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GTLTGIDES chapter 36

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Elliot’s words didn’t completely erase my sense of responsibility.

They said Eunsoo lost his ability to guide right after entering my hospital room.

A psychological expert said that the shock of seeing the terrible consequences of what he did to Jake had caused his subconscious to block his ability to use his powers.

‘Everything I do seems to have a bad effect on Eunsoo.’

What if I had died too?

I kept regretting it over and over. I vowed to never act recklessly again.

I wiped my face with both hands. My heart felt heavy.

“Hey, Yang Heewoon! Don’t worry! That kid’s got a strong mind, he’ll recover soon.”

“Yeah. And now that you’ve woken up, the burden on his mind should be lighter.”

“Right. Actually, the one we should be worried about is you, Yang Heewoon.”

“Me? Why…?”


Cha Junseong looked at me quietly.

When he said “worry,” there was a strange mix of emotions in his eyes, and then he looked away.

“The Bureau was planning to temporarily assign that kid to our Special A Team because they assumed he had extraordinary abilities after finding you so badly injured… But in his current state, it’s impossible.”


“It looks like you’ll have to continue being the exclusive guide for the Special A Team.”

When Cha Junseong finished speaking, I felt an emotion that was surprisingly… joy.

I forgot all about my worries for Eunsoo and felt happy that I was still needed by the Special A Team.

‘Wow, I’m really awful…’

Eunsoo lost his powers because of the emotional pain he went through, and here I am, feeling happy. I’m such a terrible adult.

‘But Eunsoo is still a minor…’

The more I thought about it, the more I realized this might actually be for the best.

Even though guiding is a “job,” there’s a limit to what physical contact should be allowed with minors.

That’s why underage guides have always been strictly protected.

This is also a big reason why Eunsoo’s kidnapping case caused such a stir.

“Yang Heewoon, are you okay?”

“Ah, yes…”

My voice was delayed in responding because I was so overwhelmed by the mix of joy and guilt.

Cha Junseong observed my face with concern, just like before.

“They said your body isn’t doing well after Jake’s forced guiding attempt…”

“No, I’m fine. I can do it.”

I emphasized with a smile.

“I want to do it.”

Cha Junseong frowned deeply as he stared at me.

His eyes were kind, filled with concern for me.

“It’s tough, isn’t it? You could share the work… or even quit if you wanted to.”

“Eunsoo is still a minor. I can manage alone until he becomes an adult.”

Eunsoo is an overpowered guide who can guide without contact, but that only works when the esper he’s guiding is a lower rank than him.

It’s tough for him to guide an S-rank esper without contact, especially when there’s a lot of power involved.

The author gave Eunsoo these overpowered traits but clearly defined his limits for a reason.

‘Because “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” is an R-rated 19+ novel…’

Besides, Eunsoo and the three espers started off in a deeply hostile relationship, full of intense hatred.

They probably had to reconcile physically because they couldn’t resolve anything through conversation. That’s just how the setting is.

That’s why I didn’t really want Eunsoo to take on the guiding.

The age difference between him and the three espers is quite significant…

If they were all adults, I wouldn’t mind, but when he’s still a minor, no matter how much I support his love, I can’t help but feel uncomfortable.

“I know I’m not enough. But if the three of you are okay with it, I’d…”

“I like you, Yang Heewoon.”

Rex suddenly spoke. It was an unexpected statement from an unexpected person.

Just two days ago, hadn’t he stormed out of the hospital room, yelling at me to get out of the Special A Team because he hated me?

I looked at him in disbelief, and he seemed a bit embarrassed, clearing his throat and avoiding my gaze.

But he didn’t take back his words. Instead, he repeated him more clearly.

“I want you to guide me, Yang Heewoon.”

“Me too. No matter how amazing that kid’s abilities are, if we already work well together with our current guide, there’s no need to change.”

“…Are you really okay with this?”

With even Elliot joining in, Cha Junseong looked at me. He seemed really concerned.

