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Translator of A case of transmigrating as a sick villain is currently busy, posting of new chapters will be on Friday and Saturday!

Chapter 5

* * *

“Where did you go, BBG?”

While Lee Jiwoon was looking around for Seo Taecheon, Ki Hyunjin approached and spoke to him.

“Jiwoon. We were heading in the same direction, right?”

“That’s right. I mean… we used to… um…”

They used to live in the same neighborhood, but Jiwoon had recently moved to a place below the river after moving in with Taecheon.

Without realizing it, Jiwoon thought of his old address and answered accordingly.

“I parked my car in the company parking lot. I’ll give you a ride.”

“Oh, you really don’t have to. It’s fine.”

He worried that if he said he no longer lived there, Hyunjin would ask why he moved or why he didn’t mention it earlier.

Jiwoon decided to decline politely and get a ride from Taecheon instead.

“It’s not a big deal to give you a ride. Don’t feel burdened, just hop in.”

“Really, it’s okay…”

Hyunjin smiled gently and placed his hand on Jiwoon’s shoulder, making Jiwoon quite uneasy.

But where on earth was this BBG?

“Lee Jiwoon.”

At that moment, he heard someone calling his name.

Turning his head, he saw Taecheon had parked his car on the nearest lane and rolled down the window.

“Director, have a good evening!”

“Great work today! Get home safely!”

The employees greeted Taecheon in unison.

Taecheon accepted their greetings and then looked at Jiwoon.

“Oh, I’ll be going now.”

“Why, Jiwoon?”

“Uh… I’m heading in the same direction as the Director. I already made plans! Sorry!”

Jiwoon pushed through the crowd and ran towards Taecheon’s car.

Seeing him dash over and get into the car, the employees exchanged puzzled glances.

“Jiwoon is leaving with the Director?”

“Yeah… were they close?”

“Did they become friends during the recent company sports event? I’m so jealous. I want to go home with the Director too!”

One female employee clasped her hands and looked wistful.

“Me too! I wanted to talk to him during the sports event but failed!”

“Me too!”

Meanwhile, Assistant Min Hyekyung watched the whole scene from a distance.

‘Rejecting Hyunjin’s offer and then eagerly running to the Director’s car. What’s this? Could it be what I suspect…?’

She toyed with her glasses, lost in thought.


As always, Mondays are the worst.

Busy and chaotic yet simultaneously boring and monotonous.

At 5 PM, while Jiwoon was numbly entering Excel formulas and yawning repeatedly, his phone buzzed.

Who could it be?

He absentmindedly opened his phone and found himself looking as shocked as a character in a morning drama.

It was because he was in a situation similar to those he had seen in dramas.

[Lee Jiwoon, I would like to meet you.

I am Taecheon’s mother.]


Is this what I’ve only heard about in stories…?

‘Break up with my son immediately?!’

Jiwoon’s heart raced.

Although it was disconcerting, he had to admit it seemed a bit interesting.

He thought about how rare it was to encounter such a situation in real life.

[Hello. I am available today.]

As soon as he replied, another message came.

[Come to the café in the lobby of the OO Hotel. Without letting Taecheon know.]

“Wow… this is real.”

These cliché scenes always take place in hotel cafés, don’t they?

Taecheon had briefly mentioned it.

His parents had separated when they were young, and his mother, a former actress, lived in the United States.

A quick search confirmed they were well-known personalities.

Wow. They look exactly alike.

The image search results showed Taecheon’s mother, a strikingly beautiful woman with sharp features, who bore a striking resemblance to Taecheon.

This meant she had a rather formidable presence.

‘What should I do? What if she says harsh things to me? I’m scared but also a bit excited.’

Jiwoon sent a message to Taecheon saying he couldn’t go home with him today and left work as soon as the clock struck 6.

He immediately took a taxi to the OO Hotel.

Entering the lobby, he saw a café with sophisticated jazz music playing.

Jiwoon straightened his clothes and walked in calmly.

In the middle sat a glamorous and elegant middle-aged woman who was unmistakably Taecheon’s mother.

Their eyes met, and she shot him a piercing look.

Jiwoon walked over to the table, bowed, and sat across from her.

“Have you been waiting long? The traffic was terrible…”

“Lee Jiwoon. I’ll get straight to the point.”


She placed a white envelope on the table.

Jiwoon’s eyes almost popped out.

