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GTLTGIDES chapter 22

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“I need to buy at least one. Honestly, I want to buy three, but that might be too much for you, Heewoon, so let’s stick to one.”

“Oh, no, it’s okay! Even if I have expensive clothes, I won’t have any occasion to wear them.”

“Do you really need a special occasion? I wear this kind of thing all the time.”

‘That’s because it’s you!’

He came from a wealthy family that even sent a massive welfare foundation when their son went abroad.

Buying a few expensive clothes would be no burden.

However, maintaining expensive items always costs a lot.

If it’s not something to wear only a few times and throw away, the dry cleaning costs alone would be substantial.

And you can’t just treat a gift carelessly or leave it hanging in the closet forever.

Despite shaking my head vigorously, Elliot was firm.

“Just take it, no more talking.”


Elliot’s eyebrow shot up. His look said, ‘Are you refusing my kindness?’

‘Even if I say no, he’ll insist on giving it to me.’

I sighed inwardly.

Since it’s a suit, there will be occasions to wear it.

“Alright, I’ll accept it this one time.”

“Good decision. It’s really pretty. Try it on.”

Elliot handed the card to the waiting shop assistant.

He then came over to me, looking pleased, and started adjusting the lapel of my jacket with a bright smile, clearly satisfied.

‘Honestly, it is pretty…’

Elliot had a good eye. I was very satisfied as well. The color wasn’t too flashy or too plain—a nice grayish blue.

The material felt good, and it wrapped around my body smoothly.

The only problem was that it matched Eunsoo’s eye color so well that it would look even better on him.

Elliot, who had been fiddling with my jacket for a while, smiled and said,

“Heewoon, once you don’t have to worry about hospital bills, you should invest in yourself. Wear pretty clothes and eat delicious food.”


So he bought me clothes and food as a taste of this kind of life?

I must have shown too much how little I had.

I felt both grateful and sorry for his consideration.

I smiled at Elliot.

“I’ll think about it.”

“…You look like you’re not convinced.”

‘He’s like a mind reader.’

I thought I had controlled my expression well enough, but he saw through it right away.

Was my smile that awkward?

But I couldn’t lie.

Even if I passed the foundation’s review and didn’t have to worry about hospital bills, would I really spend that money on myself?

I need to save for Huimang’s future after I’m gone.

If I have some extra, I’d like to give a bit to Eunsoo too…

At times like this, changing the subject is the best.

I grabbed Elliot’s sleeve and smiled brightly.

“Thanks for the suit. I’ll wear it well.”

“Do you know? You’re really annoying.”


“…Saying ‘really?’ so casually is also annoying.”

He must have noticed that I wanted to change the subject because I didn’t want to answer properly.

But I knew. If he were genuinely annoyed and hated me, he wouldn’t bother saying such things. He would just stop dealing with me altogether.

‘He cares about me.’

His lack of honesty was quite cute. It would be even cuter if he were straightforward.

I stepped closer to Elliot. Looking him in the eyes, I reached out to touch his shimmering silver hair.

“I’m sorry. I know I’m frustrating to you.”

“If you know…”

“But it’s my life. I want to do my best in my own way.”

“So, in your ‘best,’ there’s no self-care?”

“It gets pushed down the priority list.”

“Stubborn fool…”

Elliot seemed really angry. His lips pressed tightly together.

He lifted his chin, looking down at me with a heat that didn’t match his beautiful cherry blossom-colored eyes, then turned abruptly and left the store.

“Elliot, let’s go together!”

I retrieved the card and my clothes and hurried after him, grabbing his hand.

I flinched at the coldness I felt from him, but I didn’t let go. Instead, I held on tighter.

“…Let go. I hate you.”

“Liar. You’re fine.”

The more emotional he was, the more aggressive the feelings I received from him were. Hatred was particularly sharp.

But what I felt from him now was just everyday annoyance for Elliot.

He wasn’t really angry.

“Guides can read people’s minds too easily, it’s annoying.”

Grumbling, Elliot didn’t shake off my hand. Instead, I could feel him controlling his emotions so they wouldn’t overwhelm me.

I chuckled at his crescent moon-like profile. Elliot still wasn’t honest, but…he had gotten a lot warmer.

I hoped this warmth could melt Eunsoo’s heart too.

As soon as I was alone, thoughts of Eunsoo filled my mind.

Elliot had taken me home, but I couldn’t relax. I had to check if Eunsoo was at the convenience store or I wouldn’t be able to sleep.

