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GTLTGIDES chapter 31

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Elliot called my awakening a “miracle.”

That’s how dire my condition was when I was first discovered.

Even after two days of intensive care from healing Espers, no one could guarantee that I would regain consciousness.

“But after that little kid came to visit your room, your condition started to improve rapidly.”


I felt a bit embarrassed listening to Elliot. It was like he had uncovered my obsession with Eunsoo.

I glanced over at Eunsoo. The sight of me and Elliot chatting and being affectionate seemed to have shocked him enough that he was now staring blankly out the window.

“So, that’s why Eunsoo was here…”

“Yes. He said he felt comfortable here, so I let him stay. What’s your relationship with him? I heard you were the one who found him first.”

“It’s not really something I can define as a relationship. I was just a regular at the convenience store where he worked.”

At my words, Eunsoo, who had been staring at the sky, turned to look at me. He gazed at me with his usual expressionless face.

‘Did I say something wrong?’

My heart skipped a beat, wondering why he was looking at me, but under the bright sunlight, Eunsoo looked so lovely and cute. He was like a sunbathing cat.

In the end, I couldn’t help but relax and break into a silly smile. I couldn’t help it. Seeing Ye Eunsoo, safe and sound, looking at me like that—felt like a dream.



Did I smile too awkwardly?

Eunsoo turned his head away again. I wanted to see his face a bit longer…

“For someone who says there’s no relationship…”


“The atmosphere between you two is a bit annoying.”

Elliot, who had been glancing between me and Eunsoo, furrowed his brow and muttered something I didn’t quite understand.

I tugged on Elliot’s sleeve, hoping his thoughts wouldn’t get any deeper.

“Um… Elliot.”


“What happened with the incident? Jake’s rampage was far from normal.”


Elliot’s face stiffened immediately upon hearing my words.

“You’re still not fully recovered. You should hear about it later.”

“No, I’m fine. I even did some guiding, you know.”


I made a mistake. Elliot looked at me with trembling lips, his expression full of guilt.

I didn’t mean to make him feel bad. I reached out to Elliot, flustered.


I thought I heard a faint clicking sound, like someone clicking his tongue.

But if it wasn’t Elliot, then…

I looked over at Eunsoo by the window, but he was still standing there with his back to me, staring blankly outside.

It couldn’t be, right? I must have misheard.

While I was briefly distracted by Eunsoo, Elliot took a step back, avoiding my hand.

“Don’t touch me. Even though I’m stable right now, it’s still a burden for you.”

“But I’m fine…”

“I’m not fine.”

Elliot is a proud person. It’s natural that he wouldn’t want to receive guiding from someone who is sick.

I couldn’t force it.

“Then just tell me one thing. Eunsoo… No, what’s going to happen to the victim?”

“…That’s what you’re curious about?”

Elliot looked at me in disbelief.

“You’re not worried about the consequences of your reckless actions, but you’re concerned about that kid?”

“He’s still a child. Adults need to take an interest in children’s matters.”

“Isn’t he grown enough? He looks like a high school student at least.”

“But his environment is what it is. Just because his body is grown doesn’t mean he’s completely an adult.”

During Eunsoo’s growth, there were very few people around him.

Even after he started working at the convenience store, he must have met more people, but they were at best just coworkers or customers.

Eunsoo strictly followed the manual, so it was unlikely that any real human relationships developed.

It’s not right to force adult responsibilities on him just because of his age, especially since society deprived him of the opportunity to develop social skills.

That wouldn’t be fair, especially from adults who failed to protect him from being abducted and imprisoned for so long.

All adults in this country bear responsibility for the horrific incident that happened to him.


Elliot seemed to agree with me, as he frowned but didn’t argue further.

However, before he could give me the answer I wanted, his device beeped.


Elliot clicked his tongue briefly and, looking troubled, turned off the alarm on his device.

“Sorry, but my shift is over now… You should talk to Junseong when he arrives. He’s busy now, but he should be here by the evening.”

Even as he prepared to leave, Elliot stared at my face for a long time, as if reluctant to go.

  • Click.

