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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 19- Why did you help me?

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What nonsense is he spouting?

“I told you, I didn’t save you.”

“Don’t lie. I remember your voice clearly.”

“What’s with you? Hey, let go of me!”

I quietly watched the choreographer.

The teacher, who had been observing the situation with interest, finally intervened.

“Alright, Seungjoon. Let go and talk.”

Seungjoon still didn’t release my arm.

“You don’t know me.”

“Of course, I don’t.”

“How would a dreamer know anything about you, Seungjoon? This is the first day he’s seen you at dance practice. He wouldn’t know a thing. If he knew how hard it’s been for you since losing your sister and that you even tried to commit suicide, he’d be laying out a mat in Myeongdong right now.”

My face contorted involuntarily.

This was new and very useful information.

So crucial that I wanted to punch the teacher in the chest.

“So why did you save me?”

It was the same question again.

“I told you, I didn’t save you.”

Then, the choreographer spoke again.

“Yeah, he probably didn’t save you. I’ve just met him today, but I can tell. He’s not the type to rush and save someone just because they’re in danger. He’s not bad, but he’s not particularly kind either. But he helped you? Really? Why? Destiny?”

Oh, damn.

What nonsense is this?

“What on earth are you talking about?”

The choreographer crossed his arms and grinned.

“Just a feeling?”


Are you watching a movie?

I almost punched him but held back at the last second.

“Seungjoon, still, committing suicide is too much. Do you think your dead sister would want that? And your niece is still alive. Your sister risked her life to have that child. With such a cute niece, you can’t do something like commit suicide. You need to get your life together, debut, and make your sister proud, right?”

Did she die giving birth?

Damn, why do they have to tell me things I don’t even care about?

“Good things will happen if you live on. Time heals. No matter how tough it is, as long as you eat and sleep, you’ll get through it. Look at me. I gave up trying to become a dance singer but still live well. Isn’t that right?”

Does he think that’s comforting?

I let out a deep sigh.

I ended up knowing more about someone else’s life than I ever wanted to.


I glanced at my watch.

It was almost time for the side effects to start.

I turned to my esteemed teacher.

“We’re done here, right?”

“Huh? You’re leaving just like that?”

Did he expect me to mediate this situation?

“I have urgent business to attend to.”

I shook off the guy’s grip and walked toward the restroom.

The choreographer called out from behind.

“How urgent is it? Is it a big one or a small one? Will I have to wait long?”

I really wanted to curse.

“Think whatever you want.”

As I stomped away in irritation, I suddenly felt someone following me.

I ignored it and kept walking, but my arm was grabbed again.

“Damn it, what now?”

Even though I tried to shake him off, he wouldn’t let go.

I made a grimace and dragged him to the restroom.

I closed the door and shouted.

“What do you want?”

“Why did you help me?”

“I didn’t help you. I gave you CPR to mess with you, to make you suffer. You were holding onto that rope, weren’t you? You weren’t really planning to die.”

His black eyes wavered.

‘I don’t care if your sister died or not, so why are you making a fuss? Damn it. Sister…’

I let out a deep sigh. Cha Sora’s image floated in and out of my mind.

‘Damn it.’

If my sister had died giving birth, I would want to die too, though I probably wouldn’t really do it.

“If it’s your sister, then I get it.”

I remembered my sister, exhausted from her nursing job, and then I realized.

‘This is a mistake.’

His black eyes suddenly sparkled.

They were like the eyes of a stray dog I saw as a child!

No, more importantly, it seemed like I had just acknowledged what he said.

Just as I was about to deny it, tears welled up in my eyes as if on cue.

‘Damn it!’

My lower eyelids heated up and something flowed down.

I quickly covered my eyes with my free hand, but red liquid dripped down my wrist.


“Damn it! Just let go!”

He finally released my arm.

I staggered over to the toilet and locked the door.

‘Damn it.’

What should I do?

Red blood trickled down my wrist.

I managed to stop it with some tissues, but the floor was already covered in blood.

‘A perfect horror movie scene.’

I couldn’t control it.

What kind of situation was this?

I calmly assessed the situation.

First of all, it would be a big problem if this guy told the company.

‘If he tells the company, it’ll be a headache.’

What if they send me home to recover?

The conclusion was clear.

‘I need to shut him up.’

But how? Threats?

‘That won’t work.’

I took out my smartphone from my pocket.

Unfortunately, I couldn’t use any more cheats.

In the end, there was only one way.


I desperately picked something appropriate.

Should I say it’s a chronic illness?

Damn it.

Who would believe a disease that makes you cry blood?

Not even a fool would.

‘Then should I just be honest?’

As soon as I thought about it, I shook my head.

‘Oh, I raised my observation level and cried blood for 10 minutes? It’s nothing, don’t worry about it.’

I thought to myself but sounded like a complete madman.

Who would believe that?

If I said that, they’d immediately commit me to a mental hospital.

As I moved, blood dripped again.

No matter how much tissue I used, the bleeding wouldn’t stop.

No matter how I racked my brain, I couldn’t come up with an excuse he’d believe.

I picked the least ridiculous option.

‘Should I just say it’s because I was sad?’

If I said that the news of his sister’s death felt like the sky was falling and made me cry…

‘Damn it!’

It was funny even to me, would he believe it?

But it was the best I had.

I desperately mumbled to myself.

‘I am an actor.’

This is my stage.

‘Even if it’s a restroom.’

There’s nothing helpful at all.


I let out a heavy sigh.

The bloody tears stopped precisely ten minutes later.

I threw away the wad of tissues and washed my face in the sink.

My clothes were black, so the stains weren’t noticeable, but my hands were a mess with blood.

After barely scrubbing it off, I stepped outside.

As if he had been waiting, Seungjoon was leaning against the wall in the hallway.

‘He looks like the Grim Reaper.’

Would he believe that excuse?

‘He’s not a fool.’

I took a deep breath and stood in front of him.

He opened his eyes, which had been quietly closed.

The glint in his eyes was sharp and piercing.

‘Like a predator waking up.’

I wiped all expressions off my face.

I didn’t know why, but it felt like the right thing to do.

‘It’s already too late. If I were acting, I should have smiled when I ran into him.’

I just stared at him.

An odd silence descended.

Seungjoon spoke first.

“Why were you crying?”

The question was as simple as it could get. At least he didn’t ask about the bloody tears.

I cautiously started to speak.

“You might not believe it, but…”

Of course, he wouldn’t believe it.

“I also only have my sister.”

I shrugged lightly.

“Let’s just say I got strangely emotional.”

Even now, I didn’t show any expression.

‘I have to be brazen.’

My instincts told me.

This would work better.

If it doesn’t, there’s nothing I can do about it.

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1 month ago

Yeah. You’re a shameless one Dowon haha let’s see if this Russian bear is gullible haha 😂😆

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