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GTLTGIDES chapter 6

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The monster with its throat precisely pierced lay sprawled on the floor. The other monsters that rushed forward also fell as if hit by invisible bullets.

However, just because the monsters continued to charge at me, thinking I was their prey, didn’t mean I wasn’t scared.

My body went cold, and my legs trembled. Even in such a situation, I bit my lips tightly, holding back a scream with all my might.

Screaming would definitely draw their attention. If they all came at me, who knows what I might do in my terror? That must never happen.


Cha Junseong clicked his tongue as if he was annoyed by my desperate attempts not to cause trouble.

What does that ‘tsk,’ as if saying ‘You’re really dragging me down,’ even mean!

To top it off, his transparent dark brown eyes looked at me as if I was a completely useless human being.


Cha Junseong wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me close.

The moment I felt his warm body heat, my legs nearly gave out in relief, and I almost collapsed.

Cha Junseong lifted me up entirely, holding me in his arms.

Was it because he used quite a few abilities in a short time?

Despite having been guided once before coming here, I felt a sudden, breath-taking pressure.

But being in his arms was far more comforting than watching the monsters with their jaws open, coming at me like I was cheese in a trap.

“…I thought you’d scream.”

Had I not heard him mutter to himself, I might have felt a little grateful to Cha Junseong.

But my keen hearing picked up his voice, and a conspiracy theory started to brew in my mind.

‘Cha Junseong, you bastard, did you bring me here to make me scream and draw attention?’

No way.

Come on, no. It can’t be.

Even though Cha Junseong is a results-oriented person who values outcomes more than processes!

But still, Yang Heewoon, me, is the only guide of Special A Team!

There’s no way he’d throw a human bait in front of the monsters just to draw their attention!


Thinking of Cha Junseong from the original work gave me no comfort at all.

I couldn’t confront him about it in this situation, so I glared at him with my eyes instead, but Cha Junseong issued a command.

“Close your eyes.”

“Ah, yes.”

Even though I suspected he might have used me as bait without consent, it wasn’t a bad idea to follow the words of Cha Junseong, the leader on the scene, as any reader of “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” would know.

I immediately wrapped my arms around his neck and tightly closed my eyes.

  • Keeing.

  • Crackle!

There was a high-pitched ringing that almost hurt my ears, followed by a loud, intense sound. It was like the sound of crushing a massive piece of scrap metal.

But it was clear that the source of the sound wasn’t just scrap metal.

When the noise stopped, and I slightly opened my eyes, the surroundings had already become quiet.

I couldn’t help but exclaim.


Not a single monster was in sight.

Instead, there were only black spheres floating in the air. The monsters had been compressed in an instant, unable to even shed blood, and had turned into spheres.

The on-site control team, which had just arrived, began to collect those spheres.

“That’s really amazing…”

It was a genuine compliment.

Not only had he avoided destroying the building or its contents, but he also managed to deal with the monsters attacking us without splattering much of their fluids.

Although the monsters had created chaos by running around, Cha Junseong’s clean handling made it clear that we would save manpower and time needed for cleanup.

It was a leisurely feat made possible by overwhelming power.

As he carried me out of the building, Cha Junseong spoke nonchalantly.

“Why are you acting so surprised?”

“Well, it is surprising.”

For an S-class Esper like Cha Junseong, ending the confusion caused by a B-class gate was as easy as pie.

But it was my first time seeing his abilities in action on the scene, and I wanted to do something to help after witnessing his brilliant performance.

I grabbed his shoulders and straightened my body. Then I pressed my lips against his.

After a short kiss, Cha Junseong grumbled.

“…It tastes like blood.”

“I bit my lip a bit to stop myself from screaming, thanks to someone who brought me to a place like this.”

“You could have just screamed.”

“No, Junseong. I really…”

‘Did you bring me here to use me as bait?’ I wanted to ask. But before I could, Cha Junseong pressed his lips against mine again.

He glared at me as if telling me to get on with the guiding without closing his eyes.

‘You, bastard.’

If it wasn’t true, he would have denied it. The fact that he said nothing meant it was highly likely.

Even the kiss now wasn’t out of guilt to avoid my question; he just didn’t want to bother explaining.

I knew. I understood.

‘But still, you were amazing.’

I had no choice but to acknowledge his performance today.

