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Producer with no regrets chapter 4: Into the new world

* * *

Seongpil is the head of management at Success Entertainment.

Yet here was Yoon Sangyeol berating Seongpil in front of the trainees.

This planted the notion in the trainees’ minds that “Ah, Producer Yoon Sangyeol ranks higher than Manager Park Seongpil.”

It was a very dirty trick to elevate one’s authority by demeaning others.

No one dared to speak under Seongpil’s wrath.

The heavy atmosphere filled the practice room.

The tension was broken when Seongpil turned to Yoon Sangyeol.

“This is how I’ll discipline them. How’s that?”

Yoon Sangyeol swallowed, clearly taken aback.

Of course, he wouldn’t back down by saying, “Oh, you disciplined them well.”

From the start, Seongpil did this to protest against Yoon Sangyeol.

“What are you doing?”

“This is how I’ll discipline them.”

“Do you think that’s what I meant?”

“I know. You’re trying to make yourself look more impressive by belittling me in front of the trainees. Didn’t you leave your previous agency because of your bad temper?”

“What’s going on?!”

CEO Kim Taehoon entered the practice room, likely because of Seongpil’s outburst.

Several employees followed him in.

Kim Taehoon glanced back and forth between Seongpil and Yoon Sangyeol.

“What’s wrong? Did you two fight?”

“…No, sir. Nothing like that.”

“This man is humiliating me in front of the trainees.”

“What are you…?!”

“Isn’t he? If he has something to say to me, he should do it privately or have me discipline the trainees. Why call me here and reprimand me? Is this professional? Haven’t you experienced the workplace?”

“…Then what do you call what you’re doing now?”

“I’m doing the same to you.”

If Seongpil hadn’t seen the future, he would have yielded to Yoon Sangyeol at this point.

If he fought with Yoon Sangyeol now, the trainees would be shaken. Rumors might spread that Success Entertainment was in chaos.

But Seongpil no longer needed to hold back.

There was no need to.

“The same? Really.”

Yoon Sangyeol chuckled several times.

“Do you think we’re the same?”

“Oh, we’re different. I’m your senior.”

“Se-senior? Are you bringing up hierarchy now?”

“I know where you came from. I know who you produced. I also know our company had a hard time bringing you in, but you should also respect those who were here first.”

“The one who is lacking…”

Yoon Sangyeol was about to say more but closed his mouth when he saw Kim Taehoon.

He probably meant to say, “The one who is lacking should bow down.”

Having read that far, Seongpil’s anger flared again.

“Both of you, stop. Let’s talk outside. Outside.”

“No, we should resolve this here. Sangyeol, are you going to keep treating me as a subordinate and ignoring me?”

“You’re making me out to be a bad person. When did I do that?”

“You just did.”

“I said stop.”

Kim Taehoon’s voice lowered further.

It was a sign he was angry.

Seongpil had to back down here.

They were in front of the trainees. No matter what, Yoon Sangyeol couldn’t ignore Kim Taehoon’s authority.

The three left the practice room. As soon as they were outside, Kim Taehoon spoke coldly.

“Seongpil, apologize. Are you a child? Acting emotionally, and in front of the trainees, no less.”


Seongpil thought about the next ten years that would unfold.

In the future, Seongpil and Yoon Sangyeol would clash on every occasion.

Each time, Kim Taehoon would step in as a mediator and order Seongpil to apologize first.

Only when Seongpil bowed first would the conversation progress.

He didn’t want to do that anymore.

“I was wrong too, but Sangyeol started it.”

From the beginning, it was all wrong.

Kim Taehoon favored Yoon Sangyeol. Naturally, the balance of power would tilt.

They should have eliminated that tilt from the start.

And this was the chance.

‘If this fails, there’s really nothing I can do.’

Seongpil felt it keenly.

No matter how high he climbed, he would only be a slightly higher-ranking manager.

No matter how much experience he gained, he would still be a replaceable manager.

So, to avoid being discarded, he needed to assert himself clearly with Kim Taehoon…

“Apologize quickly. Whether it’s the beginning or the end, Sangyeol is your senior.”

Kim Taehoon didn’t even pretend to listen to Seongpil’s objections, as if there was nothing to consider.

‘Unlike me, he’s a valuable person. I might be appeased with a few drinks, but not him. He wants to break me…’

Although he understood, being on the receiving end of the disregard made it hard to overlook.

