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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy between Monday-Friday, posting of new chapters will be on Saturday and Sunday!

Sole Omega in an Alpha Family chapter 15

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Jungin’s heart felt strange as Beomhyun bowed his head and offered an apology, something he hadn’t expected from someone with wealth and power.

The people Jungin knew who wore the masks of benefactors or sponsors never acted like this.

As his lips moved to speak, Beomhyun rose and fetched a first-aid kit from somewhere.

“Let’s treat this first.”

When the disinfectant-soaked gauze touched his knee, it stung more than he expected.


Hearing Jungin’s soft groan, Beomhyun loosened his grip and gently applied the ointment.

After carefully putting on a bandage and tidying up the trash, Beomhyun stood up and called out, “Lee Jungin.”


His name wasn’t Lee Jungin, but it took him a moment to respond.

Startled, Jungin quickly answered, watching as Beomhyun’s lips slowly parted.

“I’ve had a lot to suffer from your brothers. So, I need you to cooperate with me.”


Suffer from my brothers?

Was he planning on getting revenge in some business-like way?

That would be a bit…



“You’re not going to?”

Ah, geez.

Why is he getting so close to my face?

It startled me!


Jungin, without thinking, quickly nodded his head.

He wouldn’t make a high schooler do something weird, right?

“Good, you’re obedient.”

The gentle pat on his head felt oddly warm, leaving Jungin with an odd feeling.

But what was he supposed to do next?

“Young master, the Hyun Group keeps trying to contact us. Should we continue to ignore them?”

“We’ll see.”

“Young master?”

“I just don’t feel like letting him go yet.”

Holding a popcorn bucket, Beomhyun glanced at Jungin, who was dozing off on the bed.

Though they had met countless times over the past two years—whether by chance or by design—this was the first time he’d seen him like this.

Hyun Group might have treated him decently, even if he was an illegitimate child, but the way Jungin’s eyes lit up at the sight of a hotel suite, and the way his lips curved up when eating something delicious, felt unfamiliar.

But for some reason, those little changes were oddly satisfying.

Why, though, only now…

Beomhyun frowned, tapping his finger against the armrest as if lost in thought.

“This is Mr. Yoon. Yes, understood. Young master.”

After ending the call, Beomhyun glanced at the clock on the wall, rising from his seat with an expectant look.

“It’s later than I expected.”

“Provoking them too much won’t end well.”

“I know. But it still bothers me that he hid the fact that he lost his memory from his fiancée.”

Mr. Yoon looked at Beomhyeon curiously as he uttered the word “fiancée.”

Sensing his gaze, Beomhyeon turned his head and spoke, meeting his eyes.

“What is it?”

“Well… It’s the first time I’ve heard you refer to Young Master Jungin as your fiancée.”

“Is that so?”

“Could it be… that you’ve changed your mind? But soon—”

In just a few months, both of them would reach adulthood and, as agreed long ago, break off the engagement.

For now, they were maintaining the engagement only because of a promise between their families, but it wouldn’t last once they became adults.

Beomhyeon, seeing Mr. Yoon struggling to continue speaking, casually parted his lips.

“Nothing is certain yet. It’s just that Lee Jungin seems quite different from before. I’ve become a little more curious.”

‘Bang, bang!’

“Looks like they’re here already.”

Right then, a loud banging came from the door, as if it might break.

Beomhyeon glanced over at Jungin, wondering if he had woken up from the noise, but upon seeing him still fast asleep, he let out a small chuckle.

“Open the door!”

Even in the brief moment it took to walk to the front door, the loud banging continued.

At Beomhyeon’s nod, Mr. Yoon opened the door, stepping aside to let the three agitated men squeeze through the narrow gap.

“You thieving bastard!”

“You son of a bitch! You dare take our little brother to a hotel?”

As soon as they entered, the third son of the Hyun Group grabbed Beomhyeon by the collar and shook him, while the second son readjusted his grip on a baseball bat he’d brought along.

The eldest son, rather than stopping his younger brothers, glared coldly at Beomhyeon.

Feeling like things were about to get seriously out of hand, Mr. Yoon squeezed in between them with a sigh and spoke up.

“Hold on, calm down. There seems to be a misunderstanding.”

“A misunderstanding?”

Jungjin scoffed and shoved his phone at Mr. Yoon, who adjusted his disheveled glasses before looking at the message on the screen and falling silent.

[Lee Jungin, I’ve kidnapped him.]

“This looks like a misunderstanding to you?”

Young Master, you never said anything about this…! And blatantly calling it a kidnapping…!

With a pounding headache, Mr. Yoon clenched his teeth, the scarred skin beneath his chin creasing.

“Jungseo, make sure this bastard doesn’t get away. Jungwoo, go check on the kid and see if he’s okay.”

“Got it.”


At the eldest’s command, they moved into action.

Jungseo tightened his grip on Beomhyeon’s collar, glaring at him with eyes filled with fury, as if ready to kill him at any moment.

Watching Beomhyeon, whose expression remained shameless and unchanged, only made Mr. Yoon’s headache worse.

“If you’ve done anything to our little brother, I swear I’ll kill you.”

Seeing Jungseo on the verge of throwing a punch, Jungjin calmly placed a hand on his shoulder and shook his head slightly.

“Hey, he’s still asleep.”

At that moment, Jungwoo emerged, carrying the still-sleeping Jungin in his arms.

The brothers’ eyes fell to Jungin’s knees.

“Ha… What the hell is this… Why are his legs like that?”

Their faces twisted with anger as they noticed the bandages on both knees.

Jungseo, unleashing his pheromones, spoke in a cold voice, ready to lunge at Beomhyeon.

“What the hell did you do to him? Did you hit our tiny little brother?”

“He fell.”

“And what were you doing? You didn’t even take him to the hospital?”

It seemed like he had provided some treatment, but the fact that Jungin had fallen and hadn’t been taken to a hospital for a check-up infuriated the three brothers.

They couldn’t stand the idea of leaving Jungin in this man’s care.

Without needing to say it, all three were thinking the same thing when Jungjin spoke up first.

“Ki Beomhyeon, I want to hear your explanation. Why did you suddenly take Jungin?”

Fortunately, it didn’t seem like Jungin was seriously hurt.

First, they needed to figure out what this bastard was thinking, why he had suddenly kidnapped Jungin.

Jungjin, the most level-headed of the three, asked again.

“What’s your reason for kidnapping Jungin?”

Since sending Jungin off to school, they hadn’t been able to focus on anything else for even a second.

Normally, the three of them would never be in the same room, but their concern for Jungin had them all gathered, counting every second.

After that cute text message they’d received in the morning, they hadn’t been able to reach him.

They’d been debating whether or not to go to his school, but then one text from Ki Beomhyeon had thrown the whole house into chaos.

They’d immediately mobilized the Hyun Group’s secretary office and security team to track down Jungin.

They knew this would get back to their parents, but there was no other choice.

“Ki Beomhyeon.”

“I wanted to see him.”

“Hah, so you kidnapped him just because you wanted to see him? Do you even hear yourself—”

“I recall trying to contact you several times, but I don’t remember ever receiving a response.”

His words were sharp.

Beomhyeon, who had been waiting for a response from Jungjin, finally spoke again when there was none.

“Lee Jungin didn’t recognize me at all.”

“Well, that’s because…”

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  1. why_pencilcase says:

    Thank you for the update

  2. Taif says:


  3. Kouign.amann says:

    Thank you for the chapter 😁

  4. kaiss says:

    caught in the act🧐🧐

  5. Milaa says:

    Thanks for the chapter

  6. Shi_Wo2024 says:


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