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QHIM chapter 18- Fake Lily

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Cedrick quickly turned his head to avoid eye contact. Then, with a voice full of irritation, he said,

“…What about your partner?”


“You idiot, were you planning to go to the celebration without one?”

It felt like a tray had fallen on my head. If I had known that, I would’ve written a romance novel, not a BL. Cedrick sneered, as if he expected this.

“If you attend the celebration without a partner, you’ll definitely embarrass yourself. What a pity.”

“…Help me out.”

“Why should I be your partner? Anyway, I’ll be busy helping my father that day, so I can’t go. Get lost.”

Cedrick pushed my head away as if the idea was ridiculous. As he tried to distance himself, I desperately grabbed onto him.

“Well… You’re the most handsome guy I know. Please?”

I looked at him with the most innocent eyes I could muster, and Cedrick gasped. I could see his usually expressionless face slowly turning red.

I squinted and asked him, “Why is your face turning red? And didn’t you just gasp?”

“Who’s turning red? Are you crazy?”

“You’ll do it, right? Please?”

I kept pleading, and Cedrick covered his ears in frustration.

As he shoved me aside and started to leave, I shouted after him, “Cedrick, if you have time, you have to go with me! Got it?”

I sighed as I watched Cedrick disappear down the hallway.

I thought I could just go and humor the nobles, but I needed a partner.

Should I grab a random old man as a partner?

I tried to push away the anxiety.

“…It’s fine. It’s not like I’ve ever had a partner before. I’ll just do it alone.”

I opened the box the Duke had given me again.

I felt relieved when I saw the necklace.

Jeanne, with her extraordinary beauty, would look stunning with just this flashy Jasmine Sapphire.

“And even without a partner… Jeanne will be the center of attention at this celebration.”

I smirked confidently and muttered to myself, “Because I’ll make sure of it.”

On the day of the much-anticipated celebration, my previous resolve vanished into thin air as I found myself in a daze.

The maids, who had dressed me up like a peacock, chattered excitedly.

“My lady, you are absolutely stunning!”

“Jasmine Sapphire is one of the most sought-after jewels among nobles, so you’re sure to be the center of attention.”

I sighed as I checked myself in the mirror.

Jeanne, wearing a necklace that matched the color of her eyes and a silk dress with lace reaching up to her neck, was indeed a strikingly beautiful girl.

As I shook the braid that hung down my back, a hand grabbed my shoulder, causing me to freeze.

“Just a reminder, you mustn’t shake your head, my lady. You’ll ruin the hairstyle we worked so hard on. Please keep looking straight ahead.”

“I’m not a doll…”

“Today is an important occasion. The Duke specifically requested that we make you look beautiful, my lady.”

Lily, who had been smiling warmly, adjusted my hair.

Perhaps because of the Duke’s request, the cost of the jewelry I was wearing could probably buy a house in the capital.

I was anxious that even a single small diamond in my hair might fall off.

“It’s pretty, but… it doesn’t quite suit me.”

Because the people of Sacre develop more slowly than other races, Jeanne, who already looked younger than her age, felt like a child dressed in adult clothes.

I muttered with a frown.

“Could you get me some soju? I can’t handle this sober.”

“Soju? What’s that?”

“It’s something that exists.”

Lily, who was looking at me curiously, tilted her head.

“But, my lady, your partner…”


Twitty elbowed Lily in the side. Lily let out a small yelp and quickly covered her mouth.

I could see pity in their eyes. I responded nonchalantly, trying to mask my feelings.

“No, I’m fine on my own. I’m the best, after all.”

Lily and Twitty made awkward faces at my not-so-humble statement.

Feeling embarrassed, I cleared my throat and changed the subject.

“By the way, Twitty, did you bring what I asked for?”

Twitty quickly handed me a notebook, then confidently placed her hands on her hips.

“I’ve put together a ‘Special Report: Comprehensive Guide to Noble Young Ladies.’ It includes the most notable young ladies, their interests, and even their complicated relationships.”

“You’re such a clever girl. Lower your head!”

Twitty, looking puzzled, lowered her head. I roughly ruffled her hair and laughed heartily. Lily, who had been watching, shouted with a wounded expression.

“Me too! Please ruffle my hair too!”

Twitty, who had been receiving my touch with a dazed expression, suddenly frowned.

“What did you do? I stayed up for days making this notebook, you know!”

Watching them bicker, I smiled contentedly. Yes, compete and work hard for me. This Jeanne is wicked and calculating, but at least she’s generous with praise.

“Now, my lady, let me guide you to the carriage…”

Unable to watch any longer, the head butler finally intervened in the conversation.

I nodded and was about to follow him when someone suddenly appeared around the corner and bumped into me. Twitty and Lily fell silent at once.

“…What are you staring at?”

I was momentarily speechless at the sight of Cedrick, who looked different from usual.

I already knew this guy was handsome, but seeing him in a tuxedo with his hair neatly combed back made him seem like he was glowing.

I looked up at Cedrick in a daze and awkwardly asked, “Where are you going all dressed up like that?”

Cedrick glared at me with a sharp look.

Then, in a firm voice, he spoke to the butler.

“Butler, bring a shawl. Her skin is showing.”

“Yes, young master.”

Behind me, Twitty let out a little gasp.

I bewilderedly wrapped the shawl the butler handed me around my shoulders.

I kept stealing glances at Cedrick as we walked in the same direction.

Cedrick, who hadn’t even looked at me, spoke sarcastically.

“And what’s with your outfit? It’s so hideous I want to gouge my eyes out.”

“And you…”


“…You’re just as handsome as ever.”

