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What is the meaning of life without love? chapter 13

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The weekend ended, and the basketball league began. With Wei Jie on their team, Class Three dominated the courts, advancing to the semifinals before most teams knew what hit them.

In the semifinals, Class Three faced their opponents.

Their opponent was Class Six, known for their defending champion status, and the school’s basketball team captain was from their class!

←_← Isn’t that Xie Jun?

Relying on his intuition about his peers, Wei Jie arranged Zhuang Yi to guard Xie Jun.

Zhuang Yi: “…”

Wei Jie double-checked, “Is everyone clear about their positions?”

Zhuang Yi raised his hand, “Um… I have a concern.”

Wei Jie asked, “What is it?”

Zhuang Yi hesitated, “Isn’t it too much for me to guard Xie Jun?”

Wei Jie teased, “Lacking confidence?”

Zhuang Yi didn’t fall for the bait, “Yeah, Xie Jun is a big deal. You should guard him, Brother Jie.”

Wei Jie beckoned him over, “Let me teach you a trick to guard Xie Jun.”

After whispering for a while, Zhuang Yi’s expression changed several times.

“Is it really effective? Don’t play me.”

Wei Jie insisted, “You won’t know if you don’t try, right?”

Zhuang Yi hesitated, “Well… Alright, let’s go for it!”

Watching them, Fang Shucheng couldn’t help but ask Wei Jie, “What did you tell Zhuang Yi? Don’t mess around. This affects our class’s image. Look, others from different classes are watching.”

Wei Jie glanced around, noticed a shy girl, and thought to himself, “Yeah, there are a lot of girls watching. I have to perform well.”

Fang Shucheng sighed.

The coach blew the whistle, and the first half began.

Players from both sides stood face to face, gesturing to each other. Xie Jun glanced at Zhuang Yi across from him and quietly asked Wei Jie, “Did you tell him to guard me just now?”

Zhuang Yi spoke loudly, so everyone from Class 6 heard when he discussed tactics with Wei Jie.

Wei Jie smiled mysteriously and said, “Your class is definitely going to lose.”

Xie Jun squinted. “I might not necessarily go easy on you.”

Wei Jie replied, “I taught him how to ‘handle’ you. Scared?”

Xie Jun pondered for a moment. “Is it the ‘handle’ I’m thinking of?”

Wei Jie shrugged. “Who knows? Take your chances.”

“Fair enough.”

The coach signaled for a coin toss to decide who would start. Wei Jie won and threw the ball. As it descended, players from both sides scrambled for it, and Xie Jun successfully stole the ball.

Zhuang Yi felt anxious; he was supposed to guard Xie Jun, and yet, at the start of the game, Xie Jun was about to score three points.

And Wei Jie?

Looking back, he noticed that Wei Jie, who was usually fast, was not only last but also leisurely strolling over, showing no urgency at all!

With no other choice, Zhuang Yi took a deep breath and rushed over. Just before Xie Jun could shoot, Zhuang Yi finally reached him.

So fast!

Zhuang Yi felt he couldn’t possibly stop Xie Jun!

Frantically recalling Wei Jie’s advice, he pouted and whispered softly, “Mua~”

Xie Jun: “…”

Zhuang Yi: “(>_<)”


Zhuang Yi stole the ball from Xie Jun and was overjoyed.




Just as Wei Jie predicted, Xie Jun, such a serious person, couldn’t handle such shameless tactics at all.


Zhuang Yi felt like he was a clever and scheming guy.


Out of sight, Xie Jun gestured a thankful gesture towards Wei Jie.


As a result, the players from Class 3 and Class 6 found out that this game had turned into a friendly match.


With both captains silently agreeing to not go all out, the final score surprisingly ended in a tie.


“We’ll see in the finals,” Wei Jie said.


“Let’s knock out the other two classes first.”


Xie Jun replied, “Thanks, I’ll treat you to a meal if we win.”


Wei Jie glanced in the direction of Fang Shucheng . “We’ll go together.”


Xie Jun nodded.

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1 month ago

Wow this is villain

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