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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Chapter 12

* * *

The next morning, Dansol woke up to get ready for the meeting with Jaegal Minhyuk.

He struggled for a long time to free himself from Jisoo’s tight embrace, which made it hard for him to breathe.

“Senior Jisoo is really muscular… Someone might think he’s an Alpha. I should ask him about his workout routine later.”

Unlike him, who struggled to build muscle despite practicing dance all day, Dansol was genuinely impressed by Jisoo’s rock-solid arms even while he was sleeping.

When he heard the click of Dansol entering the bathroom, Jisoo, who seemed to be asleep, opened his eyes.

“Damn it… What kind of date happens so early in the morning? I know he’s pretty.”

He didn’t realize he had held him so tightly, not wanting to let him go. His warmth still lingered on his muscles. If he could, he would have tied a bell to him and kept him by his side.

“Hello! Good morning.”

Dansol, worried about waking Jisoo with his noise, had changed into his outdoor clothes inside the bathroom and stepped out, greeting the production crew.

He rubbed his arms against the morning chill, his hair still wet from the shower, which caused some murmuring among the crew.

“Did I do something wrong…? Why are they all staring…?”

“Producer Choi, he’s definitely going to be a star after this show. We need to get as many shots as we can before he gets too popular.”

“Do you see it too, Director? He’s not even got a stylist with him, yet he shines. Maybe it’s because he’s young. Anyone would think he just came from a salon.”

Feeling embarrassed by the commotion among the crew, Dansol fiddled with his wet hair. The camera director zoomed in on him, capturing a close-up as if it were a commercial scene.

“Dansol! You’re early. If I had known, I would have come out sooner.”

Minhyuk emerged from the Alpha dormitory. Although Dansol was early, he was still ten minutes ahead of their scheduled time.

Not knowing where they were going or what they would do, Dansol had worn a denim shirt as suggested for casual attire, which matched oddly with Minhyuk’s denim jacket. He was carrying a guitar.

“You brought your guitar?”

“Yeah, well… Haha.”

Minhyuk blushed and scratched the back of his head, feeling embarrassed that his attempt to impress Dansol was so obvious.

Dansol, who always thought of Minhyuk as indifferent to the world, realized that he too was just a normal person who got shy in front of someone he liked.

But unlike the lively Minhyuk, Dansol’s expression stiffened when he saw the guitar. It reminded him of the dusty guitar in his agency president’s office, which had probably been thrown away after being broken in a fit of violence.

The memory lingered, as one ear still didn’t hear well since that day.

“It hasn’t happened yet. Pull yourself together, Joo Dansol.”




“Yes? Yes!”

Caught up in his thoughts, Dansol hadn’t noticed Minhyuk calling him.

Seeing that Dansol wasn’t moving towards the car, Minhyuk gently grabbed his shoulder, snapping him back to reality.

“Are you okay?”

“Oh… yes! I’m fine. I’m just a bit out of it in the morning…”

“Sorry. Did I make you come out too early? Should we leave later after you rest some more?”

“No! Let’s go now!”

Worried they might delay the schedule because of him, Dansol quickly got into Minhyuk’s Jeep and was genuinely impressed by its neat interior.

“Wow… It’s really clean.”

“What? Surprised it doesn’t match my appearance?”

Minhyuk’s playful tone made Dansol feel as if he had seen through his thoughts.

With his long hair, beard, and love for American casual fashion, Minhyuk didn’t exactly give off a tidy vibe.


“It was a joke… but I guess it’s true…”

“No, that’s not it…”


Minhyuk sighed with a hurt expression, filling the car with an awkward silence.

Feeling conscious of Dansol, Minhyuk pulled out a rubber band from the console box and started tying his long hair back. He tied it so tightly that his droopy eyes seemed to lift.

“How is it… now? Do I look tidy?”


Looking as if he was preparing for a school play, Dansol couldn’t help but laugh. His tension finally eased, and Minhyuk also smiled playfully.

“What’s that! Your eyes look like they’re going to tear!”

“Yeah… I think I’m getting a headache.”

“Untie it quickly!”

“Sorry, but I’ll have to stay messy today. We have a long way to go, so the salon will have to wait.”

