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GTLTGIDES chapter 17

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Cha Junseong, as much of a workaholic as he is, also carries an immense sense of responsibility as a leader.

There must be people trying to guide Cha Junseong, the scion of an influential family. However, Elliot and Rex, who came from abroad, are not among them.

These two, who had almost been chased out of their home country and came to Korea, wouldn’t want to be expelled again.

So, Cha Junseong had tolerated the “cruel acts” mentioned earlier until now.

“…I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Really, it’s okay.”


“Don’t feel guilty. You saved my life this time too. Honestly, I thought I was going to die. You’re my lifesaver, Junseong.”

Cha Junseong, who habitually digs into people’s backgrounds, probably knew that Yang Heewoon took on the role of exclusive guide for the special A team due to financial difficulties, even if he didn’t know about the terminal diagnosis.

That’s why, when he couldn’t reach me, he immediately imagined the worst.

He came straight to my house, breaking down the door to get in.

He saved me from death.

Cha Junseong’s silence had already consumed Yang Heewoon’s life entirely, but it was enough.

Just the fact that he saved me this time was enough for me to continue liking him.

There was another reason to feel good.

‘He immediately allowed me to transfer teams because he was worried about me.’

Even if I wouldn’t have blamed him for treating me differently than Eunsoo, knowing he did it out of concern made me feel better.

Why are the characters in “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” so bad at expressing themselves?

Eunsoo, with his equally blunt personality, couldn’t help but clash with others.

Thankfully, it’s an R-rated novel where they communicate physically, otherwise, it would have fallen apart long ago.

“I know you’re saying this out of concern for me, and I’m really grateful. But as I’ve said repeatedly, I love the special A team. I want to be more helpful.”


“I’m not leaving. I want to stay and do what I can.”

Cha Junseong was silent for a long time at my words.

Seeing Cha Junseong’s face stained with guilt, I apologized to him in my heart.

‘I’m really sorry.’

Yang Heewoon will die within the next six months.

During that time, the silent Cha Junseong will eventually contribute to Yang Heewoon’s death and feel responsible for it.

Thinking of the pain Cha Junseong will go through after my death, I know I should be honest with him now.

But I can’t let go of my own desires either.

I want to hold on as long as possible. I want to stay with the special A team.

I want to be with the people I love for as long as I can.

‘Even if something goes wrong because I stayed with the special A team, that’s my responsibility. Junseong, don’t blame yourself too much.’

I desperately want to tell him this, but I can’t. I

f I said such things to Cha Junseong, he would immediately sense something and order an investigation into my background.

I should write it in my will. It might provide some comfort.

I emptied my remaining worries. I need to relieve his burden. I need to hold on for one more day.

Just as I was about to say, ‘Thank you for the meal,’ Cha Junseong seemed to have organized his thoughts and looked at me.

His transparent brown eyes held a peculiar gleam.

“Yang Heewoon, I……”

A clear musical tone rang out. It was Cha Junseong’s terminal device on the table.

Cha Junseong sighed, forced to stop speaking.


“No, it’s fine. Go ahead.”

Looking annoyed, Cha Junseong grabbed the terminal device and stood up.

‘I need to recharge too.’

For modern people, a life without a terminal device is a life without basic rights.

Since things can come up suddenly, I need to keep it charged. Even gate alarms come through the terminal device.

While looking around for the charger, Yang Heewoon’s incredibly keen hearing caught Cha Junseong’s conversation.

“Yes, I can go. But is the damage really that severe? Something that big…”

It seemed to be a call from the administration.

Since there was no gate alarm, it must have been another type of incident. Judging by his heavy tone, the damage seemed substantial.

I scanned my surroundings, trying to remember what major incidents happened around this time.

“…Jake wouldn’t want me to go.”

My body froze as I searched for the charger.

It was a name I knew. Although he was merely an extra with little significance in “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” it was a name I could never forget.

A-class Esper Jake Paulwell.

The bastard who kidnapped and imprisoned Eunsoo, and the starting point of the entire story.

The moment I heard that name, all the blood drained from my body.

I stayed in the same position, bent over and scanning my surroundings, holding my breath.

“Yang Heewoon, I’m sorry. I have to go. You can rest here a bit longer.”

I finally exhaled. Trying to look as natural as possible, I lifted my head.

“I want to go too.”

“No. Your body hasn’t fully recovered yet. Stay and rest more.”

“No, I’m fine now.”