I dropped off my things and headed straight to the store.

And my decision was right.

‘He’s there!’

A familiar boy in a cap was arranging items.

Eunsoo was back!

I almost shouted ‘YES!’ out loud in joy.

‘Thank goodness. Really, thank goodness.’

I was so relieved that tears welled up.

I wanted to run over and hug him, asking why he hadn’t come out all this time, but I held back.

I entered the store calmly, not wanting to draw attention by making a scene.

But something seemed off about Eunsoo.

‘Why is he wearing a mask?’

Looking closely, I saw he had a mask on.

Not just a cap, but a mask too? After he got beaten up for wearing a cap not long ago?

‘…Did they find out?’

Did they discover he was communicating by reading lips and made him cover his mouth?

My heart sank at the thought, but I shook my head.

‘…If that were the case, a mask wouldn’t be enough.’

They would have imposed stricter restrictions or not let him come out at all.

A mask alone was too suspicious. He couldn’t wear it forever.

Still, the unease didn’t completely go away.

My heart pounded uncomfortably.

The only consolation was that Eunsoo didn’t seem particularly different in his demeanor…

After a short deliberation, I picked up a vitamin drink and a coffee milk.

At the counter, I handed the vitamin drink to Eunsoo.

“Can you take this?”

“…Thank you.”

Eunsoo seemed to remember me. He didn’t refuse.

His voice sounded normal, not like he had a cold.

‘So, no major reason for the mask?’

Could I afford to let my guard down just a little?

I went outside with a cup of coffee milk as usual and took a seat at a table.

Soon after I had left the convenience store, Eunsoo opened a bottle of vitamin drink.

He’s drinking it. My heart warmed.

It’s always the most satisfying to see someone enjoying something I gave them.

But when Eunsoo brought the drink to his lips, I couldn’t smile.

The coffee milk I was holding fell from my hand.

“What is that…?”

I couldn’t believe my eyes.

I hoped I was seeing things wrong.

But no matter how many times I rubbed my eyes and checked again, even if I wanted not to believe it, the harsh reality crushed me without mercy.

Eunsoo’s face, usually so white and clean from hardly ever seeing the sun, was oddly discolored.

There were bruises all over his face, and his lips were chapped and cracked.


It was clear evidence of assault.

Thud. Thud. Thud. Thud.

My heart pounded painfully, as if a giant were jumping on it.

I only realized after a while that I had been holding my breath. I opened my mouth and gasped for air.

“Who did this…?”


It was a meaningless question.

In that house, there was only one person who could lay a hand on Eunsoo.

‘In the original work, there was no mention of Jake using violence against Eunsoo…’

He’s a precious and valuable guide. To Jake Powell, Eunsoo was the ultimate weapon and secret weapon.

Jake was a criminal who made a wrong choice, but he wasn’t so foolish as to not understand that if Eunsoo slipped from his grasp, it would be his own ruin, not Eunsoo’s.

That’s why, even if he couldn’t love Eunsoo, he didn’t use violence to suppress him.

He created an environment where he could live reasonably well.

That’s why he even allowed his to go to the convenience store.

So why? Why?

‘Could it be… because of me?’

The reason for Jake causing such an absurd situation, the change in his attitude from the original work, can only be attributed to one thing.

My existence.

This foreign object known as me.

‘…I feel like I’ve seen you somewhere before.’

Jake Powell felt a sense of familiarity when he saw me.

What if, on that day, he had looked at my face and reviewed the CCTV footage from the day Eunsoo was assaulted?

What if he realized that the guide from Special A Team was approaching his greatest vulnerability?


Eunsoo looked at me after finishing the drink I had given him. As if to show gratitude, Eunsoo’s torn lips curved into a faint smile.

It was the first time I saw Eunsoo smile, but I couldn’t feel any joy. It was all I could do to hold back my tears and not make a scene in front of him.

Holding back the tears that surged up to my chin, I muttered.

“What should I do…? How do I…?”

If the divergence from the original work that had turned out badly for Eunsoo was because of me, then I had to make it right.

No matter what I had to sacrifice.


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25 days ago


24 days ago

Oh Eunsoo, how cunning.

23 days ago

Eunsoo isn’t as helpless

23 days ago

He hurt himself that bad?!😨
And on the face too😬

14 days ago

Yeah. Save Eunsoo and live happily ever after.

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