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Demon King Goes In Highschool chapter 1: Prologue

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People often have a certain image that comes to mind when they think of heaven.

It’s usually something like cherubic angels singing songs of happy dreams amidst fields of blooming flowers.

Under normal circumstances, such an image would be accurate. But not today.

“Stop them! Don’t let those damned crows get up here!”

“Don’t let those filthy things into this sacred place!”

Angels with white wings spread out, each holding shields and swords, raised their voices toward somewhere.

And from that place, demons with black wings were fiercely flying toward heaven.

“Step aside. I just need to confirm one thing.”

As he uttered those words at the front of the demon ranks, the angels shivered at the sight of his demonic aura.

“You filthy Demon King! Leave this place!”

“If you approach, you will be executed in the name of God!”

The demon who led numerous demons directly into heaven was the king of hell and the pinnacle of all demons, Demon King.

“Hah… I just want to check something and then leave.”

He had no intention of waging a war. He just wanted to confirm something here.

“Stop him! Don’t let him set foot in this place!”

However, the angels could not accept Demon King.

Allowing the king of hell into the sacred heaven was unthinkable.

“I have no choice. I politely asked, but you refused. So… this is your fault, right?”


Demon King’s demonic aura quickly enveloped heaven.


“Hold on… We can’t retreat now!”

The angels, unable to withstand even his mere presence, began to fall one by one.

It was impossible for lower-ranking angels to stand against the king of hell.


With Demon King’s shout, a tremendous demonic aura spread forward.

The angels who barely managed to hold on could no longer withstand it and were blown away.

“I told you to just step aside.”

Blowing away the angels with a mere shout, Demon King led the demons into heaven.

Historically, demons setting foot in heaven was a rare occurrence.

‘I need to find it. It must be here somewhere.’

Demon King quickly began to scan the surroundings to find what he desired.

The demons couldn’t understand Demon King’s actions, but they couldn’t defy their absolute leader, so they quietly followed him.

Demon King searched heaven for what he wanted but couldn’t find it.

‘It’s not here. What happened? I turned hell upside down several times… If it’s not in hell, it should at least be here, right?’

His expression subtly trembled.

At that moment, a huge lightning bolt struck in front of Demon King.


“You’re here.”

“What are you doing, Demon King? How dare you set foot in this sacred place!”


Drawing his sword, he pointed it at Demon King.

“I’m in a hurry to find something. So, can you cooperate? Michael.”

Archangel Michael, who guards heaven, appeared to stop Demon King.

The demons trembled in fear as the two beings representing heaven and hell faced each other in the same space.

The holy power and demonic aura collided, twisting the very space.

Michael, filled with anger, looked at Demon King but knew well that if they clashed here, the outcome would be unpredictable.

‘No one has subdued hell faster than this guy. If he truly sets his mind to it… this place will be reduced to rubble.’

Michael understood Demon King better than anyone, having witnessed everything from the moment his soul fell.

Not wanting a direct confrontation, Michael sighed slightly and spoke to him.

“What you’re looking for is not here.”

“Do you even know what it is?”

“Of course. After you turned hell upside down like that, did you think we wouldn’t know?”

Michael seemed to know something. Demon King smiled and said to him.

“Then tell me where it is. I’ll just take a look and leave quietly.”

“You know I can’t do that.”

“That’s why I’m asking nicely, Michael.”


As Demon King’s demonic aura spread, heaven began to shake.

“Are you trying to trigger Ragnarok!?”

“If you don’t want that, give me what I want.”

Demon King seemed ready to trigger Ragnarok at any moment.

Seeing this, Michael reluctantly shook his head to prevent Ragnarok.

“It’s not here. What you’re looking for.”


Neither in hell nor in heaven.

Hearing that what he sought was nowhere, Demon King stared at Michael silently for a while.

‘An archangel wouldn’t lie…’

Prideful Michael wouldn’t lie.

“So it’s true.”

Deciding to believe him, Demon King quietly withdrew his demonic aura.

‘I searched all of hell. But I couldn’t even find a trace there. If it’s not here either… it means it’s already reincarnated, doesn’t it?’

Though he didn’t get what he wanted, he got an answer, which didn’t make him happy.

Step. Step.

“Where are you going? That place…”

Demon King headed toward the World Tree in the center of heaven.

“It’s not here either… not even here!?”


“Demon King!!”

Swinging his arm toward the World Tree, a branch broke off and landed in Demon King’s hand.

Michael, shocked, rushed toward Demon King.


Michael’s sword, blocked by the World Tree branch in Demon King’s hand, caused a tremendous wave, turning the surroundings into a wasteland.

“I’ll take this. Be thankful my wrath ends with this.”

“Madman. Among all the Demon Kings that have ever existed, you are the craziest!”

