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QHIM chapter 12- Fake Miracle

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ā€œIā€™m sorry, butā€¦ this item is already reserved. Itā€™s an issue that affects our storeā€™s reputation, so we cannot sell it to anyone else. My apologies, my lady.ā€

Kelly bowed politely. I expected that response, but it still drained me of energy. I walked back to the sofa and sat down, defeated.

The Duke, who had been closely observing my disappointed expression, spoke up.

ā€œWhy do you want that? It doesnā€™t seem particularly special.ā€

ā€œā€¦Is it impossible to buy it?ā€

ā€œUnder normal circumstances, yes.ā€

I knew that taking an item already reserved by someone else could escalate into a battle of pride among nobles.

I knew that, but as someone who knew the original story, I couldnā€™t let go of my attachment.

Because that pocket watch wasnā€™t just a pocket watch. It was a key item in the upcoming celebration.

ā€˜Damn, I really need to get it somehow. But after acting so frugal, I canā€™t suddenly beg for him to buy it for me.ā€™

I glanced at the Dukeā€™s expression. Even though I was so obviously eager to have it, the Duke didnā€™t seem particularly interested.

He was too busy flipping through the catalog with a blank expression. I spoke in a small, timid voice.

ā€œIn that case, Iā€™ll just give upā€¦ f-father.ā€

The Dukeā€™s hand froze mid-page. I started sweating as I nervously awaited his reaction.

I had planned to say it more cutely, but I slurred the word ā€œfatherā€ as much as I could, fearing he might reprimand me for calling him that.

The Duke, who had been staring at me, finally closed the catalog.

ā€œWho bought that pocket watch?ā€

ā€œIt was Marquis Bernie.ā€

Marquis Bernieā€¦ that was the adoptive father of Luke, the protagonist. As expected, Luke had already made a move to acquire the pocket watch.

As I was pondering whether it was fair for the author to deprive the main character of his hidden item like this, the Duke suddenly spoke.

ā€œMarquis Bernie, huhā€¦ Offer him ten times whatever amount he had paid.ā€

The room went silent. Kelly and I simultaneously turned to look at the Duke.


ā€œExcuse me?ā€

The Duke, who had been frowning, crossed his arms. The way he scoffed as he furrowed his brow was the spitting image of Cedrick.

The Duke snapped irritably at Kelly, who stood there looking dumbfounded.

ā€œAre your ears blocked? Or is ten times not enough?ā€

ā€œI-itā€™s not about the moneyā€¦ Surely, Your Grace knows that. This puts us in a very difficult position.ā€

ā€œA difficult position, you sayā€¦ā€

The Duke faintly smiled, and I was struck with fear.

To a stranger, it might have seemed like an angelic smile, but to me, who knew the Dukeā€™s temper, that smile was more like the grin of a devil about to crush someone.

The Duke leaned against the sofaā€™s armrest and spoke in a calm voice.

ā€œNow that I think about it, itā€™s about time I take action.ā€

“What exactly are you referring toā€¦?”

“Judging by how you’ve expanded your shop, it seems you made quite a profit last year.”


“I trust you’re paying your taxes properly?”

Kelly cleared her throat. Internally, she couldn’t help but admire the Duke’s ruthlessness.

The message was clearā€”if she didn’t comply, she’d face a tax audit as retaliation. As I gripped the catalog tightly, my hands trembled.

‘Thank goodness I avoided making an enemy out of a lunatic like him.’

The Duke, who had been standing with his hands behind his back, approached Kelly with a sly smile.

“Now, would it be more troublesome for you if I were to scrutinize your store’s accounts, or if you simply handed over that pocket watch? You might want to reconsider.”

“Iā€¦ I’ll give it to you. A fine item deserves a fine owner, after all.”

“I like how quickly we reached an understanding.”

In the end, I received the pocket watch from Kelly. Seeing her downcast expression, I thought to myself, so this is why government power is so terrifying.

There’s a reason my relatives nag me to take the civil service exam every holiday.

“The necklace you’ve commissioned will be delivered tomorrow,” Kelly said, his smile gone, bowing deeply.

I finally took a close look at the pocket watch now in my possession.

The Duke, noticing that I couldn’t take my eyes off it, remarked curiously.

“Is it really that great? It’s just an old, worn pocket watch.”

“Pardon? Ohā€¦ Of course it is. It’s the first gift you’ve given me, Your Grace.”

The Duke didn’t respond. He stared at the pocket watch for a long time before cautiously asking me a question.