I was happy to stand on the scene with him and guide him.

‘It’s really frustrating.’

It’s frustrating that I can’t dislike him even though he handles me however he wants, and that I rather like it, to the point of tears.

But what can I do? I like the world of “The Genius Guide’s Melancholy” and the characters who shared their stories with me in that world.

I cupped Cha Junseong’s face with both hands and brought my face closer.

The pressure that stabbed my chest with each intertwining of tongues was bearable for now.

The other two people’s performances were as remarkable as Cha Junseong’s.

The situation was completely resolved in less than 30 minutes after Special A Team arrived.

Because the incident happened in a busy area, there were many witnesses, so various communities and social media were abuzz with stories about the gate incident and the involvement of ‘Special A Team.’

[Special A Team is great, but their exclusive guide seems like a fool….]

[It’s frustrating to see them doing slapstick comedy because they got scared of B-class monsters….]

[In the end, Cha Junseong had to protect them by carrying them, but why would a non-combatant guide enter the battlefield…….]

[If they’re an adult, they should be able to take care of themselves…….]

……Considering the high visibility, it was inevitable that Yang Heewoon, an ordinary person by comparison, would get a lot of criticism…….

I turned off the device after reading the comments.

‘It would be nice if people talked knowing the facts.’

Though it was frustrating to be criticized, all things considered, today’s events were a fresh and exhilarating experience.

Even though I was a temporary member, I truly felt fortunate to be able to possess Yang Heewoon of Special A Team.

‘But I can’t stay like this…….’

I’m okay.

Even if someone drags me around by the scruff of my neck, forces a kiss out of me, or treats me like a bait without consent, it’s fine! But!

‘Not my precious baby, not Eunsoo!’

No matter how I think about it, I worry about what will happen after I die. The thought of our Eunsoo going through as much, or worse, including censored stuff, breaks my heart.

So, the conclusion I reached is this.

“I need to turn these three brats into proper people.”

As explained earlier, Eunsoo’s life before the age of 20 was far from smooth.

But must he continue to suffer even after officially becoming a guide?

Isn’t it something that I can handle within my own limits, like those three brats?

“Just because there are no regrets doesn’t mean those brats won’t be enamored with our Eunsoo.”

It’s not just that Eunsoo is my favorite; Eunsoo is genuinely impressive.

Even after all the replays, the scene of the second awakening in the latter half… really… Ah!

Every time I watch it, I love it so much that I stomp my feet and have received countless complaints from the dormitory people for being too noisy.

So even if I get involved, it shouldn’t create problems for the love line itself.

Even if it does, so what? I’m going to die anyway.

It’s just a cliché where the successor gets a little annoyed following the previous person and draws attention.

Again, Eunsoo is so amazing that I’d feel it’s a waste compared to those three combined.

If you watch closely from the side, you can’t help but fall for him.

Special A-Team

B-Rank Guide Yang Heewoon

He fiddled with the ID card from the Management Bureau.

He stared at the words “Special A-Team” for a while and then smiled.

“…I just hope you all are happy.”

Even if it’s in the world after I’m gone.

The three brats’ rehabilitation project

Before heading to work today, he decided to stop by the convenience store just in case.

Usually, Eunsoo wasn’t there in the morning shift, but today, there was the familiar boy with the hat standing at the register.

As if, by fate.

It felt like the heavens were blessing him so that the task he was about to undertake would succeed smoothly.

‘Indeed, I must have transmigrated this body for Eunsoo’s sake!’

He had to force himself to hold back the excitement and the urge to jump around. Holding a coffee milk and a vitamin drink in each hand, he headed to the register.

After completing the payment, he took the coffee milk and subtly offered the vitamin drink toward Eunsoo.

“Could you please drink this?”


At his sudden words, Eunsoo flinched and stared at him with his usual clear, azure eyes.

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1 month ago

Sir, you sound like you’re trying to drug him💀

1 month ago

Are those Special A Team trash really redeemable? You’ll be going on a tough journey, I see. Good luck then 😂🤣 Hope this special operation of yours won’t bite you back in the future 🤣😢

26 days ago

It is kinda weird

26 days ago


10 days ago

?? you don’t approach ppl like that YH oh my god 😭

7 days ago

All his plans will go up in smoke.

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