“If you understand, good. So… don’t mess with this madman. Especially now.”


Demon King turned to the surrounding demons and shouted, “We’re heading back!”

Failing to find what he sought, Demon King led his demons back to Hell.


Watching him leave, Michael cursed under his breath.

Hearing Michael’s voice, Demon King waved in greeting, but this only made Michael angrier, prompting more curses in his direction.

Upon returning to Hell from Heaven, Demon King planted the branch of the World Tree, which he had snapped off in Heaven, right in front of his castle.

Thanks to Demon King’s chaos in Heaven, frequent and significant clashes erupted between Heaven and Hell.

Since that day, the one who had caused all this, Demon King, stayed inside his castle, not showing himself for a long time.

Hell, which had been quiet due to Demon King’s domination, began to buzz with noise once again.

A man approached Demon King and asked, “Are you troubled by something?”

“No. I just have a lot on my mind.”

Baal, who had always been by Demon King’s side, felt uneasy seeing him in deep thought for such an unusually long time.

“Is it because of what happened in Heaven?”


“I heard you couldn’t find what you were looking for.”

“Instead, I found the answer.”

Demon King had been searching for someone’s soul, but couldn’t find it in Hell or Heaven.

This meant the soul must be somewhere other than Hell and Heaven.

“I heard the soul has already reincarnated.”

“Yes. That’s why I couldn’t find it in Heaven or Hell.”

Demon King quietly sat down and called the man next to him.


Baal, his lieutenant and faithful subordinate, ranked second in Hell’s hierarchy.

“Yes, Lord Demon King.”

“How has the human world changed?”

“I don’t know… It’s been a while since I last went there.”

Because Demon King had turned Heaven upside down, Baal had been busy cleaning up the aftermath.

“I’ve been through a lot because of you.”

“Indeed, I kept you very busy.”

This was Hell.

Countless demons fought constantly, following the law of the jungle.

Lower-ranking demons devoured each other to gain strength, and those who grew stronger were in turn devoured by mid-ranking demons.

But in such Hell, a human soul survived.

Initially, he survived by flattering and fawning over the demons tormenting him, but as he gained strength, he began to defeat the surrounding demons.

Absorbing their power, he climbed higher and higher, and after a thousand years in Hell, he was given the name that only the King of Hell receives: Demon King.

It was the first time in Hell that a fallen human soul became Demon King.

Moreover, he had held the position for another thousand years until today.

“A thousand years have passed since you became Demon King…”

“Has it really been that long?”

“I still remember the first time we met.”

“Ah… back then, you were above me, weren’t you?”

In Hell, power determined everything.

Even a low-ranking demon could rise above all others if they amassed enough power.

“There was such a time.”

“What do you think? You’ve been by my side for a thousand years.”

“I’ve learned a lot.”

“From me?”

“Yes. You knew when to act and when not to, and when it was time to act, you did so without hesitation or delay.”

“Haha… Yes, timing is everything.”

“That’s right, Lord Demon King.”

Listening to Baal, Demon King’s expression changed, as if he had made a significant decision.

He had found the answer to the problem that had been troubling him.

“Then let me ask you something.”

“Please do.”

“If you had to take on the name of Demon King, what would you do?”


Baal’s eyes widened in surprise.

Every demon coveted the position of Demon King.

“Do you mean the timing is now?”

“Yes. I… am going to retire.”


There was no retirement for a demon.

A corrupted soul could never be purified again.


In response to Baal’s question, Demon King pointed upwards with his finger.

“I’m going up. Back to my original world.”

“That… that’s…!”

It was not an easy decision.

It meant a demon would descend to the human world, and that demon was Demon King, who had held his position for a thousand years.

“Surely those up there will cause a commotion. So only you and I should know about this.”

“Lord Demon King, this is not right. This…”

Baal was not foolish.

That’s why he had survived a thousand years as Demon King’s lieutenant.

‘If I let him go, I’m screwed.’

Outwardly, he seemed to be dissuading Demon King, but inwardly he thought differently.

If Demon King descended to the human world secretly, Heaven would be in turmoil trying to find him, and the demons would also be in chaos if the position of Demon King was left vacant.

It could potentially spark a massive Ragnarok.

“I trust you can handle it. Timing is now.”

But Demon King knew Baal’s capabilities well. He believed Baal would succeed him as Demon King.

“Lord Demon King, this is really not right.”

“Baal, thank you.”

No matter how much Baal wanted to stop Demon King, he couldn’t change the decision that had already been made.

“Then I leave it to you, Demon King.”

As Baal’s face, now the new Demon King, began to contort, the original Demon King disappeared in an instant.

“Lord Demon King. Demon King… You bastard!”

Baal, now the new Demon King, shouted in vain, but the one who had left did not return.

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