Jokingly, Minhyuk untied his hair and started the car, fastening his seatbelt.

“You look cool.”

As he checked the side mirrors and prepared to leave, Dansol’s words made the car jolt. But it wasn’t the car that was more shaken; it was Minhyuk.

“Long hair suits you. Don’t cut it.”

Minhyuk’s eyes were filled with the sight of Dansol’s bright smile.

“…Thank… you.”

“I mean it.” Dansol sincerely thought Minhyuk looked cool.

Unlike him, who was always torn apart for even the slightest frown or grimace, Minhyuk spoke his mind freely and confidently developed his own style. he envied that.

If he had debuted as a regular singer instead of an idol, maybe he wouldn’t have been criticized so harshly. But that was just wishful thinking. Despite his second chance at life, Dansol was still an idol.

From the moment they departed, Minhyuk, who had been fidgeting nervously, could hardly bring himself to look towards the passenger seat.

Every time they stopped at a light, he would glance sideways to check on Dansol, who had been staring out the window, but now, lacking sleep, he had dozed off, his head gently bumping against the window.

Seeing him soundly asleep, Minhyuk finally let out a deep breath and relaxed.

“He must have been really tired.”

As the light stayed red, Minhyuk, resting his head on the steering wheel, watched Dansol. He gently adjusted his head so he was leaning against the seat.

Minhyuk smiled widely, his dimples deepening, and when the light changed, he drove off more smoothly and quietly than before.



They had been driving for just under an hour from their lodging.

Minhyuk gently woke Dansol, who suddenly realized he had fallen asleep and jolted awake in a panic.

“Oh! I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to sleep, I just dozed off…”

“It’s okay. I actually wanted to let you sleep more, but it’s going to get hot soon.”


Minhyuk, saying something cryptic, got out of the car. Dansol looked around outside through the window before following him out of the passenger seat.

“…A field?”

Dansol couldn’t believe his eyes. The first date location on the show was a field? he wondered if the production team had really approved this, glancing over at the main producer.

“Village Chief! I’m here!”

Minhyuk waved his long arms energetically at an old man approaching with quick steps from afar.

“You rascal! What took you so long? I was about to plow all the sweet potatoes!”


Speaking in a rare playful tone, Minhyuk took a hoe and gloves from the old man and handed them to Dansol.

“Surprised? Today’s date is a sweet potato farming experience.”

“Who’s this? Your boyfriend?”

“Not yet, but I hope he will be.”

“…He still looks like a kid.”

“You’re all grown up. Right, Dansol?”

“Uh… yes. I’m twenty…”

Dansol almost mentioned his pre-reincarnation age but stopped himself.

Meanwhile, the village chief smacked Minhyuk’s back and then stared at Dansol’s face for a long time. With his soft, fluffy hair and just woken-up look, Dansol seemed even younger and more doll-like.

“Goodness, you little rascal, you thief!”

Finally, the old man chased after Minhyuk with the hoe. Minhyuk, acting playful, ran around the sweet potato field, dodging the hoe.

‘So we’re here to dig sweet potatoes… Better start working than just standing awkwardly.’

Watching the strange scene, Dansol slowly put on the work gloves in his hand, squatted down in place, and began to dig up sweet potatoes.

[RO Match Survival in Island Portal]

(A common first date location on the peninsula.jpg)

(A 100-pyeong field owned by Jaegal Minhyuk.jpg)

⤷Damn, it’s so big it’s even more annoying

⤷Not even that big for the countryside, more like a small garden, probably a weekend farm

⤷Why take him to his private farm for manpower?

⤷There’s even a nameplate saying Minhyuk Field in the corner, so annoying

(Minhyuk Field Cap.jpg)

⤷He even took him after taking the date privilege from Jung Daesoo and Lee Yiyeon, a field date lol

⤷The funniest part is he beat those two for the date right lololol

⤷Dansol, hang in there ㅠㅠㅠ

⤷But Dansol looks like he’s enjoying it?

(Dansol digging sweet potatoes, ignoring running Minhyuk.jpg)

⤷She’s really good at it lololol

⤷Look at him squatting, why is he so tiny, like a mole?

