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The Heavenly Demon Becomes an Idol chapter 2

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Idol Group “Nine Sects”.

This martial arts-themed idol group is the idea of the overly wealthy and somewhat quirky K-tsch agency CEO.

The name “Nine Sects” refers to nine martial arts sects from martial arts novels—Shaolin, Hwashan, Mudang, Jongnam, Jeomchang, Kunlun, Cheongseong, Gongdong, and Ami—plus one more, making ten in total. Though it sounds like a ten-member group, it currently performs as a quintet.

Originally, it was indeed a ten-member group, but six sects—Jongnam, Jeomchang, Kunlun, Cheongseong, Gongdong, and Ami—have all dropped out, leaving just five.

How did it come to be five, you ask? Because they recruited one more, Namgung Sega, who isn’t even from the original nine anymore.

Despite its scandal-ridden past, the Nine Sects enjoy enviable popularity, firmly establishing themselves as top-tier idols in South Korea.

Many thought that the CEO had lost his mind when he first introduced this martial arts idol concept, but somehow, it has caught on. The entertainment industry truly is unpredictable.

But what’s even more perplexing is the current situation.

“The real Heavenly Demon… you say?”


“The real Heavenly Demon wants to… become an idol?”




The Heavenly Demon just stared at me, his eyes asking if he really needed to explain.

“How did you come to know about the Nine Sects?”

“If you don’t know about the Nine Sects in South Korea, you’re considered a spy.”

“But you’re from the Central Plains, aren’t you?”

“I’ve been here quite some time.”

Been here? …A trip to another world?

“Another world trip” is a term I learned while delving into countless web novels to understand the martial arts world of the Nine Sects.

“I’ve taken my time to study and understand the culture here.”

The Heavenly Demon closed his eyes, seemingly reflecting on his experiences.

“As a result, I had to become an idol.”

“That’s a weird conclusion. What reason could the Heavenly Demon possibly have to become an idol?”

“What’s so strange about it? These days, Heavenly Demons open cafes, become tycoons, and even actors; why can’t they be idols?”


The Heavenly Demon smirked as if to mock my ignorance.

“I’ve searched it all on the internet.”

“Are you talking about reading web novels?”

“Fool, just make me an idol, that’s all you need to do.”

“I’m not a fool; I’m the manager of Nine Sects.”

“What’s a manager?”

“A supervisor.”

“A foolish Supervisor, then. Go call your CEO.”


I realized this wasn’t something I needed to fret over.

If we hadn’t launched a martial arts-themed idol group, the Heavenly Demon wouldn’t have barged in like this.

I decided to pass the Heavenly Demon over to the CEO.

* * *

As if possessed, the CEO declared, “We will recruit him as a new member of the Nine Sects.”

“Are you serious?”

“He’s handsome.”

Our CEO is truly impartial and fair.

He seems to consider only appearances when assessing people.

“Of all things, you’re adding a Central Plains man who smashed our office window just because he’s good-looking to our top idol group?”

“What do you think is the most important for an idol?”



“I am wrong, sorry. It’s the face.”

“Exactly. The face. In martial arts novels, it’s essential and inevitable for characters to be attractive. Ugly protagonists are not tolerated, and even male leads are often described as having ‘skin like white jade and lips like red petals’.”

I glanced at the Heavenly Demon, who sat arrogantly in the CEO’s chair. Though unpolished, his features could rival our group leader’s, known for his stunning looks.

“The next most important thing is talent. Dance? Being good at dance means being physically adept. What does being a Heavenly Demon imply? It means being exceptionally skilled physically.”

“What about singing?”

“Even reading a textbook in his voice will captivate listeners.”

…Was he for real?

“But what about the worldviews? The Nine Sects are supposed to be righteous, and the Heavenly Demon is inherently evil.”

In martial arts novels, the Nine Sects represent righteousness, while the Heavenly Demon embodies evil—a perfect antagonist.

“Fans might dislike the sudden introduction of Heavenly Demon.”

“They won’t mind.”

“Why do you think so?”

“Because he’s handsome.”

Unable to argue, I was even more infuriated.

“Fool CEO, and Fool Manager”

The Heavenly Demon interrupted.

“Shall you keep me waiting?”

Unfazed by being called a fool, or rather honored, the CEO replied.

