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Not to Me, But to the Fans chapter 5

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[Didy Weekly = Reporter Kim Chunok]

The rising agency Q2P Entertainment is launching a new boy group. T

he 5-member boy group ‘4ever’ has revealed nothing about themselves except their name, stirring up curiosity.

Will they rise as the new rookie stars of K-POP? Time will tell.

[Photo credit = Q2P Entertainment official SNS account]

Reporter Kim Chunok, Unauthorized reproduction and redistribution prohibited

It seemed like the CEO was going for that early 2000s vibe with the name “4ever.”

Jemin thought it was a bit tacky at first, but it was better than going back to OOO.

After a while, it didn’t seem so bad. Jemin felt like he was being brainwashed by the CEO’s taste.

“The reaction is even worse than last time.”

Jemin had been spreading the article in various communities, but when he saw the single-digit view count, he almost cried.

Most of those views probably came from people who accidentally clicked on the article while trying to open something else.

He even started wondering if debuting as “Longevity” would have left more of an impression.

“Sigh… Can I really be an idol like this?”

“How long are you going to be on the computer?”

Jemin was staring at his laptop, lost in thought.

Woohyung, who shared a room with him at the dorm, walked by and casually commented as he saw Jemin sighing deeply.

“You’re going to break the keyboard with all that sighing.”

Since they were stuck in the same room, they were constantly invading each other’s privacy, whether they liked it or not.

“It’s still under warranty, so don’t worry.”

“Why don’t you use that sighing time to practice?”

There was no way Woohyung would offer warm comfort. Annoyed by Woohyung’s pointed remark, Jemin stubbornly refused to close his laptop.

Seeing Woohyung shake his head in disdain made Jemin even more irritated.

‘Why is that jerk always looking for a reason to pick a fight with me?’

Jemin didn’t want to be a pushover, so he shot back with words, knowing he’d lose in a physical confrontation.

He aimed for a peaceful, non-violent exchange, though his tone was anything but peaceful.

“How can I practice in this cramped dorm?”

“Dancing isn’t the only thing you can practice. You can practice singing, work on your facial expressions, or study other idol performances.”

“If I practice singing at this hour, the neighbors will complain.”

“With your weak voice, that’s not likely, so you can practice without worry.”

Jemin couldn’t stand Woohyung’s constant jabs. Without responding, he continued searching the internet, purposely ignoring Woohyung.

[Recent searches]






Yoo Jemin


Jemin searched Woohyung on the portal site displayed on his laptop. He wanted to leave a long string of curses in response to posts asking about Woohyung’s whereabouts.

But Jemin held back with extreme patience, knowing that if Woohyung later took legal action against malicious commenters, he couldn’t afford to be caught as a member of the same group.

Especially since that jerk would never show any mercy.

“It’s impossible to practice comfortably with you in the room.”

“That’s a pretty uncomfortable thing to say.”

“That’s because I meant for it to be uncomfortable.”

The only furniture in the room was two metal beds, one for each of them, pushed against opposite walls, but the room was so small that the distance between them was too close for comfort.

It was a problem because they didn’t want to get any closer to each other.

“And this is monitoring. Aren’t you curious about people’s reactions?”

Jemin pointed to his laptop. Woohyung glanced at him, then turned away, scribbling something in his notebook. It looked like he was writing lyrics.

“Ignorance is bliss. Why bother, just to end up sighing for an hour like you?”

Woohyung had a talent for making even the most neutral statements sound irritating.

The contract period was seven years, and the thought of being in the same group with him for that long gave Jemin a headache.

No matter how he looked at it, he had a strong feeling the company would ask to terminate his contract in a year or two.

‘Or maybe Woohyung will violate the contract and leave first.’

Jemin found himself hoping Woohyung would just quit the group on his own.

4ever Official @_4ever_official

#4ever #Jemin

Teaser) Member Profile 1


Jemin was the first member to be revealed, even though he thought they’d release profiles in order of age.

Normally, the first and last members revealed generate the most buzz, but Jemin was the one revealed first.

“Wouldn’t it have been better to reveal Woohyung first?”

Being the first member to be revealed was a burden. He wasn’t even one of the main members, so he wondered why they chose him to go first.

He couldn’t figure out the CEO’s intentions at all. It felt like they were just releasing them in the order they had been saved recently.

“Well, I kind of agree with you.”

As expected, Woohyung chimed in with his annoying tone.

“Still, it’s the spotlight, so be grateful.”

“I just said it humbly, so why are you acting like I was bragging?”

Jemin regretted briefly trying to be nice to Woohyung.

That jerk should just stay unrevealed forever.

“Let’s not fight.”

Yoonbin regretted not stopping Jemin and Woohyung from talking in the first place.

