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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

Sole Omega in an Alpha Family chapter 3

* * *

The chaebol family feuds, that kind of drama.

They could be acting kind now, but deep down, they might be scheming to take away the shares or inheritance that should go to Lee Jungin.

Worse yet, they might even trick him into exile overseas.

There was a reason for being suspicious of the three of them.

Based on the scars he had seen on that guy’s body and the things he had said, it was clear that one of his family members had been tormenting him.

‘Looks like they’re trying to take advantage of me while my mind is all over the place. Well, not a chance with me.’

Moreover, Lee Jungin was a child the chairman of Hyun Group had brought in from an affair.

As if being an illegitimate sibling wasn’t bad enough, he didn’t have anyone to protect him, and his memory was fuzzy?

It was the perfect time to get rid of him.

‘I can’t afford to look weak.’

Thinking about when Lee Jungin might wake up made him anxious, but first things first—he needed to get these people out of here.

Only then could he visit his own hospital room or do whatever needed to be done.

“Uh, excuse me. Ahem.”

His first words came out wrong, but he cleared his throat and tried to recall Lee Jungin’s tone of voice.

“Hey, brothers.”

He furrowed his brow and put on Lee Jungin’s signature irritable expression.

The way they were staring at him was becoming more and more uncomfortable, but he forced himself to imitate the guy with a brazen face.

“Please leave. I can be alone, so just go.”

“Hey, Jungin.”

“Since when have we been so close that you’re acting like this?”

He didn’t know anything about Lee Jungin’s family, and sticking around them was too risky.

Seeing their faces harden as if they were hurt by his words made him feel uneasy, but he couldn’t afford to be discovered.

Suppressing his guilt, he turned away and lay down on the bed.

“Let’s go for now.”



He had worried about what he’d do if they insisted on staying, but thankfully, they quietly left.

As the sounds of their footsteps faded into the distance and all signs of their presence disappeared, he slowly sat up.

‘Why do they look so sad? Now I just feel more guilty.’

From what he’d heard, Lee Jungin wasn’t close to his brothers, but judging by today, it seemed like they cared about him a lot.

‘No, I can’t trust anyone yet. But where is my body?’

Based on the conversation he’d overheard between Lee Jungin’s brother and the doctor earlier, it was clear that his real body hadn’t woken up yet.

For now, he decided to wait a bit longer to see if they would return before searching for his body.

He lay back down on the bed.

‘Ugh, this is exhausting…’

Even though his own body was already pretty weak, Lee Jungin’s physical condition was unbelievably frail. He cursed at his heavy body and decided to take a quick, very quick nap.

Meanwhile, outside the hospital room, the three brothers stood in silence with serious expressions on their faces.

After some time, the first to break the silence was the eldest, Jungjin.

“Make sure you all keep quiet. Especially be careful not to let Mom hear about this.”

He rubbed his wrinkled forehead, recalling Jungin’s earlier attitude.

Watching him, the second brother, Jungwoo, and the third, Jungseo, spoke with similarly troubled expressions.

“Do you think Jungin really has multiple personalities or something?”

“It’s not certain, but it seems like he doesn’t recognize himself as Lee Jungin. And I’m pretty sure he’ll try to hide it from us.”

“…Because he doesn’t trust us.”

At Jungwoo’s words, they all fell silent, sighing quietly.

Thirteen years ago, when their father had brought Jungin home, he had been a bright, cheerful child.

Though they hadn’t seen Jungin often due to their studies in the U.S., they had noticed that whenever they came home, he always tried to talk to them.

They had found that affectionate side of him endearing.

But as Jungin became more withdrawn and quiet, they had assumed it was just a phase—typical teenage angst.

Little did they know that Jungin’s heart had been rotting away in their absence.

Jungjin clenched his jaw and lifted his head, digging his nails into his palm.

“Maybe it’s better that he doesn’t remember.”

Jungwoo’s low muttering brought silence once again.

After a long, heavy sigh, Jungjin finally spoke up.

“Take care of Jungin. And be careful what you say about the friend who came with him.”

“Got it.”

“But what about that bastard of a driver? What happened to him, hyung?”

At the mention of the person responsible for Jungin’s accident, Jungseo’s voice grew sharp.

It was the recent car accident that had caused Jungin to regress after he had finally begun to open up to them.

If it hadn’t been for that bastard driver’s drunk driving, their precious brother would’ve been here with them, enjoying the fruit he had brought.

“I think he escaped through Incheon Port. Mom might’ve helped him.”

As Jungjin clenched his teeth in anger, he spotted a distant figure, causing his expression to harden even more.

“What the hell? What’s he doing here?”

Following Jungseo’s gaze, the three brothers’ expressions turned grim.

“Did anyone contact that thief?”

“Of course not.”

“Why would I?”

Then how did that bastard know to show up here?

The brothers all had the same thought.

Their eyes were fixed on Jungin’s fiancé, Ki Beomhyeon.


Jungin snapped his eyes open at the growling of his stomach.

‘What time is it?’

He had only meant to take a quick nap, but looking out the window, the sun had already set.

His stomach growling in hunger told him he had probably slept through dinner.

‘Ugh, I knew this would happen.’

Just as he was about to get out of bed and check the fridge for food, his heart nearly stopped.

‘Why are these guys sleeping here…?’

Leaving their luxurious home, they had laid out sleeping bags on the floor and were sleeping there. He couldn’t believe it.

Not only that, but since all three were fairly large men, their sleeping bags looked like they were about to burst.

They barely covered their stomachs, leaving most of their upper bodies exposed.

‘I’m hungry…’

He realized he hadn’t eaten anything since entering Lee Jungin’s body.

There was a bundle of fruit on the table, but he didn’t want to risk waking them by eating here.

While it didn’t really matter if the brothers woke up, he didn’t want to deal with another loud argument like earlier.

‘Guess I’ll just eat outside.’

The weather had been nice lately, so eating outside wouldn’t be so bad.

Plus, he could check on the state of his own body on the way back, killing two birds with one stone.

Once he made up his mind, he didn’t hesitate.

Quietly slipping out of bed, Jungin carefully tiptoed between the large sleeping figures and headed toward the table.


“Ha, ugh!”

At that moment, Jungseo, who had been tossing and turning, nearly bumped into Jungin, causing him to gasp.

The way Jungseo was wriggling in the snug sleeping bag, as if it were too tight, made it seem like he would wake up at any moment.

Jungin stood frozen, watching him, but fortunately, the movements stopped, and the sound of snoring filled the room.

Seizing the moment, Jungin tiptoed over to the table, grabbed the entire fruit basket, and slipped out of the room.

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  1. why_pencilcase says:

    “Mom might have helped him”

    Oh dear so there is indeed some family feuds… at least the brothers seem sweet.

  2. Kouign.amann says:

    So they’re just making up for the lost time with their youngest??? Or is there a deeper reason behind why he wants to be free

  3. Dee says:


  4. superdango says:

    Thank you for the update!

  5. Shi_Wo2024 says:


  6. kaiss says:

    i smell family drama🤔😑

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