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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 59

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In response to Kyuseong’s question, Manager Seokchul, seated in the passenger seat, confirmed it.

From January 1st, MOST had a two-week vacation.

After that, they would prepare for the music stage in February and the next album.

“Until the 15th, there really won’t be any other schedules.”

Kim Seokchul, feeling that Kyuseong might be upset about having his vacation interrupted even though it was for the members’ sake, confirmed this.

Kyuseong nodded and asked again.

“Then, we’re free to do whatever we want during that time, right?”

“Why, Kyuseong hyung? What do you plan to do during the vacation that you need to confirm it like that?”

It was what Kim Seokchul wanted to ask as well.

At Woochul’s question, Kyuseong hesitated.

Although it was vacation, it wasn’t as free as Kyuseong implied.

As a debuted celebrity with a known face, even personal outings required reporting to their manager, Jung Giljoo, detailing who they were meeting and where they were going, to prevent any possible mishaps.

Most celebrity incidents happened during their breaks, not their active periods.

“As long as you report it and it’s not illegal, you are free.”

With Kim Seokchul’s answer, Kyuseong nodded.

Woochul and Louis kept pestering Kyuseong, asking what he planned to do during the vacation.

Kyuseong, whose only hobby was listening to music, seemed uncertain about how to spend his free time, prompting the younger members to keep bugging him.

However, Kyuseong repeatedly said, “Later,” and in the meantime, the car arrived at the restaurant.


Late evening.

After having dinner, Dojae spent time in his room.

Sitting at his desk and reading a book for the first time in a while made him feel quite good.

Although he had the memories of ‘Kang Dojae,’ there was nothing better than books to deeply understand the differences between the Korean Empire and modern Korean society.

While Dojae was flipping through the pages, Kyuseong, fresh from a shower, entered the room.

“…Reading a book?”

Spending free time reading was something that amazed Kyuseong every day.

Dojae nodded slightly.

Since their debut three months ago, they had been too busy to have many conversations, even though they shared a room.

Dojae worried that Kyuseong seemed to be secretly accumulating a lot of stress.

“That kid we met earlier, Hayul. He was cute.”

Dojae naturally started a conversation about Hayul.

Thinking of Hayul brought a smile to Kyuseong’s face.

“Right. It’s amazing that such a young kid is our fan.”

“Specifically, it seemed like he was your fan.”

“Ah, yeah…. that’s true.”

Kyuseong’s smile widened.

But then, as he remembered Hayul’s illness, his face darkened.

“He’s sick, so it’s unfortunate.”

“He’s being treated in the hospital, so hopefully, he’ll recover this time.”


Kyuseong showed a sad expression and moved his lips.

“I actually…….”

Dojae waited patiently for Kyuseong to continue.

“After we won the Rookie Award, I’ve been struggling.”

It was unexpected to hear that he had been struggling after receiving the Rookie Award, and it was quite recent too.

“What exactly do you mean by struggling…?”

“You know I’ve been singing since I was young. Back then, I didn’t necessarily want to become a singer.”

“You mentioned you were in a choir.”

“Yeah. Then I decided to become a singer, and I worked really hard to sing better…. I worked really hard.”

Admitting that he worked hard could be embarrassing, but Kyuseong spoke honestly.

“It might sound silly, but my goal was to become the best vocalist in Korea…….”

Dojae shook his head.

Aiming high suited the ambitious Kyuseong, and dreaming of being the best wasn’t a bad thing.

Considering Kyuseong’s talent and young age, it wasn’t an impossible goal either.

“But after debuting…. everyone says I’m good, but…. I don’t think so.”


“When I stand on a big stage, I see many people who are much better than me. I knew that, but…. I feel too inadequate to be on the same stage.”

Dojae began to understand where Kyuseong’s stress was coming from.

“But winning the award…. even though I know I’m lacking, I was happy. Honestly, I was greedy. Of course, you and our members all deserve the award, but I…….”

He felt inadequate, yet unexpectedly successful, which made him both proud and burdened.

The Rookie Award seemed to have added to this pressure.

“Why think that way? You definitely deserve it. We all won it together.”

“It’s just…. my heart doesn’t feel that way.”

Kyuseong responded with an awkward smile to Dojae’s sincere words.

He felt glad he confided in Dojae.

Hearing that he deserved it might have been a cliché comfort, but coming from Dojae, it felt genuine.

It was because he knew Dojae’s serious and sincere nature well.

“But today, when Hayul said he wanted to sing like me, it felt good.”

Realizing that even a song that felt lacking to him could be someone’s dream.

Kyuseong understood that.

Dojae smiled slightly at Kyuseong’s confession.

“You received the highest compliment.”

“Yeah, it was really the best.”

“When I sing.”

Dojae started sharing his own thoughts.

“I sing hoping that someone will feel joy, sadness, and comfort along with me. Just as I did.”

To Dojae, what mattered more than skill was whether his song held meaning for someone.

Vocal talent was a means to sing meaningful songs to more people, but what truly mattered was sincerity.

Kyuseong nodded at Dojae’s words.

“Today, the doctor’s words at the hospital made me think…. So now, instead of just focusing on singing well, I want to think more about what message I want to convey through my songs.”