Well, Cha Junseong was already aware that I was overexerting myself before this incident. It’s no wonder he was worried.

‘I’m really sorry.’

I apologized inwardly. I know this is a selfish choice.

“Yang Heewoon said he’ll do it! Why do you keep asking over and over? He said he’ll do it!”

“Rex, it’s true that Heewoon has been pushing himself too hard. Guiding three S-ranks isn’t easy. It’s only natural that Leader Junseong is cautious.”

“Then Cha Junseong, you should step down. There are plenty of guides out there who’d be more than happy to guide you, no matter how intense your mindscape is, at any level of guided contact. But for me, it’s only Yang Heewoon, and I don’t want anyone else!”

“…As long as Heewoon is okay with it, I prefer him too. What do you think, Junseong? How about getting a personal guide?”


Cha Junseong, who usually wasn’t hesitant, didn’t answer right away and seemed to waver.

He stared at me intently, then sighed and closed his eyes.

“…I also prefer Yang Heewoon.”


I let out a sigh of relief without realizing it.

If anyone were to volunteer to endure Cha Junseong’s incredibly painful mindscape and become his exclusive guide, I’d only think they had ulterior motives.

It would inevitably have a negative impact on Eunsoo’s love life.

Cha Junseong is a really good person. I want him to be with Eunsoo, and I don’t want anything to come between him.

‘I wonder if I’m being too biased towards Eunsoo and not considering Junseong’s perspective enough…’

But still, with his prestigious family, good looks, great personality, and skills in both the bedroom and the kitchen…

He’s too good to let go. I want to keep him close to our precious kid.

They’d make such a great couple.

Once Eunsoo hits his growth spurt and matures, they’ll look even better together.

He enthusiastically called out to Cha Junseong.

“I’ll work hard! I want to stay as your guide for a long time. I won’t disappoint you.”

“Uh, sure…”

Did I make him uncomfortable? Cha Junseong stuttered and turned his head away.

Elliot propped his chin on his hand and smirked.

“Well, this is unexpected. I mean, Junseong did lure you in with money to keep you close, didn’t he?”


“I heard he even brought you to his house. I wonder what he was thinking.”

“Oh, that was because I had my reasons…”

If word got out that I was frequently at Cha Junseong’s house, it would be a disaster.

His strict family would certainly have something to say about it.

The idea of his precious treasure being involved in rumors with a mere B-class guide?

They’d likely foam at the mouth.

They’d probably only consider an S-class guide as a suitable match. As for me…

‘I’d probably get slapped with a wad of cash…’

Of course, I’d welcome the cash, especially if it came with compensation for emotional distress, but I’m terrified that I might be banned from guiding him after that.

“Hm. Is that so? It was just for your own reasons? No feelings for Junseong at all?”


A tense atmosphere hung between Cha Junseong and Elliot.

Despite the clear provocation, Cha Junseong didn’t say a word, and Elliot, with a faint smile, turned to me.

“Heewoon, how about visiting my place? Do you like cats?”

“I love him!”

“That’s good to hear. Why don’t you move in with us? Once Hope is discharged, the three of us can live together. How does that sound?”

“Hey, what the hell! No way! Don’t talk nonsense!”


I didn’t know why Rex was freaking out, but it was a rather awkward proposal for me as well.

Elliot probably dislikes letting anyone into his home just as much as Cha Junseong.

From his perspective, it must have taken a lot to make such an offer.

So while I felt bad, I had to decline.

“I really appreciate the offer, but… I can’t live with you.”

It would be nice to live with Elliot.

Not only would my living expenses go down significantly, but there would be plenty of people to help with household chores, making life much more comfortable.

But I can’t.

My health condition might be exposed.

And there’s another reason, a very important one.

I smiled softly. It hasn’t happened yet, but just imagining it makes my heart flutter.

“I’m going to take Eunsoo with me.”

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I see

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Thanks dear

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