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QHIM chapter 19- Fake Lily

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“Go ahead. I’m going to greet Lady Leila.”

Cedrick leaned down and whispered. Leila was the youngest princess of the imperial family and Cedrick’s fiancée. I nodded with a tense expression.

Cedrick, watching me closely, clicked his tongue.

“Twitty, Lily. Take good care of the Lady.”

“Yes, Young Duke.”

As Cedrick left, I found myself lost in the overwhelming grandeur of the palace.

The Great Hall of the Efilia Dukedom was already large and majestic, but the royal ballroom was far more lavish and beautiful.

Watching the nobles dressed in their finest from head to toe, I thought to myself.

“The 4th Prince is just a baby… yet they throw such a grand celebration for his birthday.”

Damn it, even though I’m trying not to, I feel so small.

As I stiffened, Lily glanced at me and whispered softly.

“My Lady, there’s some delicious party food over there. Would you like me to bring you some? I remember you enjoyed the desserts last time.”

“No, I think I’d feel sick if I ate anything.”

After all, there’s someone I need to find right now. I scanned the crowd for Revulin.

The pocket watch I had hidden in my glove was actually a gift for Archbishop Revulin.

Archbishop Revulin was one of the most influential figures in the empire at the moment. He was also a hero who had sealed the Great Demon Baal and saved the empire.

Due to his great reputation, the imperial family granted him the title and rank of Archbishop, entrusting him with the management of the temple.

“Luke gains Revulin’s trust by gifting him this pocket watch. Revulin used this pocket watch to save his daughter, Mia, who had become a heretic.”

Well, if it were a permanently powerful pocket watch, I would have kept it for myself. But the power of Maya contained in this watch could only be used by someone with considerable holy power.

Rather than carrying it around like a useless burden and getting caught up in danger, it was much better to give it to Revulin and gain his trust.

The reason I’m trying so hard to get in Revulin’s good graces is because the Saintess Test is judged by 12 Archbishops, and whether I pass or fail depends on their judgment.

Among those Archbishops, Revulin had the most influence. I needed to catch his attention. Jeanne didn’t have particularly strong holy powers, so I was going to use a loophole. I overheard murmurs around me.

“Isn’t that the adopted daughter of the Efilia Dukedom? She’s beautiful. How can I look so much like a doll?”

“Her beauty is as remarkable as the rumors say. She’s stunning.”

There were, of course, favorable gazes directed at Jeanne, but,

“She’s just a Sacre. How could I come to a place like this without knowing her place?”

“She must’ve thrown a tantrum about wanting to come. The rumor that she’s a troublesome adopted daughter must be true.”

I felt the malicious gazes more keenly.

Everyone was pretending not to, but they were all paying attention to Jeanne, who was making his first appearance at an official event.

My heart was pounding fast.

“This is bad. I’m so nervous, my body is trembling.”

I clenched my trembling hands tightly. In the original story, Jeanne was practically ostracized among the nobles. Those curious glances could easily turn into contemptuous glares in an instant.

“Lady Jeanne, Daughter of Duke Carlotte Efilia, isn’t it?”

I was startled and turned around at the hand that grabbed my shoulder. The man who saw my frightened expression looked puzzled. Awkwardly smiling, he bowed his head politely.

“I’ve been wanting to meet you, and it’s an honor to finally do so.”

“And you are…?”

“Ah, I am Derek Ratselk, the eldest son of Baron Ratselk.”

As he introduced himself, my eyes widened. My fists clenched automatically.

“Derek Ratselk…”

Derek Ratselk, he was the man who approached Jeanne when he was feeling neglected by Carlisle.

When everyone else disparaged Jeanne as a villainess, he was the only one who spoke kindly to Jeanne. A smile spread across my face.

“I’ve heard a lot about you too. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Haha, I’m honored that you know of me. By the way… if you don’t have a partner, would you care to dance with me later?”

“Well… I appreciate the offer, but I’m not feeling well today.”

If I’ve turned him down this politely, he should leave. Smiling after not smiling for so long made my cheeks twitch.

Derek, who had been gazing at me with a slick look, placed his hand on his chest and whispered.

“I have a villa in Sacre. Contrary to the rumors, it’s quite a beautiful and magnificent island.”

“……Is that so? I’m glad to hear you think so highly of my hometown.”

“Of course, it’s the birthplace of such a beautiful lady like you. If you’re willing, I’d love to spend the upcoming summer vacation in Sacre with just the two of us.”

Just as in the original, he was the kind of guy who could talk your ear off without batting an eye.

I stared at Derek for a moment, then smiled harmlessly. He must have thought I gave my consent because he laughed heartily.

I turned away with a displeased expression.

‘He flattered me to my face and then spread nasty rumors about Jeanne behind my back. Thanks to him, gossip about things Jeanne never did spread through high society in no time.’

Jeanne, who was abandoned by Duke Carlotte and thrown out of his home, once sought out Derek, the man who had once whispered promises of forever.

But Derek, as if he had never been kind to Jeanne, said this:

[Did you really think I showered you with all those expensive gifts because I loved you? Not at all! My father only pushed me to do so to get on Duke Carlotte’s good side.]

Derek didn’t stop at insults; he spat on Jeanne as I lay on the ground.

[How pathetic. Next time, know your place. Stick to your level, you lowly Sacre native.]

At the time, these lines were meant to be cathartic for the readers, but from Jeanne’s perspective, they were deeply unfair.