If I don’t plan to leave Eunsoo as he was in the original story, I’ll have to face him someday.

I need to at least see his face, even if I can’t do anything right now.

“If it’s about money, don’t push yourself. I can assign other tasks and make sure you’re not lacking.”

“No. I just want to go out today. My body is sore from sleeping all the time. I need to report that I’m alive.”


Cha Junseong frowned at me in discontent but soon let out a deep sigh. He must know that the ‘recent Yang Heewoon’ is quite stubborn.

“Alright. Let’s go together.”

“I’ll get ready quickly!”

“Take your time. There’s no rush.”

Actually, even if I wanted to hurry, it wasn’t possible since it wasn’t my house.

Cha Junseong’s house was spacious, filled with brands I had never seen before, and my clothes were already sent for cleaning.

I had to rely on Cha Junseong for everything, from washing to dressing.

In a perfectly pressed three-piece suit, leather gloves, and neatly styled hair, ‘serious mode’ Cha Junseong took out a toothbrush and clothes for me.

It was an unbelievably fresh and moving scene.

Moreover, all the items he took out were originally his.

‘I really am a successful otaku…’

Who could receive such treatment from their beloved character from their favorite work? There’s no other way to describe it but ‘blessed.’

But there was one problem.

“These are clothes that don’t fit you anymore because they’re too small?”


“I see…”

…Both the top and bottom were extremely loose on me. To the point of being unsightly.

I didn’t expect the size difference to be this big. Was it because he seemed relatively smaller next to Rex?

And Cha Junseong didn’t even wear clothes loosely. He preferred a snug fit. Did these clothes not fit him anymore because he bulked up?

I looked at Cha Junseong’s tightly stretched chest and then down at my own, incredibly loose-fitting chest area.

Given my situation of having three to six months left, hoping for muscles is a luxury, but the stark comparison still hurts.

“Yang Heewoon.”

“Yes, yes!”

I was startled by his voice calling me as I stared enviously at Cha Junseong’s chest.

Fortunately, Cha Junseong didn’t seem to notice my gaze and didn’t appear particularly displeased. In fact, he looked at me with warm eyes.

“Just as you said, we need you on Special Team A. If you leave, it’s not just one or two problems we’ll face. So even if it’s tough for a while, I hope you’ll do your best.”


His kind words warmed my heart.

Damn it. This is the problem.

He’s often annoying with his strong pride, lack of honesty, and arrogant attitude, but sometimes he manages to hit you right in the heart like this.

How can you not like him?

I even understand why Eunsoo ended up in such a situation with those three kids.

He was also amazing in bed, so that probably made things even more understandable.

“I’ll work hard!”

“No. Just keep doing what you’ve been doing. But promise me one thing.”

“Promise? What is it?”

“If you hear any bad rumors about the team and want to clear them up, don’t speak up yourself. Tell me instead. You’re the weakest link in our team and a likely target, so don’t unnecessarily stir up trouble. If you tell me, I’ll handle whatever it is, so rely on me.”



It was such an unexpected statement.

I blinked in confusion, but Cha Junseong didn’t provide any further explanation and turned his back.


As I watched Cha Junseong’s broad back, one thing crossed my mind.

‘Oh, could it be from that time…?’

Was he referring to the day I went to get the paperwork to transfer teams, and he overheard me defending Special Team A?

I recalled Cha Junseong looking at me with a surprised expression from across the hallway. It’s clear he had that look, so it makes no sense if he didn’t hear.

Did he just pretend not to know even after hearing everything?


“Why are you laughing?”

“Oh, it’s just that your lack of honesty is kind of cute.”


Ah. It was not something to say to Cha Junseong, who is five years older than Yang Heewoon.

I forgot he’s older than me.

That was too arrogant. I quickly tried to apologize, but Cha Junseong was faster.

Cha Junseong’s large hand pressed down firmly on my head.

“…Yeah. It’s a bad habit. I wish I could be as honest as you.”

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1 month ago

QUE LINDOS. Verdaderamente son muy lindos todos

1 month ago

oh he has some self awareness

1 month ago

Now we wait

1 month ago

A successful otaku 🤭😂

1 month ago

Woah, is that Cha Junseong patting our Mc’s head? Aww!! They’re getting closer!😊

29 days ago

That’s flirting right? That’s flirting. That counts as flirting🤭💓
I don’t know, but something about this just makes me giddy. It’s cute🥺💓

Last edited 29 days ago by enibae
25 days ago


14 days ago


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not work with dark mode