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WMPW chapter 19

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Beryl blinked in surprise, dumbfounded by the sudden request. So shocked, he didn’t even realize he had stupidly replied to his master.

When an alpha ordered an omega to release their scent, it was usually due to base and lewd desires. It was no different from a jeering command to strip.

Although it wasn’t uncommon for alphas to take omegas’ bodies as they pleased, the story changed when Lucian was the one making the request.

Ordinary men might mock omegas for their traits, but Lucian was not like those men.

“Your Grace, when you ask me to release my scent…”

“Rest assured. I have no intention of touching you.”

Seeing the slight tremble in Beryl’s eyes, Lucian quickly added. He meant it—he had absolutely no interest in taking Beryl.

“It’s not to do anything to you. I just want to know…”

He merely wanted to confirm whether his condition had changed.

Lucian was definitely an Alpha Hieron. He had lived his entire life that way.

This meant that even during the peak of his adolescence, he had never lost his sanity, overwhelmed by the scent of an Omega.

However, everything changed after meeting Etienne.

He frequently lost his composure, intoxicated by Etienne’s sweet scent, and, like a beast in heat, he would lose all self-control and rampage.

Just last night, hadn’t he ravaged Etienne, biting and mauling him all over?

So, it was only natural for him to be suspicious. Could his constitution have changed without him knowing?

“I just want to confirm something. If it gets out of hand, Ferden will take you out, so don’t worry.”

Beryl still had a face full of doubt, but he nodded at his master’s explanation. He wasn’t in a position to refuse any orders in the first place.

“Then… please excuse me, Master.”

Under Lucian’s watchful eye, Beryl gradually released his scent. The distinctive sweet fragrance of an Omega filled the study.

It was a scent that any other Alpha would find overwhelmingly alluring, unable to suppress their rising lust. That sweet scent even reminded Lucian somewhat of Etienne’s.

But contrary to the days of his torment, Beryl’s scent failed to arouse any stimulation or desire in Lucian.

‘…As I thought.’

The thought of rolling around with an Omega spilling their pheromones did not appeal to him in the slightest.

His body did not respond, and he didn’t think even a naked Omega would appear sexually enticing to him.

It wasn’t that there was anything wrong with Beryl’s pheromones; it was just that Alpha Hierons were naturally resistant to the scent of Omegas.

‘So my constitution hasn’t changed.’

Lucian’s constitution hadn’t changed. Yet, every time he caught Etienne’s scent, he was overwhelmed with an uncontrollable desire.

So what did that fact imply?

A faint ripple stirred in his heart, one that would gradually spread and turn into a raging storm.

“…You may retract your scent, Beryl.”

Lucian spoke with a complex expression, his words sounding oddly like a sigh.

For a moment, he recalled Etienne’s scent. The maddeningly delightful and tempting scent made him crave it just by thinking about it.

To find a scent in his imagination more alluring than the one filling the room—was that even possible?

Beryl, clueless, just kept observing his master who seemed somewhat displeased.

Although Lucian hadn’t pounced on him as he had reassured, Beryl still couldn’t guess why he had been ordered to release his scent in the first place.

“Do you need anything else, Master?”

“No, that’s all.”

Lucian pressed his fingers firmly against his furrowed brow.

Of course, it did nothing to smooth out his wrinkles.

“…How is Etienne these days? Is he keeping up with his studies?”

“Yes, he is very intelligent, so there are no difficulties.”

“Indeed, no one can match Etienne’s brilliance.”

Despite his troubled mind, Lucian almost instinctively praised Etienne’s exceptional talent.

No matter how confused he was, his praise for Etienne came reflexively, indicating a severe condition.

Even the notoriously frugal Duke Leondine had once praised Etienne generously, something hard to believe.

Etienne’s parents themselves probably hadn’t been as proud of him.

Loyal servant Beryl keenly noticed his master’s change.

Judging from this change, he concluded that his master enjoyed talking about Etienne, and before Lucian could ask further, Beryl continued.

“Lord Harrington has many inquiries. His enthusiasm is astonishing, and his dedication always surprises me.”

“…Is that so?”

Though it sounded like a simple response, there was a faint hint of curiosity that couldn’t be hidden. His expression was clearly one of distress, but his eyes showed curiosity.

It seemed that his master was very fond of the intelligent and quirky Omega youth. Beryl thought this and continued speaking.

“Yes. He often asks how other Omegas spend their heat cycles, what folk remedies help suppress heat cycles… He even asked if I had ever been marked. Once, he inquired if he could take a small blood sample…”

Fortunately, it wasn’t a difficult task. Beryl got along well with the spirited Omega youth.

Even though he was asked to treat him casually, Etienne consistently called him ‘teacher’ and bombarded him with questions, which Beryl found quite endearing.

“He is quite a charming person. To hear someone so naturally state that an Omega is also a person… aside from you, Duke, he was the first.”

“Did Etienne say that to you as well?”


Beryl nodded in response.

He still vividly remembered the shock of the first day he met Etienne at the Duke’s residence.

He had been astonihed by the bizarre order to teach a grown Omega youth how to control his scent and even more by Etienne’s unique nature.

Etienne was excessively free and confident. It was hard to believe that an Omega, typically treated like livestock, could possess such a personality.

With sincere concern, Beryl advised Etienne. He warned that if an Omega like himself or Etienne acted out of place, they would face dire consequences.

While favored Omegas might be treated like pretty dolls, that treatment would be short-lived.

Once the favor was withdrawn, they would be discarded back into the gutter.

Although Lucian was different from ordinary Alpha masters or men, it didn’t change the fact that Omegas lived a lowly life.

However, Etienne confidently responded to Beryl, stating that Omegas were people too.

Etienne’s firm and upright attitude left Beryl unable to continue with his negative remarks, forcing him to remain silent.

“Should I give you a separate warning?”

“No, there’s no need.”

At Beryl’s question, Lucian shook his head immediately.

“There’s no need to teach idiots how to bow their heads.”

At Lucian’s next words, Beryl was momentarily taken aback and then unintentionally let out a laugh.

When Lucian looked at him as if questioning why he was laughing, Beryl quickly realized his rudeness and apologized hastily.

“I’m sorry, Master. It’s just that Mr. Harrington said something similar once…”



Lucian raised an eyebrow slightly. It was a silent prompt to explain what Etienne had said.

“Precisely… ‘Why should I bow to those dumber than me?’”

Lucian’s lips curved into a faint smile at the quick-witted servant’s response.

Just hearing it, Lucian could vividly imagine the situation and the expression Etienne must have had when he said it.

So it was only natural that Lucian let out a laugh too.

“Haha… yes, indeed.”

However, the laughter didn’t last long. The image of Etienne that formed in his mind brought not only joy but also troubling concerns.

“That’s how my partner should be…”

The scent of the Omega still lingered thickly in the room. It was strong enough that some of it must have clung to Lucian’s clothes.

Yet he had no idea how to feel about his body not reacting at all.

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