“Your Grace, what will happen if I fail the Saintess test?”


“Will you cast me aside?”

There was only one reason the Duke treated me so well.

He believed Jeanne might be a real ‘Saintess’ capable of performing miracles.

Perhaps because of that, I felt uneasy even as I received his kindness.

“I intend to arrange your engagement to the First Prince.”

His reply left me dizzy.

The First Prince, one of the male lead of the novelā€”Carlisle. The one who would execute Jeanne on the guillotine. A bitter laugh escaped me.

“So to you, Iā€™m just a chess piece, Your Grace.”

I shuddered as soon as I said it. Even I thought my words were enough to upset the Duke. However, contrary to my expectations, the Duke replied nonchalantly, as if it were no big deal.

“You’re free to think what you like, but preserving the family is the same as preserving your life, especially for noble houses like ours that form the backbone of the Empire.”


“When the Emperor changes, everything changes. The old powers are purged, and the Emperor’s closest allies become the new authority. I’ve heard rumors that the First Prince has been getting quite close to the only son of Marquis Bernie.”

It was just as the original story had described.

After Carlisle ascended to the throne, Luke’s family became the new power in the Imperial Court.

The status of a family depended on who sat beside Carlisle. As I carefully gathered my thoughts, I asked cautiously.

“Is it really just a close relationship? The First Princeā€¦.”

“Yes, he’s quite famous for his preference for men.”

My head began to ache. As the Duke said, Carlisle had no interest in women.

His partners were always men.

That meant there was zero chance Jeanne could win Carlisle’s heart.

‘How do they expect Jeanne to seduce someone who’s into men in the first place?’

Considering Carlisle’s sexual preferences, Luke and Jeanne weren’t even starting from the same point.

Unless Carlisle found out Jeanne was actually a man.

But revealing that would be as good as saying, ‘Please kill me.’

Thatā€™s why, in the original story, Jeanne never told Carlisle the truth about being a man. As a result, he was coldly treated every time they met.

“So, you must make a strong impression on the Royal Family during the upcoming celebration,” the Duke emphasized again, seeing my dejected state.

“Before the First Prince and Bernie’s son get any closer.”

Honestly, I didn’t care if Carlisle and Luke spent all day in bed together or went on a honeymoon.

In fact, I’d prefer to avoid them as much as possible. I didn’t want to interfere with their romance at all. I trudged along, dazed.

‘If I fail the Saintess test, Iā€™ll be engaged to the main character.’

What on earthā€¦ Why is Jeanneā€™s life like this?

At this rate, shouldn’t I perform some sort of exorcism?

Though I was aware that I created this novel, the ups and downs of life felt overwhelming, as if I were living in a dramatic saga, and I was about to go mad, wanting to blame someone.

The Duke, oblivious to my state, spoke to the escort knight.

“I have work to attend to at the palace. Berom, make sure to escort the Lady safely.”

“Yes, understood.”

The sturdy-looking escort knight bowed his head. As the Duke and Berom conversed, I took out the pocket watch I had stowed away in my pocket. Somehow, looking at it made me feel a little better.

‘Wellā€¦ at least I got this pocket watch. Letā€™s consider the immediate crisis averted.’

I made a promise to myself this morningā€”to survive, no matter what. With my eyes tinged with tears, I laughed foolishly.

As long as I had this, I could avoid a bad ending during the celebration at leastā€¦


“Huh? Cawā€¦?”

Just then, as I was looking around in response to the sudden sound of a crow, one swooped down out of nowhere and snatched the pocket watch.

I stared blankly at the crow as it flew off into the distance with my watch in its beak.




I laughed. I laughed because I couldnā€™t cry. If I didnā€™t laugh, I wouldnā€™t be able to endure this wretched life.

After taking a deep breath, I calmly stretched my limbs. The escort knight, who had been seeing off the Duke, looked at me with a puzzled expression.

“My Lady? Why are you suddenly taking off your shoesā€¦?”

“Berom, the truth is, Iā€™m actuallyā€¦ a really good runner.”

The knight frowned as I kicked off my shoes. Smiling faintly, I made the sign of the cross over my chest.

Dear Maya, please overlook the killing Iā€™m about to commit today.

“I spent some time at Taereung.” (TL: Korea National Training Center)

“Taereung? What’s thaā€””

Before Berom could finish his question, I bolted like a sprinter. Behind me, Beromā€™s thunderous shout echoed. But I had already lost my mind, chasing after the crow with a murderous expression.


After about ten minutes of running, the crazed crow finally dropped the pocket watch onto the second hand of a clock tower.

