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Cheating way through to Stardom chapter 12- Crossing to the Netherworld Long Ago

* * *

This hyung.

I looked at him and smiled brightly.

“When was that? Did we meet before?”

“Uh, so…”

Kang Minjae scratched his head as if he was really troubled.

“So frustrating.”

Why is he stuttering like that?

Acting all innocent. Just explain it.

“I was at the audition too.”

I opened my eyes wide and pretended to be surprised.


I know, you bastard.

“The Friends Entertainment audition. I was the one wearing the hat there.”

I quietly closed my mouth.

And then I looked at the sunglasses in his hand.

“Were you surprised?”

“A little. But, hyung…”

I grabbed his arm. It felt like my hand was rotting, but for the sake of smooth acting, I had no choice.

Endure it even if it’s disgusting.

“Hyung, are you someone important?”


Kang Minjae chuckled for a moment.

“Aren’t you still a college student? Did I get your age wrong? Are you a department head in the company?”

It was a nauseatingly cute act that I did myself.

Wow, truly dirty. Disgusting.

“No, it’s not like that. Wait. Dowon. Hahaha!”

Kang Minjae covered his mouth and laughed.

I stared blankly at him.

“Is it funny?”


He wiped away tears as he laughed heartily.

Meanwhile, I used his handkerchief to wipe the blood from the corner of my mouth.

Now, how do I explain this?

“Oh, no. It’s not like that. A department head? Really?”

“Then how did you become a judge for the audition?”

Kang Minjae patted my head once.

How great it would be if his hand rotted and fell off.

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Later? Okay. But, hyung. I passed that audition.”

“I know. That’s why I came.”

Why. To stop me?

“I was concerned.”

About what?

“I wondered if you were the kid I knew. But seeing you like this…”

Kang Minjae smiled slightly while looking at me.

“You are the kid I knew. I don’t really believe people change.”

What do you want to say?


“Is your mother here? Can I say hello after a long time?”

I sighed softly and shook my head.

I looked him in the eye.

“Did she go somewhere? On a trip?”

“Well, hyung.”

Suddenly, I remembered before the regression.

I said the same thing to him back then.

“She passed away.”

But his reaction was different from then.

Back then, Kang Minjae simply said ‘I see’ and never asked again.

But this time, he seemed quite surprised, his eyes trembling.

“What? When?”

“Not even a week ago.”

Kang Minjae was even more surprised and now turned his head to avoid my gaze.

“Dowon. Hey. You’re not joking, right?”

Look at this guy.

“Who jokes about something like this?”

Kang Minjae nodded slightly.

“Oh, right. No one jokes about this. I’m sorry. So, Dowon.”

He looked at me again.

“Are you okay?”

It was such an unexpected question.

‘Is that even a real question…?’

What kind of answer do you expect when you ask a 15-year-old who just lost their parents if they’re okay?

‘I guess you either act tough or break down in tears…’

I felt at a loss for how to respond.


Like a crazy person?

‘Let’s mix both.’

The best lies are mixed with some truth.

“I’m not okay.”


“But what can I do? From now on, I won’t be okay for a long time. If time passes anyway…”

I smiled faintly.

“I should just do what I can.”

Kang Minjae said nothing.

I smiled brightly and threw the empty plastic bottle into the trash can.

It made a loud noise as it fell, sounding hollow inside.

“When I see things like this, it reminds me of your audition days.”

What is he saying?

“I see.”

Is he talking to himself or to me?

Make up your mind, Kang Minjae.

“You’ve changed.”

What’s that?

You said you don’t believe people change.

Are you contradicting yourself?

I smiled innocently and asked, “In a good way?”

Kang Minjae chuckled and shook his head.

“Well, actually, I came to dissuade you.”

“Me? Why?”

“I came to tell you not to join as a trainee. I know because I’ve been one—it’s tough. Plus, in this industry, the hardest thing to handle is mediocre talent.”

I clenched my fists.

‘Who are you to stop me?’

Mediocre talent?

Damn it.

“Am I that mediocre?”


Then why stop me?

“Because you’re not mediocre. If you join, you’ll go full throttle without looking back. And I feel like I’ll end up using you.”

Kang Minjae placed his hand on my shoulder.

“I tend to use people roughly.”

My shoulder hurt.

I looked at his hand gripping me.

What do you want me to do?

‘Is this a threat or a declaration of war?’

I had no idea how to respond.

“When I use people, it never ends well.”

Is that so?

“If it were a stranger, it’d be fine. But, Dowon, you’re someone who knows about my past.”

“Are you saying we’re close?”

“Is that how it sounds? Are we close?”

Hey! Don’t ask me!

You think a middle schooler can answer that?

“That depends on you, doesn’t it?”

Even if we are enemies.

“Is that so? Hmm, I want to be close. It seems like a good idea.”

“Then we should become close.”


As we kept talking, I felt like I was the one dissuading him.

I sighed deeply.

What’s your point, Kang Minjae?


“Yes, hyung.”

“Can I use you?”

I furrowed my brows.

I couldn’t figure out what he meant by that.

‘Using me roughly, even though it ends badly?’

It’s a declaration of war, right?

Suddenly, I laughed.

I covered my mouth and then looked up.

Our eyes met.

Alright, Kang Minjae.

“Go ahead.”

His eyes wavered.

What are you up to?

Do you know I’m just a middle schooler?

“I won’t break.”

I used to break completely before.

“But you have to give me something in return.”

I gripped his hand tightly.

Even this guy had a warm touch.

“Give me what I want.”

You’re good at making music, right?

If I’m on your team, success will follow, no matter how dirty it gets.

Just give me success.

‘Raise me until then.’

I’ll be a good tool.

I’ll dance to your tune.

“Hmm, what do you want?”

I smiled innocently.

“I don’t know.”


“Honestly, it’s difficult. Who lives knowing exactly what they want? So, hyung, I’ll tell you later.”

Kang Minjae laughed awkwardly.

“Is that so?”

“For now.”

I shook his hand lightly.

“Let’s start by becoming close, like before!”

Honestly, it was a funny thing to say.

The Kang Minjae in front of me wasn’t the guy who lived next door and got beaten by his mom every day.

Neither was I the naive kid who followed him around calling him hyung.

That version of me crossed to the netherworld long ago.

‘What’s left?’

Probably just burning revenge and desire.

It’ll burn brightly.

I’ll keep fueling the fire.

‘Let’s see what you’ve got, Kang Minjae.’

I’ll give it my all.

I smiled brightly with all my heart.

He lowered his head and scratched it.

“Ah, yeah. Dowon.”

I let go of his hand.

He looked at his arm and spoke.

“Want to eat? Have you had dinner?”

I was a bit surprised.

A memory flashed back.

‘When I met him after a long time, I asked him the same thing.’

-Hyung, have you eaten? Want to eat together?

The situation was different, but hearing him repeat my words felt oddly unsettling.

‘How annoying.’

Could I eat while looking at his face?

I might just throw up.

“Dinner? My aunt is coming over. There are some things to handle regarding the estate.”

I shouldn’t say this.

I should say what he hates most.

“My aunt, uncle, and sister will be there. Want to join us?”

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1 month ago

He doesn’t seem like he hates him that much. But ig it’s expected they were childhood friends

1 month ago

I can’t figure out MinJae. What’s his up to? What’s his goal? Why go to that extreme?

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