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We Just know Each Other chapter 36

* * *

We left the theater and took the elevator down to the first floor.

People kept crowding into the elevator. I took a deep breath and hunched my shoulders.

Kim Chanyi’s chest pressed against my back.

When I turned my head to look behind, I realized we were almost in an embrace.

I felt awkward, but Kim Chanyi just smiled cheerfully as if nothing was amiss.

He even spoke to me in a light-hearted tone.

“Did you enjoy the movie?”

“It was okay.”

“That’s good.”

I tried to respond casually, but my head was spinning.

Could it be that Kim Chanyi was still excited?

Unfounded thoughts crossed my mind, and I just wished the elevator doors would open soon.


As we arrived at the first floor, I let out the breath I had been holding.

My neck felt strangely itchy.

“Shall we go eat?”

Kim Chanyi still seemed completely fine.

I just nodded without answering.

We headed to a restaurant that Kim Chanyi had found.

Even though it was well past six in the evening, the sun was only halfway set.

The sky above the streets was a pale navy blue mixed with orange, like dawn.

I suddenly remembered that this was how the summer sky looked at this hour.

It had been a long time since I had looked at the sky.

I was always inside at this time.

Being with Kim Chanyi brings about exceptions.

The dry routine I meticulously built over five years becomes damp.

Is that okay?

Will the dampness make me a better person, or will it lead to mold?

I don’t know.

We arrived at the restaurant and ordered two beers and several side dishes.

It really was a great place.

The beer was the best I had ever had, and the side dishes were delicious.

I found myself devouring the sausages.

Then, I awkwardly put down my fork when I met Kim Chanyi’s eyes.

“Hyunoh, eat a lot.”

“Am I the only one eating again?”

“No way.”

Kim Chanyi pointed to his plate, full of food.

“Hey, eat more.”

“Yeah, got it.”

Kim Chanyi nodded with a smile.

Satisfied, I reached for my beer but hesitated.

Drinking too fast wouldn’t be good.

I didn’t want a repeat of the last time I got drunk.

I tried to be careful.

Still, as time passed, a slight buzz started to kick in.

I tried to calculate the multiplication tables in my head.

Luckily, I didn’t feel too drunk.

I felt full and pleasantly tipsy.

We sat in the bar for several hours, but it wasn’t uncomfortable.

Kim Chanyi knew how to break and continue conversations smoothly.

He could make even small talk interesting, like mentioning a stray cat having kittens near his apartment.

Kim Chanyi said, “It’s ten o’clock. When should we leave?”

“It’s already ten?”

Had I really been talking with him here for three hours?

I couldn’t believe it. I had never had such a prolonged conversation with anyone.

It had always been like this, even in the past.

“Do you want to eat more here?”

“No, let’s go home.”

“Shall we get some ice cream on the way?”

Kim Chanyi asked with a smile, and I paused.

I was just about to suggest getting ice cream too.


I felt like he had read my mind.

While Kim Chanyi was paying the bill, I tapped my foot a few times.

Just that made me feel a bit dizzy.

I must have drunk quite a bit without realizing it, but I wasn’t stumbling or seeing stars.

Okay, I was fine.

We went to the bus stop.

There were a few minutes left until the bus arrived.

It was dark outside.

Now it really felt like late summer.

The night breeze wasn’t as stifling as before.

The cool air against my flushed cheeks felt good.

As I felt the wind brushing my skin, I murmured without thinking.

“It’s cool.”

Kim Chanyi turned to look at me.

“Really? I’m still a bit hot.”

“The wind is cool.”

“Summer is still summer.”

There was a stubborn edge to Kim Chanyi’s tone.

He pursed his lips before speaking again.

“Was today okay for you? Were you uncomfortable?”


It was much more comfortable than I had expected.

As long as I didn’t have to touch Kim Chanyi, it would always be like this.

Kim Chanyi’s charm is that he makes the person he’s with feel comfortable.

He must always be thinking and trying hard. Such thoughtful kindness isn’t easy.

“That’s a relief.”

Kim Chanyi smiled, looking reassured.

Seeing that gentle smile, I thought no one could dislike him.

“But you must have spent a lot of money.”

“I’m the one who asked you to hang out in the first place, so I should pay.”

“And I’m always eating your food at home.”

“That too…”

Kim Chanyi pressed his lips together again.

It was a stubborn expression, but his eyes looked uneasy.

He continued, his voice slightly trembling.

“You live with me because I asked you to. Why do you say things like that? Are you going to leave?”

For a moment, I felt like a jerk for upsetting Kim Chanyi.

I quickly shook my head.


“You’re staying, right?”

“Yeah. It’s still the middle of summer.”

“Right. It’s summer.”

“Yeah. The bus is here.”

I quickly got on the bus first, wanting to escape the conversation.

Kim Chanyi suddenly seemed desperate, trying to hold onto the summer.

But he must also know that summer will end soon.

I know it too.

Even though I know, I played along with Kim Chanyi.

The bus was fully occupied, with every seat taken.

Somehow, we ended up sitting side by side in the back row.

We could have sat separately.

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