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GTLTGIDES chapter 8

* * *

A chill ran through my chest.

No way, did Cha Junseong hear what I just said? If he did, my plan is all for nothing.

No. Is the plan the problem right now? I don’t want him to hear me supporting Special Team A like that.

Once again, the hand holding my coffee milk trembled uncontrollably. Cha Junseong, with his characteristic expressionless face, was striding towards me.

His long legs made him visibly closer with each step.

Even the ghost that creeps closer every time you blink in a horror movie wouldn’t be this scary.

Unable to avoid him, I slightly bowed my head as he passed by.

“Hello, Junseong….”

I greeted him, but I didn’t expect a reply. After all, Cha Junseong never greets me back.

I had only one goal. To leave this place as quickly and quietly as possible.

Contrary to my wish, Cha Junseong stopped in his tracks.

“Yang Heewoon.”

…My heart almost stopped.

Damn it.

My heart, which is already weak enough to stop functioning at any time, doesn’t need this kind of shock.


“…Are you planning to transfer to another team?”

Cha Junseong reached out and took the documents from my hand.

His cold eyes scanned the papers, and he raised one corner of his mouth.

“Looks like you’ve gotten all you could from me and Rex. Not a bad move, leaving after earning a bit.”

He handed the documents back to me nonchalantly.

“Put them on my desk, and I’ll take care of it. You’ve worked hard.”

‘What? Didn’t he hear me……?’

This reaction…

It’s not the reaction of someone who heard what I just said.

He didn’t hear it. Well, there was quite a distance between us.

But I wasn’t happy.

I took the documents Cha Junseong handed back to me and looked up at his face.

‘Cha Junseong is allowing this so easily…….’

In the original story, when Eunsoo tried to leave, the other two emotional idiots said, ‘If you’re going to leave, just get out without babbling more!’ and he was the only one who stopped him.

He was the one who calmly persuaded him, saying that Special Team A needed him.

But…… He says I can go.

‘Well… Yang Heewoon is not on the same level as Eunsoo.’

Literally, ‘different levels.’

Yang Heewoon is a B-class guide, and Yeon Eunsoo is an S-class guide.

Even in terms of rank, there’s an insurmountable wall, and Eunsoo had the protagonist’s buff, so an extra like Yang Heewoon can’t dream of being in his position.

It’s inevitable to be treated differently.

I understand, but it doesn’t mean it’s not bitter.

I clenched and unclenched my fist.

Eunsoo’s way won’t work. I’ll have to change my plan.

Not in Eunsoo’s way, but in my own way.

I raised my head confidently and spoke to Cha Junseong, loud enough for others to hear.

“No. It’s true I brought the papers to transfer, but I’ve changed my mind. I’m not moving.”


Cha Junseong, who was passing by me to his original destination, stopped in his tracks.

As he turned to look at me, I gave him a bright smile.

“I really like Special Team A a lot!”

On a miserable Monday morning, a juicy piece of gossip was born.

And the subject was none other than the famous Special Team A, loved and hated by many. Perfect for rumors.

By lunchtime, everyone in the management office knew what I had shouted.

‘Yang Heewoon confessed that he really likes Special Team A!’

That was how the rumor started.

By the end of the workday, the rumor had evolved and taken on a life of its own, with people adding their own twists.

“Hey, did you hear about Special Team A?”

“The exclusive guide publicly confessed to the espers?”

“I heard the three S-class espers took turns sleeping with Yang Heewoon.”

“No wonder they were always kissing. Especially with Rex Hamilton, how much they kissed.”

“Junseong looks so dignified, but wow……”


The rumors escalated, claiming that Yang Heewoon had demanded huge sums of money in exchange for guiding and had a bad reputation even before awakening as a guide.

All sorts of versions were spreading, always unfavorable to Yang Heewoon.

‘People sure love to exaggerate…….’

I did shout out loud to start a rumor, but this was beyond expectations. The gossip spread like wildfire, inflating like a balloon.

The speed of the spread was incredible, and thanks to that, the high-nosed S-class espers rushed into the office without being called.

In a situation that was sure to get noisy, Cha Junseong’s frown deepened.

“Yang Heewoon, are you crazy?!”

“No, I’m not crazy.”

“If you’re not crazy, then what’s this situation? What did you say to make such a crazy rumor spread throughout the management office?”

As soon as Rex rushed in, he pointed a finger at me, furious.

…Honestly, the kissing rumors are more his fault than mine. What a shameless guy.

