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QHIM chapter 11- Fake Miracle

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‘Could it be today? The day they send me to the asylum?’

I knew it! They’re trying to sweet-talk me because they think I won’t go quietly.

Timing was crucial when it came to pleading for mercy. You had to beg after eliciting as much sympathy as possible; groveling at the wrong time would only earn you contempt.

Even though my pupils were shaking, I tried my best to remain calm.

“I was planning to read in the study. I didn’t finish the book I was enjoying last time.”

“A book? What book?”

“Well… a book titled ‘Research and Applications on Advanced Monsters’.”

“That’s a tough book even for graduating students at the academy. Why the sudden interest in monsters? You usually don’t even glance at books.”

For a moment, the contents of the original story flashed through my mind.

Duke Carlotte was a wealthy man involved in various businesses, but he was particularly interested in the military industry and weapons manufacturing.

In fact, the uniforms and weapons for the royal knights were all provided by the magical research institute run by the Efilia family.

Sensing an opportunity, I quickly replied.

“I was intrigued by how different monsters have different weak spots and how the weapons used must vary depending on their attributes. Isn’t that what your magical research institute studies as well, Duke?”

The Duke’s expression showed a flicker of surprise. He stroked his chin before asking in a disinterested tone.

“It doesn’t sound like you’re lying about finding it interesting. Let me ask you, then. What weapon should you use against a dark-attribute monster?”


As I hesitated, the Duke chuckled. His expression seemed to say, ‘As expected, there’s no way a lady who didn’t even attend the academy would know this.’

But there was no way I didn’t know.

I was the one who had been criticized by readers for writing a fantasy novel with so much world-building that it could have been a reference book instead of a BL novel.

After pretending to think hard about it, I cautiously answered.

“You have to use a weapon made from Maya’s relics. Maya is the god with the power of purification.”

The Duke suddenly stopped in his tracks. I looked up at him, bewildered.

Though his expression remained icy, I could sense a subtle thrill behind his cold facade.

‘This is it! Now that he’s in a good mood, I should plead!’

Just as I was about to drop to my knees, the Duke spoke firmly.

“Read that book later. You’re coming with me somewhere today.”

Damn it!

✽ ✽ ✽

I was still in a daze even as I climbed into the carriage.

The uneasiness I felt now was roughly similar to how I’d felt the day before enlisting in the army.

The Duke, sitting across from me, spoke to me, who looked utterly defeated.

“I’ve heard there’s going to be a celebration soon at the palace for the Fourth Prince’s birthday. I intend to introduce you as the daughter of the Efilia Duchy for the first time there.”


I lifted my head from where it was resting against the window and looked at the Duke.

After blinking a few times, I finally understood what he was saying and leaned forward.

“A… a celebration?! Not a asylum?”


My jaw dropped. A thrill ran through my body like an electric current.

No torture.

No meeting that lunatic Jerome!

I impulsively threw my arms around the Duke’s neck. In the jostling carriage, I shouted in a voice brimming with gratitude.

“Thank you, Duke!”



The Duke’s reaction was as stiff as a statue. I realized it then. The hug was over the top.

Breaking out in a cold sweat, I quickly sat back down and pretended not to notice the Duke’s aura turning pitch black.

I was on edge, afraid the Duke might toss me out of the moving carriage.

“Standing up in a moving carriage goes beyond manners; it’s common sense.”

“…Yes, I’m sorry.”

“I suppose it’s a relief you know it’s wrong.”

Even though I knew I should restrain myself, a smile kept tugging at my lips. I couldn’t help it. Not going to the asylum meant I had changed the original story.

Of course, I still had to prepare for ‘that event’ at the celebration, but for now, I decided to enjoy this moment of joy.

‘But where are we headed right now?’

Well, whatever. Anywhere was better than a asylum. The mood lightened so much that the days I had spent in worry seemed almost laughable.

After watching me quietly for a while, the Duke turned his attention back to his stack of papers.

We had been riding for some time when, as soon as I stepped out of the carriage, I was overwhelmed by the drastic change in atmosphere.

Seeing the world I had created in my novel with my own eyes filled me with an inexplicable sense of pride.

This was the largest shopping district in the Kaisar Empire.

A massive tree stood in the center, surrounded by shops.

Students in royal academy uniforms were gathered in small groups here and there.

I covered my mouth when I saw the summoned creatures waddling alongside me.

‘Transmigrating into another world is awesome.’

Though, until this morning, I had wanted to die.

“Lady, this way.”

Following the butler into an alley, a particularly extravagant shop caught my eye.

It had a sign that read “Kelly’s Boutique.”

Something about the name felt familiar, so I squinted.

‘Huh? Why does that name sound familiar?’

Before I could open the door, someone rushed out from inside. It was an old man with a sturdy build and an eyepatch over one eye.

Despite his gruff appearance, the old man hopped up and down adorably and bowed.

“Duke! You’ve brought the young lady with you today. It’s an honor to meet such distinguished guests.”

“Is what I ordered ready?”

“Of course, I made sure to prepare it. I went through quite a hassle to keep it out of the other young ladies’ sight… But the daughter of the Efilia Duchy should stand out the most at the celebration.”

