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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 20- Colleagues at Work

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“You, you only have your sister too?”

What? Is it working?


It was sudden, but what I needed now was acting skills.

I glanced away slightly.

“My mother passed away.”


“Um, less than a month ago?”

I wasn’t lying. It was true.

Even though it felt like over ten years had passed since I returned, the actual date was correct.

He grabbed my arm again.

When I inadvertently met his eyes, I was momentarily startled.

‘Why are his eyes sparkling again?’

His eyes, like wet black stones, sparkled intensely.

I almost took a step back but managed to stop myself.

‘No way, did it work perfectly?’

Is this even possible?

“You must cherish your sister to the point of shedding bloody tears.”


“My sister died giving birth.”

I know. But I don’t want to hear it.

Please. This is too much.

“But there was nothing I could do.”

Ah, really. No, but this is a bit strange.

What could you do?

“Of course.”

His eyes wavered.

“What could you do? It was an unexpected accident, wasn’t it? Something that happened suddenly?”

I patted his shoulder lightly.

“Even if God himself came, there are things that can’t be helped.”

I tilted my head.

‘Isn’t this guy still a minor?’

He might be big, but he’s still not an adult.

Can he handle an accident?

Especially death during childbirth?

“Do you really think so?”

“It’s not what I think, it’s just the truth. Why, did someone say it was your fault?”

His body flinched violently.

I was surprised but spoke calmly.

“It’s not your fault.”

I shook my head.

“If anyone says that, punch them hard in the gut. Well, I don’t care how you live your life after that, so live as you please. Then, I’m off.”

What a waste of time.

I could have learned another dance move by now.

I tried to walk away, but his grip tightened even more.

‘What the hell, damn it.’

Why won’t he let go now?

When I glanced back, I saw him crying this time.

‘This is driving me crazy.’

Why are you crying, damn it?


I don’t care if you cry, but can you let me go?

“I wanted to save my sister.”

Yeah, I get that.

“I would have spent billions if it meant saving her.”

Can you even make billions?


Not knowing my thoughts, he sobbed and said,

“I see. About my sister…”

He pulled my arm.

I resisted but eventually took a step closer to him.

“It was something that couldn’t be helped.”

Tears kept falling to the floor.

Why is he crying so much?

I sighed involuntarily.

“Stay strong. Though you probably can’t.”

“How can I be strong?”

“I don’t know. How should I know that?”

He suddenly chuckled.

“How did you stay strong?”

I blinked in bewilderment.

“I didn’t stay strong? I was busy doing what I had to do.”

He wiped his tears with his sleeve.

“Time goes by anyway. There are things you can only do now, so is there a reason to be sad about things you can’t help?”

By the way, spending time with this guy was a colossal waste too.

“You also came to this company to become an idol, so you know, right? Idols have a hard time when they get old.”

So you have to do it quickly while you’re young.

“So, let me go now.”

I tried to pull my arm again, but he still wouldn’t let go.

“Will my sister forgive me?”

Oh, really.

Let go, damn it. Why don’t you listen?

Damn. And what’s with that question?

Am I Madam Cha Yeonhwa, a renowned shaman from Seongnam, Gyeonggi Province?

How would I know a dead person’s feelings?

“You’d know better what your sister’s answer would be. What do you think she’d say?”

“She’d tell me to stop doing pointless things and debut already…”

“You know her well.”

Then just do that, or don’t.

This time, I managed to free my arm.

It was so difficult before, but now it was absurdly easy.

Yeah. Seungjoon, let’s go our separate ways.


“What now!”

“I’ll keep your secret. You shed bloody tears.”

I stopped in my tracks.

I turned and looked at him.

“Th-thank you?”

“If they find out, the company will send you straight to the hospital.”

Of course, they would.

“But there’s a condition. Be my…”

He uncharacteristically paused.

I glared at him.

What do you want?

‘You don’t want hush money, do you?’

I had no money, and I wasn’t going to give any.


His brow furrowed sharply in an instant.

What the hell is he talking about?

‘Are all kids these days like this?’

What kind of friend is he talking about!

His eyes were sparkling brightly.

It looked like a scene straight out of a teen drama, and I scratched my arm awkwardly.

My whole body felt itchy.

“Be my friend!”

“We met at work, how can we be friends!”

“Do friends have to meet only at school? Fine. Then at least be my colleague.”

Damn. This is seriously creepy.

“Let’s add the word ‘work’ in front. Colleagues at work.”

“Whatever. Just be friends with me.”

Seungjoon’s eyes twinkled.

I pulled my wet hair up.

I had no idea what to do.

“If you don’t be friends with me, I’ll tell the company.”


‘So there was no choice from the beginning.’

I sighed deeply.

Honestly, it felt suffocating.


Well, it’s a world where trainees have to live on their own anyway.

We’ll stick together for a few days and then go our separate ways.

I glared at him, but Seungjoon just smiled brightly, seemingly in a good mood.

“Crying and laughing, you’re a busy guy, aren’t you?”

“I’m Lee Seungjoon. I know your name. I heard it earlier. Ambitious One, right?”

For a moment, I clenched my fist.

Damn. I should punch that choreographer in the gut.

“Who would name their kid Ambitious?”

“Uh, really?”

“It’s Cha Dowon!”

Seungjoon laughed frivolously.

“Oh, I see. By the way, how old are you?”

“Fifteen. You?”

“I’m seventeen.”

Kids these days are amazing.

How can a seventeen-year-old be this big?

I punched him on the shoulder.

“Not gonna call me hyung?”

Seungjoon just laughed, seemingly unoffended.



Shaking my head, I finally started walking down the hallway.

He followed me.

When I glanced back, he was still smiling.


Friends Entertainment was truly a good company.

They provided dorms for trainees and gave us breakfast and lunch.

Although we had to pay for other necessities, this was still pretty great.

‘They don’t even deduct the trainee expenses after debut.’

Debuting here is a stroke of luck.

Many companies don’t even give support by providing dorms or meals.

‘The idol industry is all about money.’

From training trainees to producing songs, costumes, and music videos, there’s nothing that doesn’t cost money.

‘And surprisingly, you don’t make that much money either.’

I read in the newspaper that even if K-pop rises on the Korean Wave, the reality is that its profits are just a tenth of those of large food companies.

‘I’ll work like a dog.’

I’ll rake it in.

Idols have a limited lifespan, so I need to earn as much as I can while I can.

With that thought, I poured milk into my cereal.

The free cereal and milk provided by the company were very precious.

‘Maybe it’s because of the exercise. I’m hungry. I need to eat this to endure.’

I was mechanically chewing when I heard the door open.

“Oh, you’re up? You woke up early.”

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1 month ago

He got a Russian bear friend haha 😂😆

15 days ago

Thanks for the chapter

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