Elliot seemed to think the same, giving Rex a disdainful look before turning to me.

Behind his bright smile, a cold wind blew.

“Wow, it’s a mess. I haven’t even tried guiding yet, but suddenly I’m sleeping with Heewoon-ssi?”

“I didn’t say much.”

“Right. Yang Heewoon didn’t say much. It’s the ones spreading the rumors who are exaggerating.”

Cha Junseong said, rubbing his temples.

‘Poor guy…….’

Honestly, Cha Junseong is the biggest victim among the three espers of Special Team A.

If his strict family hears about this, it’ll be a headache.

I feel a bit sorry for him, if not the other two.

But that doesn’t mean I regret what I did.

“So what did you say to cause this situation?”

“I said I liked you.”


“I said I, like you guys, and Special Team A. That’s what I said.”

I clearly enunciated, looking at each of them. Very confidently.

Cha Junseong, who already knew this, sighed briefly, and the other two just stared at me in surprise.

Rex was the one to break the silence.

His face as red as his hair, he glared at me incredulously and pointed again.

“No, you! Damn it. Don’t lie! You don’t like us. You came here for the money!”

That’s right. ‘Yang Heewoon’ definitely did that.

‘Espers have a lot of money, don’t they? Even A-class ones buy multiple buildings. S-class espers must have money rotting away. Give that money to me.’

‘I’ll do anything from guiding to odd jobs. Just give me money. Please give me money.’

‘You can treat me badly. As long as you pay me, I’ll do whatever you want.’

Those were the words Yang Heewoon said before even introducing himself when he first joined the team.

No wonder Rex kept calling me for 300,000 won or 500,000 won, and Cha Junseong gave me an extra 2 million won whenever he called me to the field.

All of this was based on a contract with Yang Heewoon.

‘…Is Yang Heewoon the one who spoiled these three’s habits?’

‘Just give me money, and I’ll do anything. It’s okay to be harsh. I’ve gotten so used to it that the negative effects might have persisted even after Eunsoo came in.’

But right now, the ‘Yang Heewoon Regret Theory’ wasn’t important.

“Yes. I joined Special A-Team because of the money.”

“That’s right! To you, we’re nothing but the source of money!”

“But it’s also true that I genuinely like you all.”

“Huh? What? You’re serious?”

Rex’s mouth dropped open, his expression frozen.

He looked so stunned that he wouldn’t even notice if a fly flew into his mouth.

“Yes. I’m serious. I genuinely like all three of you. You’re all wealthy, tall, and handsome…”

Up to this point, Yang Heewoon would agree, but the rest were my personal feelings.

I was a bit embarrassed to say it out loud, so I took a deep breath.

I couldn’t bring myself to look directly at their faces, so I fixed my gaze on the table.

“As espers, you’re all outstanding. It’s not just because you’re S-class; it means you’re worth that rank. As for your personal qualities, well… sometimes there’s a bit of sadness, but… Yesterday, seeing you on the field, I genuinely thought it was fortunate to be part of Special A-Team. I also felt that my long-standing affection for you wasn’t in vain…”

Damn. This is so cheesy. I feel like my hands and feet are about to disappear.

But this is my way. Speaking honestly. Since it’s all sincere, I held my head high.

In reality, people don’t change easily, so I wouldn’t try to recycle them, but this is a world in a novel.

And the three of Special A-Team are not trash that can’t be recycled.

Eunsoo would never accept such people.

So if I approach them sincerely first, it should work.

…I hope.

“So, even though it’s hard, I’m willing to endure it. I want to stay with Special A-Team longer.”

I showed them the transfer request form I had prepared. I hadn’t destroyed it yet, waiting for this moment.

Cha Junseong looked at me with his arms crossed, his face reflecting whether my words had had an effect.

“…You were planning to transfer teams?”

Elliot, with his beautiful flower-colored nails, pulled the form toward him on the table.

Before it completely reached him, I pressed it down with my palm.

“But! I haven’t completely changed my mind yet. So, let’s negotiate, shall we?”

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1 month ago

honestly, I don’t really like MC’s attitude, but in this story that’s the charm, just hoping he can appreciate himself more

1 month ago

It’s hard to recycle this trash tops, I see. So, he’s gonna go to plan B go with the flow and make a concession 🤣😂

26 days ago

And they wonder why there are rumours

26 days ago


10 days ago

the people in this world are genuinely trash omg?? like how did the rumors even get that far

7 days ago

He was stupid.

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