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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 14- A Strange Place

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Dragging my suitcase, I arrived at a room with six bunk beds.

Of course, the room’s occupants weren’t there yet.

“People usually just sleep here.”

I smirked.

It felt like I was back in the army.

‘Well, it’s similar enough.’

Living with total strangers is a hassle, especially with grim-looking guys.

I looked around and asked, “Where should I put my stuff?”

“Just pick any empty spot. There should be some available since it’s the end of the month evaluations.”

The lower bunk on the left was free.

It seemed like there were only two people in the room.

“They must have packed their things and gone home.”

“I see.”

“Are you not scared? If you don’t perform well, you’ll have to pack your things too.”

I shrugged.

“Why should I be scared?”

There’s no time for that.

I should practice instead.

I opened my suitcase, took out my workout clothes, and started changing without hesitation.

“What, what are you doing?”

We’re both guys, so what’s the big deal?

Ignoring him, I changed into my workout clothes.

“Excuse me, can you tell me where the practice room is?”

“Why? I don’t have any dirty magazines if that’s what you’re thinking.”

I frowned.

What on earth is this guy thinking?

“I need the practice room.”

“Practice? Already?”

“If not, I’ll go jogging. There’s a treadmill, right?”

“Yeah, there is. It’s in the company building, about a five-minute walk from here.”

“Let’s go.”

Time is precious, after all.

I put my smartphone and voice recorder in my pocket.

“You’re taking that too?”

I smiled.

“It was a thoughtful gift.”

Aunt’s love is both mysterious and amazing.

‘Though it can be a bit overwhelming.’

Her thorough affection was very characteristic of her.

“Your name is Dowon, right? Don’t take life too seriously, kid. If you start this way…”

The manager clicked his tongue, but I cut in.

“If I start this way, I’ll live a good life.”

I smiled brightly.

“Please show me the way.”

The manager shook his head and opened the door.

At that moment, a familiar figure was smiling and waving just outside.

“Oh, Minjae? What brings you here?”

He walked over calmly and stood in front of me.

I forced a smile.

“Minjae hyung!”

“You’re here. Did you just arrive?”

“Yes, I just got here.”

“I live upstairs. I came to give you the front door password.”


Why do I need to know that?

‘I’m not going!’

As if meeting you wasn’t enough, why would I go there?

“What, what? Minjae, you’re giving him your home’s password?”

The Pig Boss seemed genuinely surprised.

“Yes. We’re close.”

We’re not close.

“How close?”

Before it looked even more misleading, I interjected.

“We were neighbors back in the day.”

“Minjae, do you even have close friends? And your home’s front door password! Even I don’t know it!”


“The manager doesn’t know?”

“It’s a secret. I don’t want to be bothered.”

“Is that okay?”

“This place might be the company’s dorm, but upstairs is my home, so it doesn’t matter.”

I took a moment to process.

So, he bought the upstairs apartment?

Even the manager can’t go in?

‘He must be rich.’

Was Kang Minjae always wealthy?

“The password is my birthday.”


I nodded, letting out a small breath.

I couldn’t help but remember his birthday.

‘It’s the same as my sister’s.’

Back then, we blew out candles together on a cake.

‘Though it was just a stack of Choco Pies because we were poor…’

That somewhat warm memory made me cringe.

I smiled brightly, as much as it annoyed me.

“I’m heading to the practice room.”

“It might be locked now. Only the vocal room should be open.”

“Is that so? Then I’ll go to the gym and use the treadmill.”

Kang Minjae looked at the manager and then back at me.

“I’ll take him. You go ahead with your work, hyung. I’ll handle this.”

“Minjae, you’re really close, aren’t you?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

We are not close.

I did not agree to this.

Kang Minjae strode ahead, and I had no choice but to follow like a reluctant calf.

As we left the building, Kang Minjae spoke.

“You really came here.”

“I told you I would.”

“Yeah, I know. I was waiting. Isn’t the dorm too cramped? I wanted you to stay at my place, but the head manager insisted you stay in the dorm to focus on training.”

Whoever you are, thank you.

The thought of being in the same space as this guy gives me chills.

“That’s a shame.”

“Quickly move up to the debut team. Then you can live in my place. Just stay at my house.”

Great offer, but no thanks.

I glared at the back of his head before moving a bit ahead.

‘It’s annoying, but I’ll pretend to be close.’

That way, I can benefit somehow.

Oblivious to my thoughts, Kang Minjae smiled at me.

I asked in a friendly manner.

“Hyung, can you tell me about the company?”

You seem well-informed, so spill the details.

“Friends Entertainment? Well, the funding is pretty decent.”

“So, no shady money involved?”

“Right. The CEO is reliable and always looks to the future.”

That’s why the company succeeded.

“But they cut trainees without mercy. It’s tough to endure.”

“Was it hard for you, too?”

Kang Minjae shook his head.

“No. I don’t cause trouble, and I put in the effort despite my lack of talent.”

Good for you.

“But I’m worried about you, Dowon.”

What for?

“You’re quite jealous.”

Huh? How did he know?

As we entered the company building, Kang Minjae continued.

“Not you. I mean the other trainees. They’re all eager to debut, so they’re on edge and pick fights easily.”

That’s understandable.

‘Are the trainees fighting amongst themselves?’

That’s going to be a hassle.

In the elevator, Kang Minjae skillfully pressed the button for the 5th floor.

“There are practice rooms, a gym, and showers on the 5th floor.”

“Is it free for trainees?”


I wondered if they also provided things like soap.

I needed to save money.

I walked around, looking at my surroundings.

The interior was fairly clean.

“There are a lot of CCTVs.”

“They’re for accident prevention, personality assessment, and other reasons. Do you feel uncomfortable being watched?”

I shook my head.

“I don’t mind.”

Are they watching us?

“That’s the practice room. And this is the gym.”

Kang Minjae said as he opened the gym door.

“Are you ready?”

“Of course.”

I turned my head for a moment and was startled.

What is that?

“The kids here are no joke. And surprisingly, there are a lot of accidents.”


I quietly rubbed my eyes.

I couldn’t believe what I was seeing.

Is this an accident too?

“Everyone’s on edge here. No matter how much control they try to exert from above, there are limits. Plus, there aren’t many staff to look after the trainees.”

“That makes sense…”

A large figure swayed back and forth.

I rubbed my eyes again.

‘It’s not a ghost, is it?’

A person I had never seen before was hanging by a rope around their neck, gripping it tightly with both hands.

What’s going on? Is this a prank?

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1 month ago

Do we need to call the police? Maybe sue some people. Chocking someone is next level

1 month ago

Hey, that’s scary. Dowon I think you need to call 112😂🤣😂

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