Dojae smiled, indicating he had a good idea.

“So, I was thinking…”


“I’m considering doing some volunteer work. I’m not sure if the company will approve, though.”

He had almost mentioned it to Manager Kim Seokchul earlier; it seemed he wanted to spend his vacation doing volunteer work.

“When I was at the hospital earlier… they were looking for volunteers in the pediatric ward. Including music volunteers.”

“You’re planning to sing there?”


It was definitely a good idea.

There, conveying emotions to the listeners would be more important than singing well.

“Since it’s a good cause, the company will probably approve…”

Dojae was once again touched by Kyuseong’s heart.

‘He’s such a kind friend.’

Even his worries and the way he resolved them reflected his pure, kind heart.

His competitiveness and his fiery refusal to tolerate injustice—those, too, stemmed from his kind nature.

“It’s in front of a lot of people, so you’ll definitely need Manager’s permission.”

“Right? I just don’t want to create unnecessary work and bother the company…”

Kyuseong seemed worried that what he wanted to do might become a burden.

‘I hope he doesn’t give up on such a good idea.’

After a moment’s thought, Dojae asked, “If you do get to perform, can I join you?”

Kyuseong’s face lit up immediately.

“Of course! Honestly, I’d feel more comfortable with you there than doing it alone. But are you sure you want to spend your vacation like that…?”

“I’d like that. But instead of singing, I’ll play the accompaniment.”

That way, Kyuseong could focus on his singing as he intended.

Dojae was determined to support Kyuseong to the best of his ability.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, Kyuseong looked up at Dojae intently.

“You’ll accompany my singing?”

“Yeah. I think I can manage the piano accompaniment.”

It would certainly be better than just playing a backing track; it would create a better atmosphere and be more meaningful.

Seeing Dojae willing to accompany him, Kyuseong nodded blankly.


Of course, there wasn’t a company in the world that would refuse an idol wanting to do volunteer work during their vacation.

However, on the day of the performance, Jung Giljoo would accompany them.

Some staff even suggested promoting this event, but Dojae and Kyuseong didn’t want that.

“We asked the hospital not to announce it in advance. We’re not that famous, but just in case people come specifically to see us…”

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung nodded at Kyuseong’s explanation.

“You’re right. We didn’t think it through. It’s a performance for the patients, after all.”

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung praised them for their thoughtful consideration.

“I’m just going to help Kyuseong.”

Dojae’s humility made Kyuseong wave his hand dismissively.

Team Leader Jung Heeyoung felt even prouder of the warm-hearted pair.

That very day, Dojae and Kyuseong began practicing, even if only briefly.

“You’re going to the practice room during your vacation?!”

Woochul was convinced that the practice room had some strange ley line running through it, given how often Dojae and Kyuseong went there.


A week later.

The day of the hospital performance had arrived.

The volunteer performance was held in the pediatric ward’s auditorium.

This auditorium regularly hosted various volunteer performances, including children’s plays, classical music, and vocal performances.

Today, alongside Dojae and Kyuseong, there were also performances by music students.

The children and their families who would attend the performance only knew about the music students.

A few of the children entering the auditorium pouted.

“I don’t like this…”

“Najin, listening to good music is good for your health.”


Of course, there were children who enjoyed it.

Listening to classical music was better than the quiet of the hospital room, and it made them feel a bit closer to normal life.

“You’re still young, Najin? Classical music is great to listen to.”

“Ugh… you’re such a show-off!”

The boy named Cheolwoo puffed up at being called a show-off.

Najin’s mom looked apologetically at Cheolwoo’s mom.

Cheolwoo’s mom just shook her head and smiled.

The performances were as much for the children as they were for the parents, who were tired from caregiving.

“Today, we have violin students from Korea University, right?”

“Yes. When else would we get to hear students from Korea University play? It’s great they have these performances.”

“Exactly. It’s hard to stay in the hospital room all day…”

Those who had entered the auditorium chatted as they waited for the performance to start.

Among them were Hayul and his parents, who had brought Dojae and Kyuseong to this place.

Hayul waited for the performance, yawning widely.

He would have preferred to watch MOST’s performances on his tablet.

But staying in the hospital room all the time was stifling for him too.

The auditorium was the only place where he could meet friends his age.

The lights dimmed, and a hospital staff member who acted as the host began to speak.

“Hello, everyone. Thank you for coming to today’s regular performance in the pediatric ward. Please set your phones to silent during the performance.”

There was a rustle as people switched their phones to silent.

“Today, we have a special performance in addition to the violin students from Korea University.”

People glanced around curiously at the mention of a special performance.

“Let’s welcome them.”

After the host’s introduction.

Dojae and Kyuseong walked onto the stage.

“Whoa! MO… MOST!”

The first to recognize them was Hayul.

With the unexpected appearance of celebrities, the auditorium buzzed.

Thanks to Hayul’s shout, many people recognized Dojae and Kyuseong.

The children’s mouths dropped open.

Kyuseong adjusted the microphone and bowed to the audience.

Dojae sat down at the piano.

And a moment later.

The door opened, and unexpectedly, Kim Seokcheol and the other members entered the auditorium.

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16 days ago

They’re so supportive of each other🥺💓

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