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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

It’s not your child chapter 1

* * *

“Congratulations, you’re pregnant.”

At the shocking words, Siyoung froze, unable to respond.

The thought of “Siyoung” and “pregnancy” being in the same sentence was unimaginable to him.

“B-but, I’m a recessive omega. And I only go into heat once a year, and even then, it’s mild enough to manage with medication…”

“I’ve heard that from most recessive omegas,” the doctor said with a knowing tone.

Although recessive omegas had a lower chance compared to regular or dominant omegas, the possibility of pregnancy after being with an alpha wasn’t zero.

“That can’t be…”

Most patients reacted just like Siyoung.

The doctor gave his a moment to gather his thoughts.

Still in shock, Siyoung muttered, unable to hide his confusion.

“But it’s not like the chances were high, right?”

“They weren’t zero either.”

“But it was my first time…!”

The doctor’s expression showed that this was more information than they needed.

Embarrassed by the doctor’s reaction, Siyoung cleared his throat awkwardly.

“Ahem, anyway… could the test be wrong?”

“You came for a checkup because you felt the symptoms yourself, didn’t you?”


He bit his lip. The doctor was right. He had thought, “No way.”

He couldn’t believe a recessive omega could get pregnant after his first time.

But the strange feeling he couldn’t shake led his to take nearly ten pregnancy tests before coming to the hospital.

“It’s small, but we can see the gestational sac. And your hormone levels indicate early pregnancy. Are you usually sensitive to changes in your body? People don’t usually come in this early.”

Though he had convinced himself it couldn’t be, he couldn’t forget they hadn’t used protection. Siyoung sighed deeply.

He had hoped it wasn’t true, but there was no denying it now.

“…Is your partner unable to come to the hospital with you?”

The doctor cautiously asked, sensing that this wasn’t a straightforward situation.

For recessive omega patients, pregnancy wasn’t something they were usually happy about.

Even when a dominant partner was involved, the chance of conception was about 50-50 during heat and rut.

That made it a relatively normal situation.

Most partners of recessive omegas didn’t consider pregnancy a serious risk.

Often, they wouldn’t bother with protection outside of rut, and if pregnancy did happen, they’d break up, leaving the omega to make the hard decision of terminating the pregnancy.

At this stage, the procedure would be simple, with little risk.

The doctor opened their mouth to explain this, but Siyoung interrupted the silence with a question.

“Is the baby healthy?”

“It’s still too early to tell, but there don’t seem to be any problems so far.”

“Then that’s fine.”

To say he wasn’t scared would be a lie.

A baby, just like that?

He had hoped it wasn’t real, but there was no point in denying what had already happened.

“I always wanted to start a family… though I never imagined it happening like this, so suddenly.”

“Are you planning to keep the baby? If it’s difficult to involve the father, it may be hard for you in the beginning.”

“I see him often, so that’s not a problem.”

Siyoung considered the situation.

The baby’s father likely had no idea.

He wouldn’t even remember the night they spent together.

But since he saw him frequently, he could at least get minimal help.

Siyoung nodded firmly.

“I’ll keep the baby.”

Perhaps it was better if the father never remembered that night.

After all, he didn’t love him, and this child would be hers to raise alone.

Siyoung worked at a small entertainment agency that ran on the back of one main celebrity.

That might make the job sound quiet and low-paying, but it wasn’t.

His salary and benefits were better than some large corporations’ entry-level positions, but that came with the burden of more responsibilities.

Most employees at similar agencies weren’t this busy or well-paid.

“Boss, why don’t you do some work too?”

“You know I’m just a figurehead.”

He hadn’t expected anything else.

Siyoung sighed as he looked at Yeonseok.

He was, in fact, a figurehead CEO whose name was on the org chart but contributed nothing to the actual work.

There was the CEO, the director, one employee, one celebrity, one manager, and one stylist.

That was it.

In this tiny company, Siyoung handled everything except for the manager’s and stylist’s jobs.

Sometimes, when the manager couldn’t come to work, he even covered their duties.

It wasn’t an exaggeration to say he handled everything aside from the styling.

The CEO was useless, and the director’s role was unclear—he was the owner of the building where the company was located, holding the position of director just for a fancy title.

The situation was ridiculous.

Even the CEO only cared about his title, not about actually running the company.

“You’re my friend. Help me out, will you?”

“Then why don’t you ever help me…?”

The main reason he earned a high salary, considering the company’s size, was that the CEO and the director were childhood friends.

Yeonseok, Jaeyoon, and Siyoung, along with their one celebrity, Hyun, had all been friends since their university days.

While the three of them had known each other since childhood, Siyoung had only joined them for about a year during university.

For him, it hadn’t ended well, but the others seemed unaffected.

Perhaps they just needed another person to hang around, someone like him, who was easy to deal with.

‘Normally, I wouldn’t mind… but now that I’m pregnant, I feel like I shouldn’t push myself too hard.’

He had always worked without complaint, but knowing he was pregnant changed things.

The first trimester was the riskiest, and it wasn’t easy to quit his job right away.

But telling them he was pregnant wasn’t an option either.

‘At some point, they’ll notice. But I’ll hide it as long as I can, at least until I start showing. My sister Juyoung just got a new job, so I can’t burden his financially.’

If the three of them found out he was pregnant, and that they might be the father, it would cause a lot of trouble.

All three of them had blacked out that night. If he stirred things up and they began remembering that night, the baby’s father might figure it out.

“Why don’t you hire someone else? Hyun’s schedule is busier, and even Sera’s struggling.”

“Why would we, when you’re so good at your job? And I don’t like having strangers around.”

Yeonseok placed a hand on his shoulder.

Despite his wealth, he had no intention of hiring anyone else, which annoyed Siyoung even more.

“Besides, you’re doing great. I’ll give you extra pay.”

“Extra pay isn’t the issue. I want a work-life balance.”

“Strangers would make things uncomfortable. I like how things are now.”

From the way he spoke, it was clear he had no plans to add more staff.

Siyoung sighed deeply.

“Is something wrong?”

“…No, never mind.”

“If it’s for a special reason, I might consider it. Especially if it’s our Siyoung asking.”

He would just consider it, nothing more.

Siyoung pushed Yeonseok’s hand away and returned to organizing the schedule.

Yeonseok shook off his hand and asked again.

“You usually don’t talk like this. Something’s going on, right?”

“Pretending to care, huh?”

“Pretending? You know how much I care about our Siyoung.”

“Can’t you get off me?”

Siyoung tried to push Yeonseok away, who was practically leaning on his shoulder.
No matter how hard he tried, Yeonseok was too heavy and surprisingly strong, making it impossible to push him off.

If Siyoung revealed he was pregnant or said he wasn’t feeling well, Yeonseok would help, but he’d also pester him with endless questions.

It was easier to keep things as they were.


If it was going to be awful, it might as well be completely awful so he could deal with it.

But Yeonseok wasn’t that kind of person, and that made it even more frustrating.

Siyoung finally managed to get him off and sighed deeply.

Since he couldn’t explain the situation, there was nothing he could do.

“Forget it. I was just saying.”

“Work has been piling up lately. I’ll add extra pay for you. Also, let Sera and Mijeong know they’ll get a bonus this month.”

Normally, Siyoung would’ve been happier about the bonus than the concern, but today it didn’t feel good at all.

As long as he had something to hide, nothing could make him happy.

He sighed and stared at the schedule filling up the screen.

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  1. Range says:

    So excited

  2. superdango says:

    I’m curious about the baby daddy hhee

  3. Roohe noor says:


  4. Star says:


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