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GTLTGIDES chapter 16

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To cut to the chase, I didn’t die.

I couldn’t avoid going to the hospital, but perhaps thanks to the potion I managed to take in the nick of time, the worst didn’t happen.

The diagnosis was severe malnutrition and extreme immune system deficiency due to overwork, leading to a severe cold.

“I guess I haven’t been eating properly…”

It’s a habit from my previous life. I didn’t eat well…

After covering all the fixed costs, the easiest expense to cut down on was food. Often, I would make do with just a coffee milk.

However, unlike my past life, Yang Heewoon is a guide. Guiding is physically demanding, and not eating properly must have been further shortening my lifespan.

In the end, I was admitted to the hospital and put on an IV drip for a day.

“I’ll cover the hospital bill, so don’t worry about it.”

The thought of how much the hospital stay would cost must have shown on my face. Seeing that Cha Junseong insisted on paying for it.

But I wasn’t embarrassed. Trading a bit of shame for a hospital bill that’s at least in the hundreds of thousands is definitely worth it.

“I’m sorry…”

“It’s fine. It’s also my fault for not taking better care of you, knowing your situation.”


That’s all well and good, but I wish he wouldn’t be so blunt about having investigated me. Casually saying he knows everything about me.

Since he saved my life and is paying my hospital bills, I don’t plan to make an issue out of it…

“Rest up. I’ll be going now.”



“Please, stay… Just until I fall asleep…”

I knew this wasn’t my last moment.

But when you’re sick, your heart feels just as weak, and memories of loneliness from my past life flood in, making me not want to be alone.

It’s embarrassing and I feel guilty, but… I wonder if it’s okay to act a little spoiled while I’m sick.

I reached out to Cha Junseong, asking him not to go.

“…This is difficult.”

Cha Junseong frowned, avoiding my eyes and looking down.

“I could kill you, you know.”

Indeed. In my current condition, I can’t guide.

If Cha Junseong were to let even a small amount of emotional impurity slip, my heart might stop right then and there.

But Cha Junseong held my hand. I didn’t feel any pressing force.

I smiled faintly.

“Thank… you…”

Despite his rough hands, unlike what you’d expect from a young master of a noble family, and the large, warm hand fitting of the leader of Special Team A holding mine, I felt relieved, no longer lonely, and soon fell into a deep sleep.

When I opened my eyes again, I wasn’t in the hospital. An unfamiliar ceiling. Not my home.

I looked around. A monochromatic, almost clinically neat interior, with a very spacious room. It didn’t look like a place an ordinary person would live.

And I knew a place described similarly to this room in “Cheon Ga-ul.”

This is probably… Cha Junseong’s house.

‘Then the place I’m lying in is…’

I groped around. A soft bed. Even the size is big. A double, no, a king-size bed.

It’s excessive for one person, but it didn’t feel strange.

Cha Junseong lives well enough, and as the main character of a BL novel, he should have such a large bed. Especially since “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” is a 19+ novel, it’s essential.

In fact, there were 19+ scenes on this bed. If my memory serves correctly, once Cha Junseong tied Eunsoo’s hands to the bedhead and forcibly, and another time, it was a gang bang…


My face heated up. I stopped my explicit thoughts and slowly got out of bed.

This isn’t where I should be. I feel like an intruder in their sanctuary.

Also… when reading the novel, they were just fictional characters, but now that they’re my comrades living beside me, merely recalling the novel’s content makes me feel guilty.

I tried to stand up. Fortunately, I could stand straight without swaying. My head didn’t hurt, and the muscle pain was gone. I was just a bit hungry.

“You should lie down more.”

The door clicked open. As expected, it was Cha Junseong’s voice.

“Ah, Jun…”

I tried to thank the person who saved me from death.

But before I could, I was mesmerized by the sight of Cha Junseong.

‘Wow, Cha Junseong with glasses…’

The rare “Cha Junseong with glasses” that he only wears in private.

Cha Junseong, who always had a fierce look due to his sharp eyes and habitually furrowed brows, looked much gentler with glasses.

Moreover, the man who usually insisted on neat suits was wearing a loose shirt and banding pants. Though the color was still black.

