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QHIM chapter 7- Fake Miracle (1)

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“I’ll guide you to the office, Lady.”

I tried to act calm, but my heart kept pounding. The cold gaze of Duke Carlotte, who had looked down at me, lingered in my mind.

It felt like this might be my last chance.

My last chance to avoid being sent to an Asylum. I bit my lower lip and went over the information I had organized so far.

‘Duke Carlotte brought Jeanne here to gain the prestige of being a family that produced a saint. Even the emperor can’t mess with a saint.’

My legs trembled as I followed the head maid, and I tasted the metallic tang of blood from my bitten lip.

‘He must want to solidify his position before the new emperor is crowned. If that’s the case, mere flattery won’t win him over.’

The head maid politely knocked on the office door. After hearing a voice say “come in,” she opened the door and entered.

‘I have to prove it here, no matter what. That I’m the child you need.’

I heard the head maid conversing with the duke inside. After a short while, she came back out. I looked at her with a questioning expression.

“Lady, the duke said he has an urgent matter to attend to, so he can only meet you around sunset… What will you do?”

For some reason, I let out a sigh of relief. I replied in a deflated voice.

“Tell him I’ll wait in the library until he’s done.”

“Yes, understood.”

I walked past the bowing head maid and headed straight for the library next door. Seeing the library filled with books eased my tension a little.

For someone addicted to print and traditional fantasy like me, this was like paradise. I pulled out a book from the library and settled into a seat.

“By the way, Lady.”

Just as I opened the book, a voice startled me, and I quickly closed it. The maid I had met in the greenhouse was right next to me.

I didn’t tell her to follow me, so when did she do that? The maid, who had been staring at me with a wistful expression, spoke up.

“Of course, your preference is the most important, Lady, but I still want to dress you in something prettier. The sleeves of your riding clothes are all worn out… and they’re all stained with dirt…”


“I’ll braid your hair nicely later, too. With such beautiful hair, it’s a shame to just tie it up like that. Don’t you agree?”

I looked at the maid chattering away earnestly with a bewildered expression. I could understand her critique of my clothes since I had deliberately dressed this way, but doesn’t she know my reputation?

I scowled and snapped at her with a harsh tone.

“Can you stop talking to me? I have something to think about. And there’s no need for you to stay by my side. Just go and don’t bother me.”


“Didn’t you hear me? Or are you too stupid to understand words?”

I deliberately spoke harshly. I had to. Ji Eunsoo was especially vulnerable to kind people like her. I was trying to think of something even meaner to say when suddenly,


A loud growling sound, louder than my voice, echoed from my stomach, and my face gradually turned red. I suddenly remembered that I hadn’t eaten anything since morning. The maid, who had been silent, asked in a worried voice.

“Lady, are you hungry? Should I bring you some snacks? It seemed like you didn’t have breakfast.”

I was blatantly flustered by the maid’s kind words. Other maids would usually back off when I snapped at them like this. I responded in a voice full of suspicion.

“Are you trying to poison me? Don’t take me lightly. I know what you’re up to.”

“What? Haha… Of course not. I just want to bring you something to eat, that’s all.”

She glared at the maid who was smiling brightly. Just because the other person was being kind didn’t mean she was naive enough to let her guard down completely.

“Don’t smile like that—it’s irritating. I’m sure you’ve heard the rumors about me. If you’re trying to get something from me, you’d better give up. I’m not as good a person as you think I am.”

“Lady, to be honest, I have many siblings back in my hometown who rely on me.”


“No matter how tough your delicate and beautiful temper tantrums may be, could they really be harder to deal with than the struggle to survive?”

The maid winked at her. Now that she noticed, the maid’s hair was a rare dark brown, uncommon in the empire.

For some reason, a sharp guilt pricked her chest. In the end, she reluctantly mumbled.

“Then… just bring me a little.”

The snack the maid brought looked like a luxurious dessert, the kind I had never tasted even when I lived as Ji Eunsoo. The fancy name was hard to pronounce, and I was utterly captivated by the taste.

‘It’s so delicious. I’ve never had anything this good before.’

The canelé, coated with milk chocolate, was moist and sweet. Watching me with obvious happiness, the maid marveled.

“With such a fondness for desserts… how did you manage to resist snacking until now?”

“W-who said I like it? I’m just eating it because you brought it.”

After demolishing an entire tray of desserts, I opened the book again. I slowly read the explanation about monsters, then shook her head.

I was happy while eating, but the problem came afterward.

‘Damn, is the urge to nap right after snacking universal?’

The sunlight was warm, my belly was full, and my tension eased, making my eyes droop. The maid, who had been watching him, chuckled quietly as if she found it cute. Finally, I closed the book and lay down on the desk.

‘This won’t do. I’ll just sleep a little—maybe 30 minutes.’

Overwhelmed by sleepiness, I finally succumbed. Even as I drifted off, I felt someone gently covering me with a blanket.

How long had I slept? I suddenly awoke to the presence of someone nearby.

“What makes you think you can lie down so comfortably?”

I looked up at the Duke in a daze, then quickly stood up, wiping the drool from the corner of my mouth with the back of her hand.

“I-I’m sorry.”

“Do you not realize you’re the daughter of the Duke’s family? Even if you’re from Sacre, I didn’t expect you to be this rude. Every day I regret bringing you here more and more.”

His sharp criticism hit the mark, and I lowered my head. The Duke sighed and continued.

“I don’t want to see you any longer than necessary, so let’s get to the point. Cedrick told me that your crazy episode has started again. I’ve arranged for you to be treated at the Waverly Asylum. Go and get the help you need.”


“Why aren’t you answering?”

“Yes, sir. Thank you for your concern.”

My heart sank at the word “asylum.” I had anticipated being sent there eventually, but I hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

The Duke, having finished his business, turned away without hesitation.

“If you understand, you may go now. I have work to finish.”

“W-wait, Your Grace!”

I hurriedly grabbed the Duke, who was walking away. I flinched under his cold gaze, as if he were looking at a monster. I let go of his arm and spoke in a small voice.

“Before I go to the asylum… could you take a walk with me one last time? There’s something I really want to show you.”

“Why should I take a walk with you?”

“Please, I’m begging you.”

At my earnest plea, the Duke narrowed his eyes.

Feeling as if I were clutching at straws, I spoke.

“I want to tell you something Lady Marie asked of me.”

At the mention of Marie, the Duke followed me without protest. Seeing the sun setting, I quickened my pace.

I had no choice. If I were even a little late, the plan would fail.

“It’s here.”

The Duke snorted but silently opened the greenhouse door and entered.

“This is the greenhouse Marie used to visit.”


“It’s obvious. You’re bringing up Marie to gain my sympathy.”

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doslaña Siento una tension alarmante

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Uh oh 😳

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