It’s a real cliché. A money envelope…!

Shock mixed with a slight thrill bubbled up inside Jiwoon.

As someone who had lived an ordinary life, he never imagined he’d find himself entangled in the murky power struggles of a wealthy family.

He glanced at Taecheon’s mother.

Her gaze was lofty and sharp.

“Take this money,”

“And break up with the Director?”

Jiwoon finished her sentence, catching her slightly off guard.

“Oh? Yes. It means I want you to leave my son’s side and never see him again.”

‘Wow… the dialogue is exactly what I expected.’

Jiwoon marveled internally, his expression dazed.

By the way, how much money is in this envelope?

Since dramas never revealed the specific amounts, Jiwoon was genuinely curious about the sum.

As he kept glancing at the envelope, licking his lips, Mrs. Choi Younghee misunderstood completely.

He must be very anxious. It must feel like the sky is falling, being told to break up with Taecheon.

Mrs. Choi was very upset about learning of her son’s marriage without any notice.

She had discovered it while handling some documents, which was quite a shock.

Taecheon had always declared himself a bachelor, and she had planned to eventually arrange a strategic marriage for him.

Who would have thought he was secretly seeing someone?

‘You must have charmed Taecheon…! With that pretty face and sharp eyes, you’re exactly the type that Alphas like. Plus, since your family isn’t wealthy, you probably approached him for money. It must have been easy since you work at the same company.’

She rashly concluded as she looked at the ID photo of Lee Jiwoon, obtained through a private investigator.

That’s how she ended up flying all the way to Korea, setting aside her extremely busy job at the art gallery, filled with anger, to separate her son from an Omega she deemed unworthy.

‘The money in the envelope should be enough to buy a house in Seoul, so maybe he’ll take it and leave? Hmph.’

While she was deep in thought, a waiter approached and asked for her order, to which Mrs. Choi replied simply.

“I’ll have coffee.”

“Would you like it hot or iced?”

“Mother, can we have mango bingsu instead?”

Lee Jiwoon suddenly interjected.

“Mango… bingsu?”

Mrs. Choi frowned.

Lee Jiwoon was worried that the coffee might end up being thrown in her face as a typical drama cliché.

However, Mrs. Choi’s favorite fruit was mango.

This place was also famous for its mango bingsu during the summer.

She hadn’t had anyone to go with, so should she take this chance?

She felt conflicted.

Sharing mango bingsu with someone she was trying to separate from her son didn’t seem right.

But the hotel’s mango bingsu was renowned even in America.

Since it had been a long time since she last came to Korea, and not knowing when she’d return, she was very tempted.

After much internal conflict, Mrs. Choi spoke.

“Not coffee, mango bingsu, please.”


After the staff left, Lee Jiwoon placed the envelope of money back on the table.

“I’ll give this back.”


“I don’t need it.”

The envelope had already served its purpose in tasting and savoring the cliché.

Lee Jiwoon thought taking money from a soon-to-be ex’s mother would only complicate things later.

The divorce counselor might get involved, creating unnecessary trouble.

“So, let’s just enjoy the mango bingsu and go home today.”

As Lee Jiwoon smiled, Mrs. Choi folded her arms and looked her up and down.

Is this guy cunning? Or does he genuinely love Taecheon?

While Mrs. Choi was lost in her thoughts, the mango bingsu was served.

The impressive visual of the fresh mango piled high was enticing.

For someone who loved mangoes, it was a dream come true.

“Can we take a photo before we eat?”

“Of course. I’ll take one too.”

Click. Click.

After taking photos, they both picked up their spoons and started eating the bingsu eagerly.

“Mmm, it’s so delicious.”

Mrs. Choi praised the fresh and sweet taste of the mango.

Lee Jiwoon also felt the refreshing taste, as if seeing the seas of Southeast Asia with every bite.

“Should we get another one?”


“One more mango bingsu, please.”

“Yes, understood.”

The waiter was slightly confused.

The atmosphere had been tense earlier, but now it was amicable.

Just a moment ago, this lady handed an envelope of money, telling the Omega to leave her son, and now they were sharing bingsu happily…?

Life’s unpredictability was beyond comprehension.

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1 month ago

noo lol, they’re so cute

8 days ago

Lmbo, if you want to throw my off your trail throw some mangos down and it’s over for her. 🥭 🥭

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