I stood there, gasping for breath. I hadnā€™t run like that in a while, and I felt like I was about to throw up everything I had eaten.

“Yes, this is exactly what I expected. How could I have thought Iā€™d get something so good so easily?”

My lungs felt like they were tearing apart, and my feet, now covered in wounds, hurt terribly. Nevertheless, I slowly made my way toward the clock tower.

At times like this, it seemed that being used to misfortune had its benefits. With a solemn expression, I grabbed hold of a passing guard and spoke to him with a desperate look.

“Excuse me, but could you please help meā€¦?”

“What’s this nonsense? Move aside!”

In desperation, I sought help from a nearby guard, but instead of helping, he roughly shoved me away. I must have looked disheveled from all that running.

After brushing back my tangled hair, I looked up at the clock tower. The sheer height made me dizzy.

For a brief moment, I thought about giving up, but then, with gritted teeth, I muttered to myself.

“ā€¦Try all you want. Iā€™ll never give up.”

The inside of the clock tower was full of gears. I carefully navigated past the labyrinth of gears and continued upward to where the second hand was.

My dirt-stained dress dragged along the floor.

The narrow path leading to the upper part of the clock tower left little room to move. Pressing myself against the wall, I tried not to look down. The strong wind made me sway.


I swallowed a scream. One slip, and it would be instant death. I knew this was reckless, but I had no other choice. That pocket watch was far too powerful to simply give up on.

“Let’s do this.”

I inched along the wall, reaching out toward the second hand where the pocket watch was caught.

Birds nesting in the wall screeched noisily. I shot a quick glance at the nest, then carefully stretched out my hand toward the pocket watch.

“ā€¦Got it.”

I grasped the pocket watch with my fingertips and held it tightly. Only after tucking the pocket watch back into my pocket did I feel relieved.

Now, I just had to retrace my steps back down.

As I cautiously stepped back, keeping my guard up, the noisy birds suddenly pushed out a single egg with an unusual color. The egg teetered on the edge of the nest, about to fall.


Those little brats, trying to drop an egg that hasn’t even hatched yet. Without thinking, my hand shot out. Just as I managed to catch the egg, my feet slipped out from under me.


My body floated briefly in mid-air before plummeting downwards. As I fell, I felt something warm wriggling in my hand. I clenched the egg tightly and squeezed my eyes shut.

I’m going to die!

But as time passed without any pain, I cautiously opened my eyes. I didn’t know what had just happened, but I was definitely alive. I noticed that a strong arm was supporting my body.

“If you jumped because you wanted to die, just say so now.”


“I’ll let you fall again.”

A pleasant, low voice reached my ears. A hot wind blew, and the man’s deeply hooded headgear slipped off. His red hair fluttered in the wind.

‘Red hair…’

Just as I was calming my startled heart, I heard a mysterious sound from somewhere and my eyes widened.

“Sir Carlisle, have you ever heard of the legend of the clock tower?”

Luke, who had been gazing up at the clock tower, suddenly spoke. Carlisle gestured with his eyes for him to continue. Leaning on the cafƩ table, Luke spoke with a blank expression.

“There’s a rumor among the Academy students that the clock tower only rings when Maya, the god of fate, performs a miracle.”

“Well, it sounds like nonsense made up by students who don’t study. It’s probably just old and broken.”

“Yeah, that’s more likely. But they say that those who hear the bell together under that clock tower… become eternal lovers.”

Carlisle’s hand, holding the glass, trembled slightly. Luke took a deep breath. The red sunset stretched their shadows long. Luke murmured in a voice tinged with regret.

“But it’s not ringing today either, is it?”

Dingā€” Dingā€”

The sound of the bell ringing continuously made me catch my breath. The fiery red sunset lit up the man’s face.

The second hand of the clock tower, which should have been broken, ticked, then quickly lay down.

‘It’s certain. There’s no way I wouldn’t recognize it. I made that thing.’

Golden eyes that seemed to hold the sun, thick eyebrows, and a downward slant of the eyes that gave an impression of indifference.

A handsome face that would catch anyone’s attention. Everything about the man was familiar.

The man, who had been staring intently at me, raised one corner of his mouth.

“But… you look just as nasty as I do.”

This was the main character of the novel, Carlisle.

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29 days ago


28 days ago

What a first impressionšŸ¤£

23 days ago

AHHHHH no me la esperaba, bueno si pero a la vez no

8 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

1 day ago

And I—oop! šŸ¤£

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