“Hurry up.”

That constant reference to hierarchy.

It was maddening.

Since he lacked the courage to say, “He’s someone important from a high place, so bow down,” Kim Taehoon always glossed over it with, “Sangyeol is older, after all.”

But internally, it meant, “He’s much more important than you, so just flatter him.”

“I refuse.”

Seongpil shed the last vestiges of ambiguous sympathy.

‘Do you think you can change things if you do well from now on? Are you an idiot? What are you planning to do with such a weak mindset?’

Kim Taehoon’s response made all of Seongpil’s remaining affection disappear.

“Hey, you really…”

Seongpil turned his back completely and walked away.

Kim Taehoon’s shouting and Yoon Sangyeol’s incredulous laughter echoed behind him.

‘Now I know for sure. Staying here will leave me with nothing.’

* * *

A man from Garo Entertainment.

His name was Han Guin.

“It’s nice to see you again.”

Han Guin made small talk for a while.

He was used to lightening the mood and gaining people’s favor.

The problem was the content of the small talk.

“For the exploitative economic structure of 3rd world countries to change, advanced countries must work together. I don’t think it’s just those countries’ problem. What do you think, Mr. Seongpil?”


It felt like he lived in a different world.

After enough time had passed for the winter chill that had seeped in from outside to dissipate, Han Guin’s expression slightly changed as he continued the small talk.

A hint of seriousness mixed with his previously relaxed smile.

“So, have you given it some thought?”

Seongpil remained expressionless throughout their conversation. He had been waiting for this moment to ask his question.

“You asked me to come as the general manager.”

“That’s right. It’s not something I usually say, but Garo Entertainment is almost like a new agency, so our connections in the broadcasting industry are…”

“Yes, I understand. I know what you expect from me.”

What they wanted was the connections that came from Seongpil’s career.

For the past eight years, Seongpil had worked tirelessly as a manager.

It wasn’t just about working hard.

To make a mark with important people, he treated nights and early mornings like daytime, and he wore a smile like a mask to even strike up a conversation with them.

That’s how he lived for eight years, and he made many connections as a mid-level manager.

Garo Entertainment wanted those connections.

“I have a condition.”

“Yes, please tell me.”

“Can I participate in the producing process?”



In the idol industry, this means everything from selecting trainees to releasing albums.

It’s an extremely important field.


Han Guin asked, seemingly surprised.

It was understandable that someone who had only worked as a manager for eight years suddenly wanted to talk about producing.

“To what extent are you talking about participation?”

“I want to be able to directly implement my ideas.”


Seongpil knew well.

There was no way they would accept such a demand.

‘Directly implementing ideas’ was something only executives in the A&R and producing departments could do.

In terms of rank, it was equivalent to a director in the agency.

Of course, there was no way they would give decision-making power to someone who was just joining…

“Then how about you talk it over with the president?”


With Seongpil’s dumbfounded reply, Han Guin smiled.

“Do you have time now?”

“So, how?”

Yoon Sangyeol laughed lightly.

“I’m not getting angry. I’m asking how you’re going to handle it.”

“You crazy bastards!”

Seongpil kicked the chair next to him.

As the chair tumbled noisily across the floor, the trainees flinched.

Yoon Sangyeol even shuddered, expressing his surprise.

“You, you, what…?”

“Are you crazy? Chicken? You guys have lost your minds over chicken.”

Seongpil approached the trainee standing in front.

He got so close that the distance between them was less than 30 centimeters.

With a fierce expression, he pushed the trainee’s shoulder with his finger.

“Is the company making you practice to eat chicken? Are we giving you lessons to eat chicken deliciously? Answer me.”


“Do you know the calorie count? Do you think we’re analyzing your body composition, giving you a diet and exercise plan just for this? Oh, I get it. You’re trying to bankrupt our company. Do you know how much your once-a-week personal training sessions cost? Do you know? You don’t, right? If you knew, you wouldn’t be doing this! Are you trying to be idols while eating whatever you want and doing whatever you want? Your attitudes are rotten.”

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2 months ago

WTF just happened here? He went back to yell at the trainees?

2 months ago

Is it a vision of the future?

1 month ago


1 month ago

Thank you for your tired

1 month ago


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