I had to admit it when it was true. I couldn’t even joke that he was ugly with that face.

Cedrick let out a small, incredulous laugh.

For some reason, seeing Cedrick smile made me feel strange.

“Well then, my lady, we’ll follow in another carriage. See you at the palace!”

Lily and Twitty waved. Caught off guard, I waved back.

Just as I was about to get into the carriage, Cedrick climbed in first.

Puzzled, I asked him in a surprised voice,

“Why are you getting in? Do you have business at the palace too?”

“Shut up.”

Ah, okay.

It wasn’t worth arguing further, so I quietly climbed into the carriage.

As soon as I sat next to him, Cedrick quickly turned his head toward the window.

He’s so annoying. I pretended to punch the air with my trembling fists but decided against it.

‘I’ll let it slide because you stood up for me in front of the Duke yesterday.’

I opened the notebook Twitty had given me and immediately let out an exclamation of admiration.

Twitty should consider switching from being a maid to working in intelligence.

‘The most notable young lady in high society right now is… Mia.’

Mia was a character briefly introduced in the original novel as the illegitimate daughter of the Archbishop Revulin. While writing her, I maxed out her social skills, beauty, and divine power.

Encouraged by her father, the Archbishop, she became a saintess but harbored ambition and jealousy due to Luke’s constant success. She tried to frame Luke but ended up suffering for it.

‘Maybe because she was a villain, her end wasn’t great either.’

I closed the notebook with a heavy heart. Knowing the future meant knowing who was going to die. Is this what fortune-tellers feel like? Just then, a necklace dropped at my feet.

“Damn it, it came loose again.”

Maybe the clasp was weak because the necklace kept coming undone.

I paused while picking up the sparkling necklace and let out a deep sigh.

Maybe it was because I knew its price, but I felt incredibly insignificant compared to this necklace.



“Do you think people will see me as valuable as this necklace?”

In the original story, Jeanne was known for her extravagance to the point where it was almost baffling.

In winter, I had to wear the finest furs, and in summer, I would take her servants to resorts, spending money lavishly.

Even during times of long droughts when the citizens of the empire were struggling, Jeanne continued to buy and hoard luxury goods without any intention of practicing noblesse oblige.

People whispered about him behind his back.

“After all, she’s just a Sacre.”

Perhaps Jeanne’s extravagance was related to such deprivation.

The desire to be recognized, even if it meant wearing expensive things. He might have used luxury as a way to soothe his fear of being exposed and possibly killed.

Clutching the necklace tightly, I spoke in a weak voice.

“Everyone knows I’m from Sacre. Do you think they’ll see me as a Sacre trying to live beyond my means?”

“You’re showing your fear.”

At Cedrick’s reply, I quickly turned my head.



Ah, so that’s why Carlisle noticed right away that I was afraid.

As Cedrick turned the page of his newspaper, he spoke in a nonchalant voice.

“I was the same at your age. A guy with neither magical nor holy powers as the next head of the family? I didn’t think about increasing my value, just worried every day about what others thought of me.”


“So did I become timid? No, I stayed up all night playing with numbers. I realized early on, as a kid, that I didn’t have magical talent, but I was better with numbers than others.”

His unexpected statement left my lips slightly parted. I recalled the study where the lights never seemed to go out. Cedrick, now lowering his newspaper, gently tapped my forehead with his finger.

“Value is something you set yourself. It’s not something others decide.”

Cedrick gave me a faint smile. Staring at him blankly, I mumbled.

“You… sound quite mature.”

“Did you forget I’m four years older than you? So stop looking so ugly and smile. This is the first time you’re being introduced as the Lady of the Efilia family, after all.”

“Like this?”

When I awkwardly grinned, showing my front teeth, Cedrick frowned.

Grabbing my face, he forced the corners of my mouth upward with his thumb. I glared at him with my face scrunched up.

“Idiot, raise the corners of your mouth more.”


“Kuh, you’re really noticeably unattractive.”

For some reason, a sudden surge of emotion made me bite down hard on Cedrick’s hand.

Cedrick, who now clutched his bitten hand, gave me a cold look.

“Maybe you should fix your personality?”

“Is that some self-reflection?”

As the atmosphere turned chilly again, the carriage continued its journey.

We arrived at the palace just as the sun began to set.

Upon stepping out of the carriage, the waiting servants bowed their heads.

Cedrick, who followed behind me, gestured towards his arm with his eyes.

“Take it.”

He had come along just to escort me. Though tempted, I refrained from teasing him.

If he got upset, he’d likely turn around and head straight back home. Without a word, I quietly linked arms with him.

“And one more thing—don’t look so intimidated; it’s annoying to watch. At least in this empire, there’s no noble who can look down on us.”

“You sound just like the Duke.”

“Where do you think that bloodline comes from?”

Cedrick’s self-deprecating tone made me chuckle.

“Yeah, just like him.”

Even the subtle bashfulness was the same.

I suppressed my timid heart and took a step forward.

There’s a quote by Tolstoy that says, ‘Don’t explain, just show.’ Instead of explaining that Jeanne was a saint, I wanted to prove it.

Today, at this celebration where all the prominent nobles were gathered.

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22 days ago

enjoyed and thanks

21 days ago

Dang I’m so addicted to this story

19 days ago

I feel like despite Jeanne saying he is just pretending to act cutesy, it seems like his actual personality has started leaking out here – he really does care about the Duke and Cedrick

16 days ago

Apoyo con todo mi ser a Cedric aunque se que no tiene ni 0,99% de chances igual le apoyo para que sea alguien en que Jeanne pueda confiar

8 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

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