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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 15- Why the hell is this jerk acting like this?

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It doesn’t look like a suicide since they’re holding the rope with their hands…

I decided to ask just in case.

“Hyung, is there any sort of initiation ceremony here?”

“Of course not.”


“Yes. Why?”

I pointed at the person hanging by the neck.

“Then what is that?”

Kang Minjae followed my finger and was startled.

Damn, this is real!

I immediately ran and grabbed the hanging person’s legs.

“Hyung! Call for help and dial 119!”

“Huh? Oh!”

Kang Minjae quickly opened the door and called for help.

Soon, a woman came running in.

As soon as she saw the figure, she stepped back and screamed.


Ah, my ears.

“Just untie the rope first!”

It was the woman who cut the rope with scissors, and Kang Minjae who laid the person on the floor.

I put my ear to the person’s chest to check for a heartbeat and looked at the marks on their neck.

‘They seem okay.’

But the person lay motionless like a corpse.

I thought he might have fainted, but his face didn’t seem flushed.

‘They were holding on with their hands.’

In other words, this guy was perfectly fine.

I glared at him.

I felt annoyed for some reason.

“I’m going to perform chest compressions.”

I cut the guy’s shirt with scissors.

Kang Minjae asked urgently.

“Do you know how?”


I knew it wasn’t necessary, but I was angry.

‘What the hell are you doing?’

The exposed body had well-defined muscles.

What was this big guy doing something so childish?

I placed both hands on his chest and pressed down with my weight.

‘I’ll leave some bruises.’

I wanted to break his ribs, but I was generous.

So I held back.

I heard someone calling 119.

The guy on the floor didn’t move even though the compressions were painful.

Even with light pressure, chest compressions are tough, so I was sweating profusely as I pressed.

How much time passed like that?

When the bruises appeared where my hands had been, 119 arrived.

I wiped the sweat off my forehead as I watched the guy being carried away on a stretcher.

‘Crazy bastard.’

Even though it must have been embarrassing, he didn’t open his eyes once.

“Are you okay?”

Kang Minjae asked worriedly.

“Of course.”

“Wasn’t it hard?”

“Of course it was.”

Why does he keep asking stupid questions?

“You did the chest compressions well.”

“I learned it.”

I couldn’t tell him I learned it while teaching swimming before my regression.

I sighed softly.

Thinking about it, I had done a ton of different part-time jobs.

He’s going to ask where I learned it soon.

I quickly made up an excuse because I found it annoying.

“I learned it at school. Ah, I wasted my sweat for nothing.”

I stood up. I had to work out quickly even now.

I had wasted time on something weird.

I quietly got on the treadmill.

Kang Minjae stared at me.

“Why are you looking at me? Is there something on my face?”

“No. It’s just a bit strange.”

“What is?”

“Why did you do it? That guy. It didn’t seem like his heart had stopped.”

What a perceptive guy.

Why ask when you know?

“I just did it to mess with him. What kind of prank was that? It didn’t even seem like he really wanted to die.”

Kang Minjae blinked.

“He was gripping the rope with both hands to avoid choking. His arm strength was good enough to hold on.”

I glanced at the rope on the floor.

‘It’s annoying. I gave him chest compressions on purpose to hurt him. To do it properly, I would have to press deeper and faster.’

Kang Minjae didn’t look away.

What’s with him?


“Aren’t you going to work out?”

“No, it’s just that…”

He finally looked away.

“I get called weird a lot by the boss. But Dowon, you might be even stranger than me.”

Was that an insult?

“You’ve changed a lot.”

“I wonder what kind of kid you remember me as.”

“Loud, clumsy, with a big voice? Naive.”

That’s how I must have been five years ago.

Should an elementary school kid be jaded?

I started running on the treadmill and said.

“You’re right.”

Kang Minjae looked at me.

“This place seems strange. There are trainees attempting suicide.”

“You seem strange enough too.”

At that moment, the gym door opened, and trainees rushed in.

They murmured as they saw me on the treadmill and Kang Minjae standing there.

‘Damn. What’s this now?’

Something felt off.

‘Normally, wouldn’t they ask what’s going on?’

Isn’t Kang Minjae also a trainee?

Someone should at least ask if something happened, but no one approached.

However, Kang Minjae asked me casually.

“Hey, Dowon. After practice, do you want to grab something to eat together?”

I couldn’t think of a reason to say no.

It was disgusting, but I quietly changed my mind.

‘Doesn’t he look like he has a lot of money?’

I grinned.

That’s right!

I should get a free meal!

Surely he wouldn’t make the younger brother pay, right?

‘You have to save money to live well!’

If we were going to keep the house and get my sister through medical school, we had to tighten our belts as much as possible.

‘Disgust is temporary, but feeling full lasts for two hours.’

Nutrition is important.

Besides, I still had 20 centimeters left to grow.

“Sure! Hyung! Let’s eat something delicious!”

It was then that the surroundings suddenly became noisy.

I quietly looked around at the commotion.

The trainees were openly pointing at me and Kang Minjae.

‘What’s this all about?’

Why aren’t they coming closer or talking, just staring like that?

And why are they pointing fingers?

“Is Kang Minjae being bullied?”

It was then that a woman who called 119 chased the bystanders away, telling them to leave if they weren’t going to work out.

As it quickly quieted down, Kang Minjae also got up from his seat.

“See you later, then.”

He walked out of the gym.

Suddenly, I was left alone in the bustling place.

What the hell.

‘Well, it’s not my problem.’

I focused quietly on my running.

Fortunately, the time passed quickly.


The morning was calm.

I got up from my seat and stretched.

I was tired from not sleeping enough, but I could manage.

Just as I rubbed my eyes again, someone suddenly spoke.

“Don’t act so cocky.”

I was startled.

I looked at him.

His face, still hungover, was glaring at me.

I smiled.

Ah, my dear roommate.

‘Damn it. What’s he saying?’

If he drank, he should just lie down and sleep.

Why is he acting like this?

This jerk.

Anyway, it was strange.

Did I do something arrogant?

I quietly reflected on what I did.

So, after having dinner with Kang Minjae yesterday, I came back to this room.

When I returned, two guys were drinking, so I introduced myself to them.

Then I washed up, went to sleep, and just woke up.

The dawn air was chilly.

As I was getting ready to leave with my smartphone and recorder, I suddenly heard him say that.

‘I didn’t do anything?’

If I had really been arrogant, I would understand.

But no matter how much I racked my brain, I couldn’t think of anything.

So I just tilted my head.

Then he said,

“You said you had dinner with Kang Minjae, right? Are you bragging because you’re friends with him?”

I couldn’t help but laugh.

I turned around and looked at him.

‘What was his name again?’

Now that I think about it, he didn’t say.

When I entered this room, I kindly introduced myself, saying, “Hello. I’m Cha Dowon.”

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1 month ago

WTH? Kkkkkkkkkk man why tf there’s a sudden self unaliving attempt and he’s so chill about it too lol

1 month ago

Oh, is this the start of petty fights by some insecure trainees?

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