As soon as Elliot left the room, Eunsoo turned around.

His pale blue-gray eyes sparkled as if he had been waiting for this moment.


“Yang Heewoon!”

But before Eunsoo could finish his sentence, an enormous voice drowned him out.

It was Rex. He must have just switched shifts with Elliot.

Even though he was still quite a distance away in the hallway, his presence was overwhelming.

  • Bang!

Not long after, the door burst open with a loud noise, and a familiar red-haired man stormed in.

His presence was just as imposing as the loud voice I had heard moments ago.

“You… you idiot! If you knew something was off with Jake, why didn’t you take me with you? Why did you go alone and get yourself into this mess?”

Because I was prepared to die if it came to that. I thought everything would be resolved if I died.

I couldn’t say that honestly, so I just smiled.

“Sorry. Were you worried?”

“Worried? Damn it, do I look like I wasn’t worried?!”

“I’m really sorry. I didn’t expect him to go berserk. I figured it would be hard to communicate with you since you and Rex don’t get along.”

“Even so! Do you think you have two lives or something…?!”

‘Actually, I did.’

A past life and my current one. I laughed at the thought.

But I soon regretted my light-hearted attitude.

“I thought… I thought you were going to die… Damn it. I thought I’d seen you for the last time… I thought…”

Rex’s eyes reddened, and his voice trembled. It was so unlike him.

He had always greeted me with confidence, a bright face, and a carefree attitude…

If I had died like that, Rex might have regretted not being able to protect me for a long time.

My heart ached. What should I do? How could I comfort him? How could I apologize for this huge mistake?

“I’m… I’m sorry…”

I reached out to Rex. He pressed his cheek against my hand. His large hand grasped my wrist and the back of my hand, rubbing his face against my palm.

His tightly closed lips looked like he was holding back tears.


“Don’t do anything reckless ever again. Promise me.”


I clenched my fist tightly.

Don’t do anything reckless.

But I only have six months left to live at most. Wouldn’t it be better to use my life in a meaningful way?

If I’m just going to die from this illness, wouldn’t it be better to help the world, even if it means taking some risks?

I closed my eyes tightly.

‘…No. That’s a selfish thought.’

I said I liked him.

I was the one who asked to be close to him, who asked him to accept me as one of his own.

If I made him feel responsible for me, then I needed to feel responsible for him too.

I couldn’t let my existence hurt him.

Even if my death was inevitable, I shouldn’t bring it upon myself.

Yeah. I saved Eunsoo. Now I need to stop doing reckless things.

Whether I have three months or six months left, I should live as long as I can and then quietly leave.

“Aren’t you going to answer?”

“Yes. I won’t do anything reckless.”

Rex smiled, seemingly reassured by the answer he received.

But it wasn’t quite the smile I was used to from Rex. I gently touched his lips with my thumb, and he shivered slightly before looking at me.

“I want to kiss you.”

“Go ahead. As much as you want.”

Rex, who had been holding my hand, wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer.

I naturally hugged his neck, but then was startled.

Oh, right. Eunsoo. I almost forgot again.

“Wait, umph…”

My desperate plea to wait was swallowed up by Rex’s mouth.

He pulled my chin to open my lips and practically devoured him.

The kiss was far deeper than anything I had ever experienced with Elliot, who had merely touched lips.

It felt like all the worries and resentment Rex had held toward me were being communicated through this kiss.

Even so, he was trying not to let his emotions spill over excessively.

“Mm, mm, ah…”

The intensity of the kiss itself was overwhelming, though.

He was pushing so hard that it made it difficult to breathe, and I couldn’t help but let out an excited moan.

What should I do?

Eunsoo is right there. I tried to squirm away, but Rex wouldn’t budge. And all the while, the kiss was making me feel weaker and weaker.

My breath grew more ragged.

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1 month ago


1 month ago

Rex? Not Junseong?

Reply to  Mooonyy
12 days ago

Elliot said Junseong is coming in the evening.

27 days ago

Not Infront of eunsoo again

23 days ago


23 days ago


22 days ago

Really now

11 days ago

Eunsoo will just become more twisted

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