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WMPW Chapter 1

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In the grand and antique mansion of a duke’s family, inside a luxuriously decorated bathroom.

Two men sat side by side in a bathtub filled with clear, shimmering water.

One of them was an alpha with a robust and well-defined muscular body, and the other was an omega with a slender and delicate frame.

The alpha had dark black hair and captivating violet eyes, giving him a cold and charismatic appearance, while the omega had soft brown hair and clear green eyes, making him look gentle and kind.


“Please hold still, Your Grace.”

Despite their picturesque appearance, the two sitting together looked rather comical, as the alpha was half-naked while the omega was fully clothed.

However, it didn’t seem to bother them. They were sitting close to each other, with the brown-haired omega unable to take his eyes off the alpha, his eyes sparkling with curiosity.

“Alphas don’t look much different on the outside, do they?”

“Of course not.”

“So, changes only happen when they’re excited?”

“Specifically, only when attempting to knot.”

The green-eyed omega observed the sturdy alpha’s body with great interest.

“Can you control it consciously?”

“It’s hard to control perfectly… Ugh, Etienne. Just for a moment…”

“Wow, wow!”

The clear voice shouted with excitement, sounding cheerful despite the situation.

Ironically, the alpha’s dark desires burned even hotter at the sight of the innocent and pure expression.

“Wow… Are you really human, Your Grace?”

The brown-haired man muttered in awe, his eyes shining with pure curiosity.

“Are all alphas like this? Or are you just special?”

“I don’t know the exact statistics, but I’d say I’m above average.”

“Hmm, should I check other alphas too? I’m looking for the average data.”

Hearing this, the purple eyes, already burning with lust, flared even more intensely.

“That’s nonsense.”

The low voice sounded threatening, but the innocent brown-haired man continued to chatter, unaware of the danger.

“Well, most alphas are in high positions, so it’s not easy to observe them. It’s a shame, but I’ll have to be content with Your Grace for now.”

As he watched the red, delicate lips moving, the alpha was overwhelmed by an uncontrollable thirst.

This was his limit. He had held back as much as he could. It was a miracle he had endured this long.

“It’s a shame it’s not average data, but it’s clearly visible, so…”

“Do you like it?”


In front of the omega, who exuded an unbearably sweet scent and provocative words, it was a miracle he had lasted this long.

“I like it.”


The purple eyes shimmered with a threatening intensity.

“I don’t think you’ll like it for long.”

The next moment, the alpha’s thick arm pushed the frail body backward.

With a splash, the white and thin body fell into the tub. The alpha, with his robust build, followed suit.

The omega, suddenly submerged in water, widened his eyes in shock and watched the approaching alpha.

The instinctive sense of intimidation made his spine tingle, but like he was frozen, the brown-haired man couldn’t move.

“Soon, you’ll have to take it.”

A large hand slipped into the wet clothes. The alpha’s eyes, looking down at the omega’s quivering body, held the satisfaction of a predator.

“Can you handle it, Etienne?”

“Just a moment, Your Grace! You can’t do this underwater…”

But the next words from the omega’s mouth didn’t match the atmosphere at all.

“It’s hard to record! Look, oh no! The drawing I made got wet!”

Yes, the reason they were entangled like this was surprisingly innocent: a thirst for knowledge.

To understand what kind of crazy thirst for knowledge led to this, we need to go back a few months.


On the fourth day after waking up in an unfamiliar world.

After struggling with the loss of civilization, Etienne finally decided to accept his reality.

A 19th-century European setting. Tasteless meals. A shabby and smelly environment. Buildings and clothes that looked like they were from a movie. He had no choice but to accept it all.

Just four days ago, he had been part of the 21st-century Korean society, but not anymore.

And it wasn’t just that. His once black hair and eyes had turned into long brown hair and green eyes. A typical supporting male lead look with brown hair and green eyes.

The brown hair and green eyes, combined with his pale, almost transparent skin, made him look like a very refined beauty, but Etienne didn’t appreciate these changes at all.

“If I had to end up in another body, couldn’t it at least be a noble or royal one?”

If he had become a high-ranking noble or royalty, like the protagonists in modern fantasy novels, he would have adapted more quickly. But as an orphan with nothing, he felt bitter.

In his original life, he had been a 20-year-old orphan and a talented graduate student, known for entering university at sixteen. At least in his previous life, he had a title, a fresh degree, regular scholarships, and a dormitory. Here, he had nothing.

As the saying goes, “You realize it’s spring only after it’s over,” Etienne only came to appreciate his former life after being thrust into an unfamiliar world.

While many protagonists in novels or games wake up in worlds they recognize, Etienne was not granted such a luxury.

He found himself in a country called the Letheon Empire, specifically in a small orphanage sponsored by a kind-hearted duke. The orphanage was a refuge for the poor and those with no connections.

In Etienne’s view, it was a setup that made him want to scream, “What is all this nonsense?”

“I miss Wi-Fi and smartphones so much…”

This wretched world was full of annoying aspects, starting with the class system, which Etienne despised. The food was dreadful, likely because the country resembled Britain.

But what Etienne found most unbearable was the deep-rooted superstition and lack of scientific understanding in this strange society.

“Hello… Ah, what the—!”

When he felt chills and a slight fever, he visited a doctor, only to be shocked at the sight of the doctor wearing a crow mask and a black cloak.

Etienne had heard stories of old Western doctors who believed they could avoid disease by wearing such masks, but he never imagined he would witness it firsthand.

“What’s with the shouting? Sit down!”

“Um, the mask…”

“What about the mask? Haven’t you seen a doctor before? Why the fuss?”

Though Etienne desperately wanted to tell the doctor to ditch the ridiculous crow mask, he managed to restrain himself.

“I’m not trying to be sarcastic, but is that crow mask supposed to scare the disease away?”

Unfortunately, he couldn’t hold back completely.

His tone was laced with frustration. Despite trying to be polite, his disdain for unscientific superstitions was evident.

Unsurprisingly, the response from the crow-masked doctor was far from kind.

“What’s this insolent brat babbling about?”

“Hey, calling me a brat is a bit much.”

“Duke Leondine must be very generous to have doctors visit an orphanage for such lowly brats. He’s the only one in the country who’d do that… Tsk.”

Oh, the arrogance. Etienne fumed inwardly at the classist remarks while the doctor continued to yell.

“Why are you just standing there? Stop dawdling and tell me why you’re here!”

“I have a slight fever and chills. And I’ve been feeling itchy.”

“What? A fever and itchiness?”

Etienne listed his symptoms nonchalantly, but the doctor’s reaction was peculiar.

Etienne had assumed it was just a cold and was there for some medicine.

“Yes. But it doesn’t seem like you’ll be of much help…”

“Are you an Omega by any chance?”

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1 month ago

😂😂he is doesn’t know what mean afraid

1 month ago


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