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GTLTGIDES chapter 25

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“Yang Heewoon, hello!”

As soon as I entered the Bureau, Rex called my name and waved both hands enthusiastically, as if he somehow knew I was coming.

His booming voice echoed through the Bureau’s lobby, naturally drawing everyone’s attention.

That wasn’t enough; his huge body, nearly 2 meters tall, charged at me like a large dog excited to see its owner after a long time.

I tensed up, worried he might unleash a torrent of emotions on me, but he only enveloped me in his arms.

The usual fiery aura unique to Rex wasn’t there, just a slight warmth.

“Ah, hello….”

“Why don’t you come if I don’t call you? It’s been too long. I missed you!”

“Well… there was no particular reason for me to come….”

While Espers take turns staying in the office to be ready for any emergencies, Guides don’t have such obligations.

There was no major incident, so I had no reason to come out.

Plus, I was half out of it because of Eunsoo.

“So you didn’t really want to see me? Is that why you didn’t come?”

Rex said, frowning his thick red eyebrows in dissatisfaction.

It’s ridiculous.

Since when did he want to see Yang Heewoon so badly?

Whenever he called me, it was just to assign chores and kick me out right after guiding.

The only reason Rex would want to see me is… obviously, just one thing.

“Do you need guiding?”





Why is this guy sticking his face in and closing his eyes?

Does he want me to do it first? Here?

I can’t understand why he’s doing this suddenly when he usually likes to have control over me.

And I haven’t even said I’d do it yet.

‘Should I just hit him?’

I was both embarrassed and annoyed, thinking of not doing it.

Anyway, from the brief contact earlier, it didn’t seem like he had as much accumulated as Cha Junseong.


But there was something strange about Rex, who was sticking his face towards me.

His eyelids were slightly trembling. Like someone nervous.

‘What the… cute….’

I suppressed the laughter that was about to come out.

Rex, waiting so obediently for me with that huge body. It’s a rare sight.

Can I take it that he really wants it badly?

Fine, when did Rex ever care about time and place?

Anyway, it’s already rumored, so I can be shameless.

I stretched out both hands and placed them on Rex’s cheeks.

My heart pounded for no reason.

“Here we go.”



Even though I said I would, I hesitated when it came to actually doing it.

It’s not like it was the first time kissing Rex, but I didn’t know why I was so nervous.

I steeled my resolve, closed my eyes tightly, and pressed my lips against his.


Thankfully, Rex didn’t expect me to be more active than just letting my lips touch his.

As our lips met, his thick, strong arms pulled me close.

His lips parted, and his tongue licked my lips. From then on, it was a usual kiss.

The only difference was that the usually fiery Rex was not as aggressive this time.

It wasn’t like being directly burned but more like soaking in a hot spring.

Of course, it was hotter than a normal hot spring, and the heat wasn’t pain-free, but it was much more bearable.

When our lips parted, Rex finished guiding with a light lick on my lips.

I opened my eyes, exhaling a hot breath.

Rex, still close enough that I could feel his breath, was smirking.

“Did something good happen?”

“Yeah. You got it right away. Be happy, Yang Heewoon. I got revenge for you.”


Revenge for what?

It didn’t take long to understand what Rex meant.

“Bastard! Damn it! Damn it all!”

“Fuck! Don’t even think about touching me! Get lost!”

“Don’t look at me with pity, get lost, fuck!”

An enormous roar came from inside.

And it was a familiar voice.

Jake Powell.

The people around us, who had been whispering about me and Rex’s heated kiss, quickly switched to gossiping about Jake.

“Isn’t that Jake Powell? What’s going on?”

“He got thoroughly beaten by Rex Hamilton. I heard he was completely smashed.”


“There’s a big difference between A-rank and S-rank after all.”

“What a shame. He considered him a rival, but if he got smashed, his pride must be….”

I roughly grasped the situation.

I looked back at Rex, the culprit of this noisy situation. What on earth had he done?


“Why are you looking at me like that? I didn’t start it. That guy picked the fight first!”

Summarizing what people were saying and Rex’s explanation, it went like this.

Jake harbored a grudge because Special B Team had its mission to capture an unregistered Esper snatched by Special A Team’s interference.