⤷(Dansol with a sprout hairpin after waking up from a nap in the car.jpg) The sprout wiggles every time he digs ㅠㅠ

⤷Give him a straw hat, it’s too sunny ㅠㅠ

Did you see the preview? Jaegal is strumming a guitar like a grasshopper while Dansol is digging sweet potatoes like an ant.

⤷Lololol why is that scene so funny, look at the dirt on his cheeks ㅠㅠ

⤷But look closely at the preview, the area Minhyuk passes by is like it’s been plowed by a tractor

⤷(Jaegal Minhyuk digging like an ox meme.jpg)

⤷Oh, I thought he was a lazy bum from the preview, sorry ㅠ

⤷His sunglasses make him look sly ㅠㅠㅠ

⤷But this is a date, you know.

⤷Everyone forgot it’s a date and started praising Jaegal Minhyuk for working hard lololol

(Alphas waiting at home with scary expressions.gif)

⤷Lololol everyone will flip when they see Dansol covered in dirt doing farm work

⤷This atmosphere is scary, like they’re about to kill someone

⤷But the winner is…..? (Minhyuk playing guitar like a grasshopper meme.gif)

⤷(Village Chief running with a sickle meme.gif)

Why is Jaegal Minhyuk suddenly a comedy character? I felt flustered when he adjusted Dansol’s head in the car ㅠㅠㅠ

⤷Same.. I invested all in Minhyuk-Dansol stock but now it’s headed for the mountains.

⤷Or rather, the sweet potato field….

⤷But look closely at the preview, Dansol is smiling so brightly, maybe he actually liked the field date?

⤷Covered in dirt and still smiling, so cute ㅠㅠㅠ

⤷But from Dansol’s perspective, what else can he do but smile? ㅠㅠ he’s stuck with Minhyuk, a celebrity.. he’s probably trying to make the best of it ㅠㅠ

⤷Agreed… But anyone else would have a hard time hiding their feelings, our baby is so sweet for smiling…

As a 10-year Jaegal Minhyuk fan, I feel compelled to add my two cents as the criticism towards him is increasing on this board. I’m sorry.. even I can’t defend this. Why did he do this?

⤷Lololol I thought you were going to defend him but even a 10-year fan doesn’t understand his world

⤷Sorry Dansol.

⤷But Jaegal Minhyuk looks so decadent, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on drugs, but his hobby is farming.

⤷222222 his hobby is farming lolol

⤷So, his tan isn’t from a salon but from farming? ㅠㅠㅠ what a plot twist

⤷He’s even darker now than when he was a soccer player ㅠㅠ It’s not a salon tan, you can see the tank top tan line. He used to be so pale, please use sunscreen.. ㅠㅠ

⤷Lolol Jaegal Minhyuk was an athlete? How did I not know this?

⤷You know when he played baseball, he could have been on TV, right? He was in the national youth soccer team. He quit due to an injury and became a singer.

⤷Wow, seriously… People who are good at one thing seem to be good at everything… But why can’t they do well in relationships… Sweet potato talk…

(Compilation of plot twists in this episode by Jaegal Minhyuk.jpg)

⤷I thought he was a frail character, but it turns out he used to be an athlete, which is shocking, but surprisingly he’s really clean in hobbies, not a joke character.

(GIF of Jaegal Minhyuk tying his hair.)

⤷ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋNo wayㅋㅋㅋLook at those eyebrows raised.

⤷I burst out laughing seeing thisㅋㅋㅋWho ties their hair like thatㅠㅠ

⤷But isn’t it a bit exciting? I feel like he intentionally did that because Dansol would feel embarrassedㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

⤷Field date is the worst, but seeing something like that again, forgiveness… Just one thing, please just one thingㅠㅠ Ugh, human!

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1 month ago


1 month ago

Thanks for the update

1 month ago

That date is one of a kind. It’s quite the unforgettable field date. Digging sweet potatoes kind of date is a one in a million experience 🥔 🍠

9 days ago

JAJAJAJJAA iban al campo, me encanta

1 day ago

Dansol really do be enjoying the labor

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