh! Got it, Ed.”

“I just thought it would be better to wait until I’m fully recovered before traveling. The journey to the North isn’t exactly short.”

Jaynon’s brow furrowed deeply at Ed’s words.

It wasn’t good for the Grand Duke to leave the northern fortress unattended for too long.

What was initially planned as a ten-day trip, or at most two weeks, might be extended longer than expected, causing Jaynon’s mind to race.

However, Ronen, unaware of this, nodded enthusiastically.

“Yeah! Yeah! Let’s do that.”

Seeing Ronen nodding without questioning anything made Jaynon’s expression turn hollow.

Suppressing a smile, Ed picked up his spoon. It was time to taste the soup Jaynon had brought.

Jaynon, who had grown up alone and secretly followed the Grand Duke into war, had a knack for cooking. He was quick and skilled at making delicious food.

As Ed tasted the soup, the description from the novel made perfect sense.

‘It’s warm and tasty.’

However, Ed quickly put down the spoon. Meeting Jaynon’s gaze, he said,

“Hmm, the soup is too salty.”

“What? This unsalted soup is salty?”

“Yes, so I’d appreciate it if you could make it again.”


Jaynon sighed softly, scratching his forehead with a troubled expression.

“…And you’re planning to say the soup is bland next time, aren’t you?”

As expected, he was sharp and quick-witted.

“No, I was going to say it’s too watery.”

Jaynon’s brow crumpled further as he awkwardly laughed.

Ed’s first target for revenge, Jaynon, was in for a hard time.

Bubbles floated gently in the bathtub. The water up to Ed’s chest was warm.

‘Maybe I was too harsh.’

Using a power that wasn’t even mine.

But Ed shook his head.

‘…Still, I was bedridden for days, so compared to that, it was a light punishment. I only tormented Jaynon for one day.’

It didn’t make up for being poisoned, but seeing Jaynon’s grim expression eased some of the frustration in Ed’s heart.

He wasn’t one to take pleasure in others’ misfortune, but a little bit of payback felt justified.

If only Jaynon had shown the letters to the Grand Duke right away, this wouldn’t have happened.

Of course, there were many who used Ronen as bait to spread false information, and even the royal family spread false news about holding Ronen, so he could understand Jaynon’s hesitation.

Ed sank deeper into the tub. The pink bath salts released cream-like bubbles.

This wasn’t the small hut’s bathroom but a large bathroom in the main residence of the Count’s estate.

The Count and his wife, who had suddenly taken an interest in Ed, had given him a room in the main house.

It was a room on the second floor of the main residence, which they normally wouldn’t have offered even if they had plenty of rooms available.

Ronen’s room had also been moved to the second floor of the main residence—a large, spacious room.

“I’ll be indebted to you while Ed recovers his health.”

It turned out that the Count and his wife had made the change to appease the Grand Duke, who had taken an interest in Ed.

Even if Ed waved off such gestures, they would still go out of their way to appease him.

‘Staying at the Count’s estate for a while longer, causing some discomfort to the Count and his wife, and dealing with those who harassed Ronen might not be a bad idea.’

The rose scent from the bath salts tickled his nose.

It felt strange to be soaking like this at a time when he would normally be busy preparing lunch.

Feeling the need to do something, Ed splashed the water.

It was the day he decided to give those who troubled Ronen a taste of their own medicine.

Outside the bathroom, Jaynon was waiting.

Perhaps due to his ill-suited role as a servant, dark circles had formed under his eyes.

Starting today, meals were to be taken in the main dining hall, which meant Ed could finally leave his bed after six days.

“Ed, I’ll escort you to the dining hall.”

“Yes, thank you, Jaynon.”

Following him, Ed felt the smooth marble floor cling to his shoes.

‘Even the stairs in the main residence are different.’

Not a creak, not a sound.

Stepping down the polished stairs and into the first-floor hallway, they reached the large doors of the main dining hall, where Ronen was waiting.


Even from a distance, Ed couldn’t help but be impressed. Clothes really do make the man.

It had only been a few days since the Grand Duke and Ronen had reunited, but Ronen had already gained some weight, and his face had regained its color.

Dressed in a sharp suit rather than his usual shabby attire, Ronen’s beauty shone brightly.

In the original work, it was said that not even the most beautiful people of the century could compare to Ronen’s appearance, and now that sentiment truly resonated.

Ronen, having spotted Ed, came running towards him.

Even though he ran all the way from the end of the hallway to here, the ill-fitting clothes didn’t hinder his stride.

“You look truly amazing, Young Master Ronen.”

At Ed’s compliment, Ronen’s ears turned a bright red.

His cheeks, already flushed from running, grew even redder.

“E-Ed, you look amazing too!”

“Thank you.”

Ed bowed slightly in gratitude.

Ronen looked up at him with a bright smile and held out the gift he had been carrying.

“Here, this is for you.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a bouquet made of candy and chocolates. A get-well-soon gift. I made mine with Sir Irtel, and this one was made by Brother Asnel.”

As Ronen handed over the candy-filled bundle with both hands, Ed was momentarily speechless.

Receiving a gift for recovering from an illness…

This was the first time he’d ever been given something for such a reason.

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14 days ago

I’m getting second hand embarrassment😭

9 days ago

did the dream really happen or 😭 this is so crazy

6 days ago

Ronen is such a sweetheart

6 days ago

BASTA es demasiado tierno Ronen

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