Jake, who disliked Rex enough to pick a fight every time he saw him, was deeply hurt when his mission was taken away.

So, when he saw Rex’s face at the Bureau, he went straight for him.

After some loud arguments, they decided to settle it in the training room.

The result was what we just heard.

Jake Powell, utterly defeated by Rex, was furiously raging. Jake Powell, whose pride was shattered.

I wanted to feel triumphant, but thinking of Eunsoo made my heart complicated.

This could negatively impact Eunsoo….

“But why is that my revenge?”

“That guy is notorious for hating Guides. He kept badmouthing you.”


“Yeah. He sure knows how to use dirty words. I can tolerate insults about me, but I didn’t like hearing him talk about you that way. So I got revenge for you.”

Dirty words… probably sexual insults again.

‘That’s unfair….’

It’s not uncommon for Espers and Guides to have intimate relationships.

Mucosal guiding is efficient. The higher the stage, the better.

But even though Yang Heewoon kissed quite a few Espers, he never guided using his lower body. He was somewhat conservative.

And as for me… I’m a virgin ghost.

Embarrassingly, I had no first kiss experience.

Thanks to Yang Heewoon’s memories, I could do it comfortably, but it wasn’t my first.

A virgin ghost possessing a virgin body keeps getting sexually insulted. How pitiful.

“…Hmm, so Rex fought to protect my honor.”

“Well. Yeah, that’s it.”

Rex awkwardly shifted his gaze and rubbed his nose.

Cute. Rex has become quite cute lately. This rehabilitation project is paying off.

My hardened heart softened. A smile naturally appeared.

“Thank you.”

“Don’t mention it. We’re colleagues, we protect each other.”


The words that took a long time to come from an S-rank guide like Eunsoo are now directed at me.

Can I believe that my sincerity has reached him?

I’m so happy. Hehe, I ended up laughing out loud without even realizing it.

Then I felt arms wrapping around my waist.

When I looked up, Rex was looking at me with a subtle smile.

“Hey, Yang Heewoon.”


“Colleagues are like one body, right?”

“Uh? Well… I suppose so?”

“In that sense, how about doing the 2nd stage of mucous membrane guiding?”

“The 2nd stage of mucous membrane guiding?”


His blue eyes, full of anticipation, sparkled like stars as they shone on me.

‘What was the 2nd stage of mucous membrane guiding in [Cheongga-Wool]?’

I tried to remember carefully.

Stage 1 was guiding by touching the mucous membranes inside the mouth. Stage 2 was probably…


As soon as I recalled what it was, my gratitude towards Rex vanished completely.

Isn’t this sexual harassment? I fought for my honor, and now this…

I clenched my fist tightly, then pressed it down to hold back.

But Rex had been doing some nice things recently, so I can overlook it just once.

“Rex, are you on the verge of a rampage right now?”

“No. I’m actually in great condition today.”

“Is kissing not enough, and now you want to fool around with my lower body too? You might end up getting scolded by your future lover.”

Although Rex seems like he’s living recklessly, surprisingly, he’s still a virgin.

It’s probably not voluntary; it’s just that no one can handle ‘that size’.

Even with Eunsoo, it took over a year to properly spend a night together and mature.

It’s unfortunate that I have to wait nearly two more years without fulfilling my desires, but I won’t give up the ‘#Virgin’ title so easily.

Rex raised his eyebrows at my words.

“Why are you worried about my future lover?”

Well, that ‘future lover’ is Yeon-Soo.

It seems Eunsoo wouldn’t particularly care about whether Rex is a virgin.

Eunsoo also has relationships with other people besides Rex.

There’s no need to cling to purity, but since I know who Rex’s owner is, the advances don’t sound flattering.

“There’s no need for Stage 2. You can handle it with Stage 1 whenever needed, and you’re still clean now.”

“No, it’s not that I really want the guiding! It’s just…”



Our gazes met.

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1 month ago

Rex ..

30 days ago

No rex you all need more fixing in the head before that stage

25 days ago


23 days ago

Oh sheesh

23 days ago

Oh my

23 days ago

Oh mi God Rex

21 days ago

In the first half I thought Rex was cute, in the second half… Rex you’re lucky you’re cute.

14 days ago

Each chapter has me torn on who I like more

12 days ago

Lmao Rex is too impatient

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