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We Just know Each Other chapter 27

* * *

Kim Hyunoh, 24 years old, An Unforgettable Midsummer


I was in the middle of cleaning a table that a customer had just left when Yoona approached and started talking to me.

“Oppa, I heard you’re moving in with Chanyi?”

“…? What are you talking about?”

I was so shocked that I almost choked.

Moving in together?

No way. I’m just borrowing a room from him for a while.

Calling it ‘moving in together’ felt very strange.

“Who said that?”

“The boss told me.”

“It’s a misunderstanding.”

“Wow. But Chanyi’s place must be really nice. Your face looks so much better these days.”

Yoona didn’t seem to care about listening to me carefully.

She just found my situation amusing and interesting.

“But what about your original place? Why are you two living together?”

“I’m telling you, it’s a misunderstanding. He’s just letting me borrow a room for the summer.”

“Oh, okay.”

The interest rapidly disappeared from Yoona’s face.

“Why are you so interested in Kim Chanyi?”

“It’s fascinating, you know. I thought you didn’t have any friends.”

She’s not entirely wrong. It is fascinating.

I find it strange myself that I’ve become this close with Kim Chanyi.

It’s been six days since I started staying at Chanyi’s place.

Even after the two-day trial period, I didn’t leave.

Surprisingly, I found no discomfort.

Initially, my only reason for rejecting the idea was the fear of becoming too close to Kim Chanyi, afraid he might cling to me.

But that worry was unnecessary.

Chanyi seemed genuinely busy.

We hadn’t spent more than ten minutes together.

When I got home from work around 2 a.m., we’d just briefly greet each other.

By the time I woke up, he’d already be gone.

Instead, he left sticky notes behind, usually about food he had prepared for me to heat up and eat.

It was like living with a house elf.

Even after two days, Chanyi didn’t ask if I planned to stay longer.

And I didn’t say I would leave either.

I just naturally ended up staying in that small room.

“But are you going to leave that place when summer ends?”

I nodded at Yoona’s question.

“Why? Just share the living expenses and stay together. That room was vacant anyway.”

“Why would I do that?”

“I’m telling you, your face looks so much better. You used to look like a dying man.”


“Yeah, you always had this grim look on your face. You scared me when I first saw you.”

Yoona made a deliberately wrinkled face. I grumbled at her.

“Stop saying weird things and go take care of the bill.”

After Yoona left, I touched my forehead with my fingers.

Is there something good about Chanyi’s place?

Both the boss and Yoona said I looked better.

Well, I have been sleeping well and eating properly in a comfortable room.

I feel like Chanyi is taking care of me.

Since it was Saturday night, the closing was a bit late.

While mopping the floor, I got a text from Chanyi.

Hyunoh, when are you coming home?

Why? Just finished. Cleaning up now.

As soon as I replied, he called.

Surprised, I awkwardly held the phone between my shoulder and neck.

– Hyunoh.

“Why does your voice sound like that?”

– I drank….

Gross. Was he trying to be cute? He sounded drunk, his speech slurred.

“Talk properly.”

– Sorry….

“Where are you now?”

– On my way home.

“Stop causing trouble and get home.”

– Okay. But, Hyunoh.


– Hyunoh, Hyunoh.

“Why do you keep calling me!”

– Sorry….

He must be really drunk. This is bad.

“Hang up and get home quickly.”

– Okay.

“Don’t try to be cute.”

– Me? I must be drunk.

Unbelievable. I rubbed my forehead with my palm.

“If you’re not sober by the time I get home, you’re dead.”

Chanyi made a dejected sound.

I abruptly hung up and mopped faster.

Where and how much did he drink to get like that?


A week ago, he was making a fuss about his stomach hurting.

Come to think of it, he did mention he had a drink with his professor and seniors tonight.

I quickly finished cleaning and left the shop.

When I got home, Chanyi was at the entrance waiting for me, his face and neck flushed red.

The smell of alcohol was strong.

“Ugh, you reek of alcohol.”


Thankfully, Chanyi seemed a bit more coherent than before.

I frowned, took off my shoes, and went inside.

Chanyi followed me closely.

“Stop that and go wash up and sleep.”

“I don’t have to go to school early tomorrow.”

“So what?”

“Hyunoh, want to play a game?”

“What game?”

When I looked at him irritably, Chanyi flinched and slightly lowered his head.

“Just one game, please? We’ve never really talked much….”

His eyes looked pitiful. Chanyi grabbed my sleeve and pulled me.

I sighed and followed him.

Fine, it’s just a game, not like he’s asking for a kiss or something.

I like games too.

I haven’t been able to play much lately though.

My old laptop can’t run games.

I just play a few rounds at a PC bang occasionally.

When we sat on the sofa, Chanyi rummaged through the cabinet and pulled out a game title.

The cabinet was filled with games. He could be called a game otaku.

Chanyi handed me a controller and I subtly moved a bit further from him.

“Hey. Just one game and then sleep.”


We played Tekken. It reminded me of mashing buttons in the arcade when I was a kid.

Chanyi explained things and told me to try them out.

I practiced a few rounds alone.

Feeling a bit confident, I played against Chanyi.

Soon, I was dazed.

“What is this? Hey, stop. Seriously, stop it!”

Chanyi’s character cornered me mercilessly, leaving me no chance to counterattack.

His combos were relentless.

Panicking, I frantically pressed the buttons on the controller.

“Damn it.”

The KO button appeared out of nowhere.

I turned to Kim Chanyi with a bewildered expression.

He was smiling brightly. That jerk.

“Hey, let’s play another round.”


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