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We Just know Each Other chapter 48- MATURE (SEXUAL)

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I grabbed Kim Chanyi’s shoulder.

My hand was trembling.

“Why? Is it weird?”

The cold sensation gradually became warm.

My skin was getting soft.

Kim Chanyi slathered on the gel generously.

It began to seep out from between my buttocks.

“It, it feels weird.”

“How? Does it feel bad?”

Kim Chanyi asked worriedly, his brows furrowed.

I curled and uncurled my feet.

It was a peculiar feeling rather than a bad one.

I felt like I had become a completely different person.

My butt was this slippery…?

Suddenly, I felt worried.

Was I going to lose something important because of a moment of curiosity?

Kim Chanyi whispered with his lips pressed to my forehead.

“Just a moment, just a moment…”

Though he spoke kindly, his finger didn’t stop.

It got closer to my hole.

When the tip of his index finger finally slipped inside, I was so shocked I held my breath.

The invasion was minimal.

Not even the length of a fingertip.

Yet it was already overwhelming.

I couldn’t move.

My whole body froze.

“I don’t think I can do this. Stop, let’s stop.”

I murmured in fear, but Kim Chanyi kept coaxing and soothing me.

“Just a moment.”

What did he mean by “just a moment”?

I clung to him tightly as if he were a lifeline.

How foolish I was.

It was Kim Chanyi himself who was tormenting me.

His finger kept pushing its way inside.

It seemed impossible, yet somehow the inside gradually expanded.

When I came to my senses, his entire index finger was inside me.

I could feel my insides gripping his finger tightly.


“Hyunoh, breathe.”

Sweat poured down my forehead.

Kim Chanyi brushed aside my bangs.

He was endlessly gentle, yet his finger moved roughly.

Every time he moved his finger, my lower abdomen twisted.

I felt like I had to pee.

No, it was a subtly different feeling.

I wanted to twist my thighs.

“Just a moment, just a moment… “

Kim Chanyi kept murmuring soothing words as he tried to insert another finger.

I lifted my head from his shoulder urgently.

“Are you crazy?”


“It won’t go in. No way.”

Kim Chanyi smiled with innocent eyes.

“Let me try.”

“Damn it. It’s easy to talk like that when it’s not your own ass.”

If Kim Chanyi looked even a bit meaner, I’d be really pissed.

The only reason I can’t easily curse him out for pulling stunts like this is because of his incredibly gentle face. He just doesn’t look annoying.

Moving my body was difficult.

With just one finger inside me, I was trembling.

If I moved even a little, that finger would also move inside, making its presence more noticeable.

I hated that. While I was frozen, Kim Chanyi pushed his middle finger in.

It slid in smoothly, almost halfway at once.



Kim Chanyi smiled.

I lowered my head again.

He poked inside me with two fingers. It didn’t hurt.

The sound was just embarrassing.

Chanyi pressed around delicately here and there.

A long time passed like that.

“Huh, haa, ah…”

I lost even the will to suppress my moans.

My vision blurred.

It felt like my hole had completely melted.

It was clear that it had lost its original function.

Saliva that had pooled in my mouth dripped onto the bed sheets, but I couldn’t even care about that.

I thought my eyes were welling up too.

Sometimes Chanyi would wipe around my eyes, which made me think so.

Does it even make sense to feel this way through your ass?

I was confused.

Every time Chanyi poked inside, a sensation like I needed to pee surged.

It was a sharp, tight feeling around my groin.

There was probably no greater pleasure in the world than this. I thought I might die like this.

“Hyunoh, get a hold of yourself.”

Chanyi called to me softly.

I barely opened my eyes.

“…Is it over?”

“No. Now we start.”

“Start what?”


My mind went blank.

Right, his penis wasn’t in yet.

Chanyi pressed my shoulder, laid me down, and climbed on top of me.

He grabbed my wobbly legs and put them around his waist.

“I-I can’t do this anymore.”


“I feel like I’ve already felt everything… What if I die?”

I said, clinging to my fainting mind.

Chanyi seemed to laugh quietly.

Why is he laughing?

I was serious. It was impossible to feel more pleasure and move my body from here.

I had already melted. I was almost like a liquid.

But Chanyi didn’t seem to understand my words.

He positioned himself between my legs and looked down at me gently.

I stared at Chanyi’s penis.

Was it always that big?

His penis, long left in an aroused state, was red and thick.

No matter how much he had widened me with his fingers, it seemed physically impossible to fit that in. It might tear.

Terrified, I said,

“No, don’t.”

“Should I stop?”

“It’ll tear.”

“It won’t tear.”

Easy for him to say when it’s not his hole…

“I’ll be gentle.”

“I think it’ll hurt.”

“No, it won’t.”

“How do you know? You’ve never put it in yourself.”

“If it hurts, raise your hand.”

“This isn’t a dentist’s office! Do you even know what you’re trying to do to me…?”

Chanyi covered my trembling mouth with his lips.

He kissed me lightly and then whispered softly.

“Hyunoh. Calm down.”


“Close your eyes and take a breath. Okay, now exhale.”

Chanyi whispered slowly and softly.

I followed his instructions and took deep breaths.

When my pounding heart calmed down a bit, Chanyi placed his right hand next to my ear.

“Feel better now?”

“Oh? Yeah, a little… Hng!”

At that moment, Chanyi’s penis entered me without warning.

My chest arched like a fish.

I opened my eyes wide, then shut them tight with tears.

“It didn’t tear. Does it hurt?”

“Hng, ugh, ah…”

“Hyunoh. Does it hurt?”

I shook my head weakly.

It didn’t hurt.

It didn’t tear either.

That was the problem. Instead, an insane pleasure arose.

His thick penis pressed and stretched inside me.

As the base of my spine vibrated, intense pleasure pounded at me.

Chanyi cradled my cheek with his left hand as I lost my mind.

“Only half is in.”

“Ah, hng, ah, faster.”


“Faster, just…”

Even I didn’t know what I meant.

Did I want him to stop or go faster?

It felt like the whole world was shaking and turning upside down.

Just a few minutes ago, I thought that was the peak of pleasure.

There was more.

I decided not to set limits on pleasure anymore. C

hanyi was transforming my body as if by magic.

I clawed at Chanyi’s shoulder with my fingers.

Tears kept welling up in my eyes.

Chanyi kissed my eyelids, then my lips.

They tasted salty.

A deep, short groan escaped from Chanyi’s mouth.

His penis was fully inside.

My insides stretched more.

The hot penis began moving slowly.

Flesh collided, squashed, and stuck together.

Despite applying so much gel, it was half-dried from the heat.

My hole was stiff, but Chanyi’s penis pushed in and out.

“Haa, Hyunoh.”

When I slightly opened my eyes, Chanyi was frowning deeply.

It was so erotic. I felt like I was seeing something I shouldn’t.

I quickly closed my eyes again.

Soon, my body was nearly folded in half, and Chanyi’s hips moved wildly fast.

My breaths came in gasps.

The dry hole soon became slick again.

The heavy penis cut and struck inside me.

Whenever the head pummeled the deepest part, my lower abdomen quivered.

It was almost too much pleasure for me to handle.

My cries grew louder.

We were going crazy.

I clung to Chanyi half-hanging.

Our skin was sticky with sweat. It felt like an endless moment.

When our hips stuck together, it seemed ridiculous that we had debated whether to have sex.

Even calling us animals in heat wouldn’t feel out of place.

After a long while, when Chanyi came inside me and kissed me, I knew instinctively.

This wasn’t the last time. And sex might eventually change our relationship.

There’s always a price to pay for something too good.

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