“Of course not. Aren’t we done here, right Manager?” The CEO looked at me with wide eyes.

Seeing the current CEO, I could only sigh.

“Am I debuting then? As an idol?”

“Yes, but there are procedures. You’ll need to meet the others first.”

“The others?”

“Nine Sects. Your future group members.”

“I’m a Heavenly Demon, but I have to join the Nine Sects? I’m displeased.”

See? Even the Heavenly Demon dislikes it.

With an unchanging expression, the CEO politely responded.

“If you wish to debut solo, you’ll have to wait about a year.”

“I should meet the members then.”

The Heavenly Demon stood up as soon as he agreed.

It seems like the CEO’s experience as a hands-on manager during his early days hasn’t gone to waste.

As the Heavenly Demon headed for the door, he paused and turned to me.

“Aren’t you coming, fool?”


“Aren’t you the manager of the Nine Sects? From now on, you must attend to me.”

“No, I never agreed to recruit a new member.”

The Heavenly Demon frowned and looked at the CEO.

“Is that so?”

“Don’t worry about it. He is paid to follow orders. From today, he’ll be dedicated to managing the Heavenly Demon.”

“Is that right?”

“CEO, if you decide unilaterally like this…”

“Your salary will be doubled.”

“Thank you for deciding unilaterally to raise my salary. Heavenly Demon, shall we go downstairs? The leader of the Nine Sects, who currently holds the position of Martial Arts Alliance Chief, is here at the company.”

“You are really materialistic.” The CEO commented as he gave a disgusted look towrds me. However, I just ignored his words.

“What? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of my salary increasing.”
After all, nothing is greater than having my salary increased.

“Take the Heavenly Demon to meet the alliance chief.”

“Yes. Heavenly Demon, this way, please.”

The Heavenly Demon looked at me with a slightly disgusted expression.

“Let’s go, money-loving fool.”

How could he speak so rudely?

But despite that, I led the Heavenly Demon downstairs.

* * *


The face of the alliance chief, rumored to have dominated the idol scene, was confused.

The chief, despite not fully grasping the situation, he still maintained composure after years of experience in adding and removing numerous members.

“So, this person is the new member?”


The Heavenly Demon answered before me.

Showing an unexpected curiosity, the Heavenly Demon continued to ask,

“Are you the martial arts alliance chief?”

“Uh? Oh, yes. I’m the chief of the Nine Sects.”

The chief, veteran in the jungle-like idol industry, wisely responded with respect.

The Heavenly Demon, in his own way, was impressed with the chief.

“Hmm… You’re different from what I’ve seen on Nertube.”

“You watch Nertube?”

It seemed like he also like to watch videos other than reading web novels.

The Heavenly Demon was strangely well-versed in modern culture. Though he claimed to have conducted his own research, it seemed that what he had acquired were somewhat twisted information.

“You seemed to be using internal energy… Seeing how well you’ve harnessed your Qi, your skill level must not be low.”

I pray he’s not talking about the fire show in the MV.

“Ah… The CEO usually doesn’t insist we stick to our concepts that strictly.”

It seemed the chief thought the Heavenly Demon’s antics were just a gimmick.

The chief had also used ancient speech in his debut at the CEO’s request.

Recalling those days is a dark history for the chief, so one must tread carefully to avoid his wrath.

“If you’re the martial arts alliance chief, who’s the current Je Il-geom?”

The chief blinked his doe-like eyes in confusion at the Heavenly Demon’s question.

“I am the Je Il-geom.”

Indeed, the chief’s real name is Je Il-geom (Number One Swordsman).

There’s no need to find it odd that the leader of an idol group is named Je Il-geom. The Nine Sects were created by the eccentrically wealthy CEO who has a knack for picking such individuals. Even the newly recruited Namgung Sega has Namgung as his actual surname.

The Heavenly Demon, unaware that the chief’s name was indeed Je Il-geom, raised an eyebrow in surprise.

“You’re Je Il-geom?”

“Are you not aware?”

“How would I know of such a thing?”

“You just mentioned watching us on Nertube…”

“I recognize faces.”

“Didn’t you say you are the new member?”


“But you don’t know me…?”

The chief’s gaze fluttered towards me, seeking an explanation.

