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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

A couple for show chapter 16

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“What do you want to eat?”

Cha Joobin asked, brushing off his chest as if the mere touch annoyed him, his expression still deeply creased.

“Neither of us likes crowded places.”

“Want me to recommend something?”

Jang Giyoung, who had been silently listening to the conversation, suddenly interjected.

On his phone, which he pushed towards them, was a restaurant that looked quite appetizing, as if he had prepared in advance.

“This place opened nearby. The food is pretty good. No need for reservations since it’s still not crowded. Celebrities frequent it, so they have the courtesy to give you a private seat.”

“Let’s go there, then.”

Cha Joobin left the CEO’s office first, leaving behind a nonchalant remark as if he didn’t care where they went or simply didn’t want to think about it.

Despite the somewhat cold demeanor, Jang Giyoung just kept smiling.

Whether it was because of his easy-going nature or because he had a high tolerance for Cha Joobin, Gong Yoochan thought he should learn a thing or two from him.

“I’ll head out too.”

“Yeah, try to calm Joobin down, alright?”

“Calm him down? Like he’s a kid or something.”

“He might as well be a kid. He’s so cute, I can’t stand it.”

Cute? Really?

Gong Yoochan shook his head in disbelief.

The restaurant they arrived at wasn’t very crowded, just as Jang Giyoung had said.

In the past, newly opened restaurants would be packed, but maybe because it was near the company, it didn’t seem to attract many people in the evening.

Thanks to that, they were able to get the most secluded spot in the quiet restaurant.

After ordering, they sat silently across from each other.

Gong Yoochan scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

What should he say?

He wanted to ask about the shoot, but wasn’t sure if he would get a proper answer, so it was hard to bring up.

“The shoot’s in the countryside.”

Cha Joobin’s words broke the silence, drawing Gong Yoochan’s gaze.

It seemed like he was just as uncomfortable with the awkward atmosphere, as he leaned back in his chair, glaring at the cutlery with a grumpy expression.

“Where in the countryside?”

“Near Taean.”

“That’s far.”

“They booked a place to stay. They’re planning to shoot everything in one go.”

“But the preparations went really quickly this time.”

In the past, he would have asked in detail if there were any difficulties or how things were going with the co-stars.

But now, because he was overly conscious of their relationship and recent conversations, the dialogue felt strained. It was a bit frustrating, and his mouth felt dry.

Not knowing how to navigate this situation, Gong Yoochan closed his mouth again, and Cha Joobin looked at him blankly.

“You must be relieved.”

“About what?”

“You live alone when I’m not around. Must be nice not having to put up with anyone.”

Cha Joobin recalled Gong Yoochan’s words about not needing to endure each other.


The more he thought about it, the less he liked the phrase.

Maybe that’s why his words kept coming out bluntly.

The awkwardness, the way Gong Yoochan rubbed his neck as if unsure what to say next—it all irritated him.

Is it really that uncomfortable being around me? He used to chat away just fine before.

Noticing his unfriendly gaze, Gong Yoochan’s expression also started to crumple.

He could already imagine him scolding, “Why are you acting like this when we came out to have a nice conversation?”

He knew.

That they needed to have a thorough talk, no matter the outcome.

But right now, Cha Joobin really didn’t feel like talking.

He let out a heavy sigh and gulped down cold water.


There it is, he’s going to nag.

Cha Joobin completely avoided his gaze, signaling his unwillingness to listen.

Just then, the food arrived, interrupting the tension.

Since they had similar tastes, they ordered something they could share, and Gong Yoochan naturally asked for two more plates.

“Want to share?”

Cha Joobin hesitated at the question and tilted his head.

“There’s no need to endure even this.”

“It’s not about enduring, it’s a habit. Cancel it if you don’t like it.”

“No, let’s share. If you insist on enduring.”


Gong Yoochan’s voice dropped a notch.

He was trying hard to avoid any emotional conflict, but with the other person not cooperating, it felt like all his energy was being drained.

His head throbbed, and he felt queasy.

The fact that they were eating Western food didn’t help—he felt like he could get nauseous any moment.

Fortunately, the waiter, oblivious to their tension, kindly brought the plates, asking if they could get a signature as they were fans.

Both of them smiled as if nothing had happened.

Gong Yoochan divided the food onto the small plate and placed it in front of Cha Joobin.

Without a word of thanks, Cha Joobin picked up a fork and began twirling the pasta into his mouth.

His eyebrows twitched slightly in approval.

For someone with quite a refined palate, this raised Gong Yoochan’s expectations.

He let out a relieved sigh and took a big bite of pasta.

“It’s good.”

He remarked, impressed.

This place would probably become popular soon.

Gong Yoochan was glad they visited before it became well-known, and it slightly lifted his mood.

Cha Joobin seemed to enjoy the food as well, eating quietly. It seemed he hadn’t been eating well lately, as his plate quickly emptied.

“Should we order more?”

At the question, Cha Joobin glanced up at Gong Yoochan.

“…What do you want to eat?”

“You seem to like the pasta. Should we get more?”

“I’ve got a shoot coming up.”

“Oh, are you watching your weight? Then… there’s a salad pasta here, how about that?”


Cha Joobin looked down.

It was troublesome but seemed okay.

Gong Yoochan ordered another salad pasta.

Then, out of the blue, Gong Yoochan held his phone up in front of Cha Joobin’s face.

The raised eyebrow asked, “What are you doing?”

“Come closer, let’s take a photo.”

Cha Joobin narrowed his eyes in irritation, as if asking if he’d forgotten the conversation they just had.

Well, so what?

No matter how much they bickered, the contracts they signed wouldn’t just disappear, and the upcoming variety show wouldn’t get postponed.

Gong Yoochan just waved his phone.

Reluctantly, Cha Joobin put down his fork and leaned in to look at the screen.

Seeing his grumpy expression, Gong Yoochan poked his cheek, making him force a smile.

Even though he always wore a scowl, he knew how to smile brightly when he needed to, being an actor and all.

Gong Yoochan snapped several photos and reviewed them, selecting the best one.

“I’ll post this one.”

When he showed the screen, Cha Joobin nodded without even looking.

“Want me to send it to you?”

At the short question, Cha Joobin shook his head. In the past, he would have definitely asked for the photo.

Feeling a bit bitter, Gong Yoochan thought he’d post the photo when they got home.

Posting it immediately might alert fans to their location, and that could reveal the chilly atmosphere between them.

Still, he liked the photo.

Maybe because it had been a while since they took one together, he felt nostalgic, so much so that he stared at Cha Joobin, not even noticing the additional pasta had arrived.

“You look great in the photo. You can smile like that, so why do you always frown?”

Gong Yoochan, who unconsciously compared the present to the past, quickly shut his mouth, realizing his mistake.

They had broken up, after all.

He had no right to tell him to smile or not in a relationship that was no longer romantic.

So, he pressed his lips together tightly, and Cha Joobin slowly blinked his eyes as he looked at him.

“You really seem unfazed, don’t you?”

The low, sinking voice pierced his ears.

No, that’s not it, he wanted to say.

“Ah… this is really messed up.”

Finally, Cha Joobin slammed his fork down.

He no longer looked in Gong Yoochan’s direction.

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  1. Creativity53 says:

    Ahh a restaurant scene…wonder what will unfold

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