After all, I didn’t choose to be born in Sacre.

After abandoning Jeanne, Derek spread vile rumors in high society.

He claimed Jeanne seduced commoners every night, that I was skilled in curses and poison magic—nasty rumors like that.

‘Should I be kind to someone who might stab me in the back?’

I stared at Derek expressionlessly and sighed. I didn’t hold any particular grudge against him, but knowing the future, I wanted nothing to do with him.

Hiding my complicated feelings, I forced myself to respond warmly.

“I appreciate the thought, but if rumors spread that we’re together, it won’t reflect well on you. I don’t want my poor background to affect you negatively.”


“Why not look for a young lady more suited to your level? Someone who would be a better match for you.”

After finishing my words, I let a mocking smile slip across my lips. Derek froze, realizing the true meaning behind my words.

It might have sounded like I was belittling myself, but in reality, I was putting him down.

What was lacking in Jeanne, the duke’s daughter, that I would be interested in a mere baron’s son?

Maintaining the image of a noble lady was important, but I had no desire to get close to the one responsible for Jeanne’s isolation in noble society.

A shadow loomed over Derek’s frozen figure.

“What’s going on here?”

Cedrick looked down at Derek with a detached gaze.

Derek wasn’t unattractive, but standing next to Cedrick, he looked like a dwarf.

Stammering, Derek tried to respond.

“Cedrick, sir! It’s been a while since the last banquet. Ah, you might not remember me, but I’m the eldest son of the Ratselk family….”

“Did I ask you about your background?”

Cedrick’s cold tone made Derek’s eyes waver. In the tense atmosphere, I grabbed Cedrick’s arm and smiled brightly.

Seeing my artificial smile, Cedrick frowned as if displeased. Ignoring him, I continued to play the role of the clueless lady.

“Cedrick, Derek was kindly offering to be my dance partner.”

“……A dance partner?”

“Yes, and he even wants to take me to his villa in Sacre for the summer vacation. Just the two of us.”

The moment I emphasized the words “just the two of us,” Cedrick’s eyes darkened.

As my revelations continued, Derek’s face turned pale.

‘I’ve said enough for Cedrick to get the hint. Surely he knows that saying such things to a newly adult lady is less of a kindness and more of a flirtation. How little must he think of Jeanne to believe she’d fall for such advances?’

I erased the smile from my face and looked at Derek with a cold expression.

“Isn’t that right, Derek?”

There’s a saying, “Fight fire with fire.”

Although both Cedrick and Derek would eventually cause Jeanne’s bad ending, at this moment, Cedrick was the most useful tool. Derek, who had been hesitating, finally spoke in a meek voice.

“W-well… I just thought Lady Jeanne seemed lonely without a partner….”

“Hmm? Haha, what are you talking about? My partner is right here. Isn’t that right, Cedrick?”

I clung tightly to Cedrick’s arm. Cedrick, who had been watching me quietly, spoke in a low voice.

“Yes. I appreciate the offer, but the lady has me by her side, so it’s best you leave now.”

“You two seem to be very close. P-please excuse me.”

“Wait a moment.”

Cedrick called out to Derek, who had started to turn away. His rarely kind voice caught my attention.

“Ratselk family… I believe they supply teacups to the royal family, correct?”


“I’m looking forward to seeing what kind of teacups you’ll bring next year. My father mentioned that Ratselk’s teacups are expensive but not of the best quality.”

His words, though spoken kindly, were far from gentle. In fact, they bordered on threatening. Cedrick smiled faintly at the frightened Derek, who didn’t dare to look back.

“Watch your tongue. Both teacups and trust can be more fragile than you think.”

Cedrick’s cutting words were so satisfying that I felt like applauding.

I waved cheerfully at Derek as he quickly disappeared into the crowd.

Yes, if you don’t want to be utterly destroyed, don’t come near me again, you piece of trash.

“What’s this about a villa for just the two of you?”

I paused mid-wave. Cedrick still didn’t look pleased. Glancing at him, I replied nonchalantly.

“He was just excited and begging me to go. I mean, some ugly guys really don’t know their place.”

“You’re good at hiding that temper of yours.”

“It’s not hard to smile when necessary. But thanks to Derek, I’ve relaxed a bit. I felt like I was going to be sick on an empty stomach earlier.”

The decorations on my head kept slipping, and I was worried that my necklace might come loose—overall, I felt uncomfortable, like I was wearing ill-fitting clothes.

Well, it wasn’t exactly attire suited for a man like Jeanne.

“I have someone to introduce you to.”

Cedrick reached out toward my head. His touch as he adjusted the crooked hairpiece felt familiar, as if it was something he often did for Marie. I asked indifferently.


“Would you even know if I told you?”


No, I wouldn’t. But I definitely know that you have a knack for being annoyingly unpredictable.

“Over here.”

While I was grumbling, Cedrick gestured to someone. Just as I was about to replace the shadow on my face with a diplomatic smile, I met a familiar gaze.

‘Damn, I’m screwed.’

I could feel the murmuring around me growing louder. His appearance alone was enough to draw attention—he was definitely something special. The man who had approached was suddenly right in front of me, grabbing my hand.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Lady Jeanne. I’m Carlisle Abeloss, a fellow academy graduate with Cedrick….”

The man bowed and kissed the back of my hand. I could see my reflection in his unsettling golden eyes.

“Carlisle Abeloss, at your service.”

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9 days ago

Wohoo! This getting more and more interesting

8 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

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