Yoo Jemin (24) 178cm


“Why did they choose this photo?”

The problem wasn’t just that the photo didn’t do him justice—it was that Jemin wasn’t good at using his face, making all his expressions and poses look awkward.

Despite being labeled as a “public member profile,” the only information provided was a photo, age, height, and position, making it rather unfriendly as a profile.

Moreover, in a rookie male idol scene flooded with seventeen-year-olds, being twenty-four isn’t exactly an advantage, so one wonders why they even bothered to include it.

“They boosted their height.”

“Everyone does that. A 1-2 cm difference is within the margin of error.”

“I wrote mine exactly as it is.”

“That’s unnecessary honesty.”

As expected, there was an embarrassing lack of response. I thought maybe the timing of the release was too awkward, so I waited until nighttime, but there was still no significant reaction.

Jemin refreshed the page endlessly, but the notification box remained quiet.

“Am I not showing up in searches?”

Just in case, Jemin searched for himself using a different account. He did appear in the results, but everyone was ignoring him.

Jemin created a few more secondary accounts just to like his own profile.

Even so, apart from his other accounts—Jemin No. 2, No. 3, and so on—there was no trace of anyone else interacting with his profile.


Finally, the silent notification box displayed a single alert. Jemin was grateful for even the smallest response.

It seemed someone had quoted Jemin’s profile post. He quickly accessed the account.

-What the hell @sowhat…..fxxk.

-Who the hell is this? Look at those baggy shorts, lol. Isn’t this just a massive ‘fxxk you’ to us? I wanna bite those thighs, huhu.

But it was a post that seemed to sexually harass Jemin. He had never heard such things directly before, so he just stared blankly with a dumbfounded expression.

“Jemin~ Someone said they wanna bite your thighs because your shorts are so baggy. What does that even mean?”

To make matters worse, James, who was scrolling through social media, cluelessly read the post aloud. The atmosphere in the dorm turned somber.

“…Should I ask the stylist to change my outfit?”

Yoonbin, noticing Jemin’s discomfort, quietly suggested this. Jemin shook his head, pretending to be unfazed.

“If I do that, even that person might leave.”

Jungwoo, who was listening nearby, was shocked by Jemin’s response. He was so surprised that he even spilled the water he was about to drink.

“How can you say that after hearing such disgusting words?”

Watching Jungwoo’s reaction, Jemin, who found it hard to understand, shouted back.

“A fan is still a fan!”

Unfortunately, except for that one person, no one else had given Jemin any significant attention.

That’s why he was desperate to hold on to even just one fan, even if they were the problematic type.

“A fan? If someone like that clung to me, I wouldn’t stand for it.”

“Even twisted affection is still affection. How can you sue a fan?”

“There are many ways to handle it without going as far as suing.”

Jemin, who believes that being a celebrity doesn’t mean only receiving love, and that love comes in many forms, couldn’t agree with Jungwoo’s point of view.

Meanwhile, Jungwoo couldn’t understand how Jemin could defend such a statement.

He wondered, “Is it okay to tolerate anything just because you want to be popular?”

“If you want to be an idol, you have to endure this much. Sure, there will be people who genuinely like you, but there will also be those who don’t. Can’t you at least satisfy that kind of desire?”

“You can fulfill fantasies, but you’re not a target for satisfying desires.”

Ironically, the account that sparked this heated debate, “sowhat,” was probably unaware that they had started such a controversy.

They had likely posted the comment and then moved on to fangirl over another idol.

“Well, I guess it doesn’t matter to you. After all, there’s probably no one who wants to do the same to you.”

Jemin’s attempt to attack Jungwoo was feeble at best. Jungwoo openly sneered at him.

“Yeah, sure. I’m so envious that you get those kinds of comments. Is that something you secretly wished for?”

“Jemin hyung, Woohyung, can you please stop fighting?”

Yoonbin intervened with a cracked voice. Being the leader was a tough role.

Seeing the weariness on Yoonbin’s face, both Jemin and Jungwoo felt guilty and stopped arguing, though sparks still flew whenever their eyes met.

Thanks to Yoonbin’s mediation, the fight entered a truce.

‘What can I do? It’s a shame to lose even one fan.’

Jemin thought Jungwoo was annoying for not understanding that having even a small, established fan base made a huge difference.

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15 days ago

There are 3 things Jemin requires right now. A boost in self-esteem, realize his self-worth and lastly, realize he has issues with his character an fix them.

I think being rejected and straying further from his dream has affected him psychologically and he needs to heal from that, but he also needs to understand that it doesn’t excuse his behavior.

Reply to  enibae
15 days ago

Hope he gets character development 🤞🏻

18 hours ago

Again, this guy can’t catch a break. This will further plummet his self-esteem.

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