“It’s a long story. Actually, no, it’s short. This person is the real Heavenly Demon who wants to become an idol, so the CEO decided to debut him in the Nine Sects.”

“Uh? Ah…”

After pondering for a moment, the chief spoke up.

“Our concept is righteousness. Is it okay for the Heavenly Demon to join?”

“Is that your question? You believe this immediately?”

“If this were a prank, it lacks sincerity. Besides, the Heavenly Demon is currently floating in mid-air behind you.”

Turning around, we saw the Heavenly Demon sitting cross-legged in the air, observing us.

“Wow, shit, what’s that.”

“We won’t need wires for concerts then, right?”

“Is that what’s important to you right now?”

“What did the CEO say?”

“He said it’s fine because he’s handsome.”

“Ah. I see. Then we should introduce him to the other members as well.”

I’m embarrassed by my own startled reaction earlier.

To survive in the top tier of idols, one must adapt to such situations.

“We’re nearing the end of our current activities, so after wrapping up, we’ll prepare the new song together and then release it.”


The Heavenly Demon halted the chief with a hand gesture and spoke.

“I want to debut immediately.”

“Uh? But if you want to join in on the existing songs, you’ll need to learn the choreography and the lyrics first. We’ll also have to redistribute the parts.”

“Then divide them by today. I’ll handle the rest.”

Even the generally amiable chief frowned at the impracticality.

“It’s not that simple.”

“Make it simple.”

“…As long as I’m the leader of this group, I can’t allow such rush decisions. If we’re five and suddenly become six, asking for parts to be handed over immediately will cause opposition from the others.”

“I have no intention of sharing parts with those righteous folks.”

“So, you want to go solo?”

“No. Debuting solo takes too long.”

“So, you intend to take our members’ parts for your debut?”

Then, the Heavenly Demon reached out his hand.

My smartphone, which I had put in my jacket pocket, smoothly floated up into the air and flew into the Heavenly Demon’s hand.

I was startled.

“This is… air retrieval…!”

“Bro, you’re really playing it up like a martial arts novel.”

“It just felt appropriate.”

The Heavenly Demon turned on Nertube and showed it to us.

On his phone, the Nine Sects’ latest song, “Heart as Unbreakable as Diamond,” played in the MV.

“This is the part I want.”

Pointing at the screen, the Heavenly Demon indicated…

“Uh, the song hasn’t started yet?”

“What are you talking about? Watch carefully what the chief here does.”

The Heavenly Demon rewound the video and played it again.

For a moment, the camera silently panned over the members’ faces, and as he said, the chief did start speaking…

– Nine Sects. Unmatched under Heaven.

“That’s just the opening.”

Indeed, the part the Heavenly Demon wanted was not the singing or the rap, but merely the two lines of the opening meant solely for coolness.

“Right. Give me that part.”


Both the chief and I were taken aback as the Heavenly Demon twisted his lips into a smirk.

“I do not settle for anything less than the best. Martial Arts Alliance Chief Je Il-geom. Give me your part.”

“…So, you want my entire part?”

“Do you want me to be responsible for all your part too?”

“No, just that section then?”


The chief, visibly confused, pressed his forehead.

The Heavenly Demon added cruelly with an indifferent voice,

“Anyway, your part wasn’t much to begin with.”


The chief seemed hurt but willingly agreed to give up his opening two lines.

The Heavenly Demon laughed contentedly with the Nine Sects’ new song “Heart as Unbreakable as Diamond” playing in the background.

Nine Sects. Unmatched under Heaven.

Speaking of supreme solitude,

No such thing as a supreme patriarch here,

No need for formalities,

My heart is as unbreakable as diamond,

So easily,

I do not get hurt,

But sometimes I fall clumsily,

And that’s not embarrassing,

What’s this about being possessed?

Don’t be scared, practice day and night,

Dreaming of a complete transformation?

Borrow money from me,

I bring chaos to you,

We bring order to the martial world,

Nine Sects,

Wondering why we are five?

You’ll find out soon,

Shout (Hah)!

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1 month ago

Lmao Manager Fool, Ceo Fool, and money-loving Fool 💀
I wonder what he’ll call others.

1 month ago


28 days ago


19 days ago


15 days ago

Although it’s sad we don’t get to see things from his point of view it’s still funny😂

12 days ago

He is so cute

13 hours ago

Ful chapter

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