To think I get to see this side of him that Eunsoo only saw after their first intimate encounter. It’s overwhelming.

I covered my mouth with both hands and just stared at him, making Cha Junseong click his tongue.

“…Stop staring and come eat.”

“Ah, I’m sorry. I stared too much…”

“It’s fine. You must have found my current look unexpected.”

I could only be in awe of his magnanimity.

Cha Junseong’s house has few pieces of furniture and a cold color scheme, giving it a somewhat chilly impression.

Considering the state of the house, it wouldn’t be surprising if he had the “#ObsessiveTop” tag, but that’s not the case.

Cha Junseong is an excellent cook. And a lot of it.

The savory smell wafting from somewhere was making me hungry, and as soon as I sat at the table, a bowl of abalone porridge with simple side dishes like kimchi and radish strips was placed in front of me.

‘Cha Junseong made this for me…’

I covered my mouth with both hands again. I was overwhelmed with emotion once more.

Imagining Cha Junseong preparing the abalone and mincing it to make it easy for my weakened body to digest filled my heart with gratitude.

Because of this incident, I could forgive him for doing three annoying things to me.

“Thank you so much. I’ll enjoy the meal.”


How long has it been since I had a proper meal?

If Cha Junseong had the ability to read minds, he’d be frustrated by my thoughts as I eagerly took a big spoonful of the abalone porridge and put it in my mouth.

As expected, the savory flavor spread as soon as it touched my mouth.

The soaked rice grains were soft and easy to digest, yet slightly chewy, and the finely minced abalone gave it a delightful texture.

The side dishes, not overly spicy, complemented the porridge perfectly.

It was only after I’d eaten enough to ease my hunger that I realized Cha Junseong was silently watching me.

“Aren’t you going to eat, Junseong?”

“I’ve already eaten.”

2:30 PM. It was a bit late for lunch.

Then why was Cha Junseong sitting beside me?

A man who would even leave Eunsoo right after their intimate nights to go to work.

There’s only one possible reason in such a situation.

When “I” become his “work.”

Sure enough, Cha Junseong spoke to me when I had eaten about half of the porridge and was starting to feel full.

“Yang Heewoon.”


“Switch teams. I will try to keep your salary at the current level. It might be hard to get as much as before, but at least you won’t see a significant decrease compared to now.”

However, the content was quite unexpected.

Even though I was getting full and could eat more because it was so delicious, my appetite vanished in an instant.

I set down my spoon.

“…Why are you suddenly saying this?”

“You know it yourself. You’re pushing yourself too hard.”

“I’m fine. This was just a sudden stress-related incident. The three members of Special A Team and I get along well…”

“Stop talking nonsense. Even if you say it’s a coincidence that you get along, there’s only one of you. Do you really think it’s believable that three S-rank Espers would get along with a B-rank guide like you?”

  • Bam!

Cha Junseong slammed his fist on the table. The loud noise made the table shake violently.


Cha Junseong gave a brief apology to me, who was frozen in shock.

I was okay. I was startled by the noise, but I knew Cha Junseong’s anger wasn’t directed at me.

Cha Junseong furrowed his brow deeply, removed his glasses, and pressed his temples hard.

“…Everyone is an accomplice. Three S-rank Espers are considered more important than a single B-rank guide with no relatives. They close their eyes while doing something cruel to you.”

Yeah. That’s likely the case.

The administration can’t be unaware of the manipulated test results of a mere guide and the hospital.

It’s likely they are turning a blind eye to it.

The three S-rank Espers currently in Korea have aggressive mental projections, and guiding them puts a significant strain on the guide’s body, causing them to be avoided. Except for Yang Heewon.

So, they’re closing their eyes. Whether Yang Heewon’s body deteriorates or even dies, they need a dedicated guide immediately.

“Junseong, you’d be in trouble without me, right?”


Struck by the point, Cha Junseong fell silent.

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1 month ago


1 month ago

Koqhsowjwkw BASTA! siento que a todos si les agrada verdaderamente el protagonista 😔😔😭.

1 month ago

Thanks for the chapter

1 month ago

Thanks Translator-nim

25 days ago


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