Before I could grasp the situation, two female attendants grabbed my arms from both sides.

That’s when I realized—I shouldn’t have been relieved about not being dragged to the asylum.

“Well then, my lady, our staff will assist you in changing your clothes.”

“W-wait, just a moment!”

I was so shocked that my voice cracked mid-sentence. The Duke and the boutique owner looked at me with puzzled expressions.

I had a feeling things were going too smoothly. Two choices popped into my head:

  1. Change clothes → They discover I’m a man → Execution
  2. Refuse to change → They think I’m disregarding the Duke’s kindness → Expelled

Either way, it’s a dead end. My eyes darted nervously as I spoke in a trembling voice.

“I don’t need any more dresses. I already have plenty, including the ones passed down by Lady Marie. I think it would be better to look at some jewelry instead…”

As I rambled on, the Duke narrowed his eyes at me.


“Well, um, these days, there’s a trend among young ladies to go for a subtle yet chic look.”

“A subtle yet chic look? That’s an odd term.”

“Well, it’s, um…”

I trailed off, my eyes shifting around. The Duke’s expression grew increasingly stern as he observed my suspicious behavior.

It reminded me of how frustrated Duke Carlote would get whenever he saw Jeanne in the original story.

Hesitation and indecision were the things Duke Carlote hated most. I hurriedly added more to avoid being disliked like in the original.

“An overly flashy dress can easily come across as tacky. I think it would leave a much stronger impression to accentuate with one bold piece of jewelry.”

I intended it as an excuse, but somehow, the Duke seemed pleased with my reasoning again.

Kelly, who had been quietly listening, suddenly grabbed my hand. I awkwardly smiled as she nodded vigorously.

“Miss Kelly, I’m deeply moved. To think there’s a lady in this day and age with such a firm fashion philosophy. Fashion isn’t about adding more, but about knowing when to subtract! It aligns perfectly with my own philosophy.”


“Then, let me guide you to the jewelry section.”

Phew, I managed to get through that somehow. Kelly bowed and led the way.

As I walked down the corridor to the jewelry section, I racked my brain, trying to remember the original story.

‘Kelly… That name sounds familiar.’

Just as I felt a twinge of unease, we arrived at the jewelry section, where the finest jewels were displayed in transparent glass cases.

Kelly, now holding a catalog, had me sit on a sofa and knelt beside me. Perhaps it was because the shop mainly catered to nobles, but even the smallest details in their service were exceptional.

“If you see a design you like in the catalog, our jewelers can craft it with your choice of gemstone. Do you have any specific designs or stones in mind?”

As if I would. I glanced at the Duke’s expression.

He looked just as bored as I was.

‘If he’s that bored, why did he bother coming along?’

Deciding to end this quickly, I responded smoothly.

“I’m not very knowledgeable about jewelry. I’ll leave it to your recommendation.”

“Understood! In that case, how about this jasmine sapphire? With your fair and beautiful neck, a necklace made of jasmine sapphire would look truly stunning.”

Kelly pointed to a specific gemstone in the catalog. As I listened to her explanation, I casually checked the price. I couldn’t believe my eyes, so I counted the zeros one by one and gasped.

‘Why is the price so high? It’s practically the price of a house!’

While Kelly smiled brightly, my face grew darker. Historically, extravagant ladies often met bad ends.

Seeing my lackluster reaction, Kelly left to show me another model. Taking advantage of the moment, I quietly called out to the Duke.

“Your Grace.”

“What is it?”

“No matter what, I think such an expensive luxury item would be a burden on you. I understand the importance of appearances, but I don’t think it’s necessary to go overboard.”

A strange silence fell. I tensed, thinking I had said something wrong, when suddenly, the previously silent Duke let out a chuckle. It was the first time I had seen him laugh, and I froze in place.

“You say the most amusing things.”


“There’s nothing in this empire that I can’t afford, Jeanne.”

My lips parted in surprise. It wasn’t that the Duke was wealthier than I expected. It was the fact that he called me by my name, Jeanne, that shocked me.

The Duke, sensing the oddity, cleared his throat. The atmosphere was awkward for both of us, so I pretended to browse the catalog.

‘Does this mean he’s opened up to me a little?’

Since it was the first time the Duke had called me Jeanne, my feelings were extremely mixed.

I was reading the catalog like I would the back of a shampoo bottle when I suddenly paused.

‘Wait a minute. This is…’

I abruptly stood up and moved to the glass case displaying watches. Among the luxurious timepieces, one rusty pocket watch caught my eye.

My heart raced with the satisfaction of finally finding it.

“…Your Grace, I don’t really need such an expensive necklace.”

The Duke looked at me with a puzzled expression as I gave a faint smile.

Yes, Jeanne didn’t need a fancy dress or beautiful jewelry.

As lovely as they were, they couldn’t prevent Jeanne’s bad ending.

The only thing that could save Jeanne now was…

“I want this pocket watch.”

…a new miracle.

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29 days ago


28 days ago

This book has me hooked. My points😭

10 days ago

I am excited. What is that? A shield artifact?

8 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

1 day ago

Excitement is building g once against. Let’s go 🧐

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