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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 64

* * *

She had planned to watch it sclosely when she got home anyway.

President Seo immediately handed her his phone.

“Watching the live broadcast is the best. I got in this car just to watch it with you.”

Ma Soo-jung chuckled.

“Is that why?”

“Yeah. This is more fun to watch together. Don’t make me watch it alone. If you get in here, we can all watch it together – you, Mi-jin, and I.”

What is this now? Ma Soo-jung sighed.

“Can’t you just watch it at home?”

“We don’t have a TV in the living room.”

President Seo lowered his head.

“So the kids will read books.”

“Oh my.”

“The only thing in the living room is a bookshelf. My wife doesn’t watch TV.”

“What about the kids?”

President Seo replied hesitantly.

“They only read books. Isn’t that too much? Their dad is a President of an entertainment company! How can they read books instead of watching TV!”

What is this?

‘A dad who’s sad because his kid reads books? That’s a first.’

President Seo looked like he was about to cry. Ma Soo-jung shook her head. Everything about him was unique.

“Oh, it’s coming now. This is the final scene. I’m so excited. How will it turn out?”

Ma Soo-jung was equally curious about how Kongja would appear. She looked at her phone. President Seo grinned.

“I guarantee it. When you see Kongja’s acting, you’ll be surprised too, Soo-jung.”

“Is it that good?”

“My eyes almost popped out when I saw it on set.”

The drama was reaching its climax.

The scene they both had been waiting for finally came.

The door opened.

The screen, which was white and blurry, slowly came into focus.

‘Oh my?’

In the cradle, Kongja turned around.

As a mother, Ma Soo-jung could tell. It was just a typical scene of Kongja.

Kongja slowly turned around and then smiled with squinted eyes.


A cute voice echoed.

Ma Soo-jung instantly covered her mouth and screamed.

“This is crazy!”

“Right? Isn’t it crazy?”

“It’s adorable! My son is insanely cute! Ack! What a waste! I get to see this every day at home!”

President Seo blinked at the excited Ma Soo-jung.

“What a waste! I could have kept this to myself!”

‘Did Soo-jung always have this side?’

What kind of reaction is this?


“How did Han Woojin get to see this? I thought he was talking nonsense, but now I get it!”

Ma Soo-jung sighed deeply.

“My son is so cute, it’s tough. Why can’t he just be normally cute?”

“Y-yeah, right.”

“Kongja, Mommy is worried.”

Why is she overreacting like this?

President Seo tilted his head slightly but admitted that Kongja was indeed that cute.

And not just that.

‘Plus, the kid has a gentle personality.’

When they brought him to the set, everyone approached with big smiles.

‘This level of cuteness is definitely powerful.’

And when he cried, everyone would scatter, but this kid just kept smiling.

Maybe that’s why people kept gathering.

‘He had the staff following him around.’

Regardless of what President Seo thought, the scene changed.

Han Woojin looked at the baby and stroked his cheek.

The baby clapped and laughed as if he didn’t know anything.

President Seo suddenly clutched his chest.

‘Joo-hyuk is dying!’

He was about to leave this world, and his child was smiling like that.

On screen, Han Woojin hugged the baby tightly.

President Seo sniffled without realizing it.

“What about Joo-hyuk? How can he die leaving his son behind?”

Ma Soo-jung blinked.

President Seo wiped his eyes with the tissue handed by the manager.

“Soo-jung, why aren’t you crying? Isn’t it sad?”

“No, it’s sad. But I have something on my mind.”

“What is it?”

“Kongja said ‘Papa~.'”

President Seo nodded.

“Yeah. He was saying ‘Papa’.”

“Kongja doesn’t know the word ‘Papa’.'”

How could he know a word he’s never heard?

“Huh? How is that possible?”

“Maybe, this is just a wild guess…”

“Yeah, what is it?”

Ma Soo-jung spoke seriously.

“Could he be a real angel? How could anyone be this cute if not an angel?”

“Soo-jung, you were serious just now. You said Kongja doesn’t know the word ‘Papa.'”

“Who cares about that? He’s so cute.”


Tears flowed down President Seo’s cheeks again.

He sniffled.


Manager Lee Mi-jin, unable to watch any longer, spoke up.

“He must have seen it in a storybook.”


“That makes sense, right? But that’s not the point. The problem is that Kongja is too cute! Oh, what do we do?”

Ma Soo-jung was breathing heavily, looking anxious.

“What if the whole nation finds out how cute our Kongja is and the casting offers flood in? I’m already struggling because Auntie An isn’t here.”

“Is there really no one right now?”

“Yes. We have someone temporarily, but it’s not permanent. Do you know any reliable people?”

“Oh! I do!”

President Seo wiped his face with a tissue and spoke.

“Shall I introduce you? But, well… meet Kongja first. I’m a bit hesitant to introduce this person.”

“Why? What kind of person is it?”

President Seo scratched his head.

“I can vouch for their character. But they’ve had a tough life.”

Ma Soo-jung pondered for a moment and then smiled slightly.

“Well, okay. Let’s meet them. Together with Kongja.”

“Wow, you’re so bold.”

“I trust you that much. But seriously, what should I do? It’s already hard enough turning down offers, but what if they come in like crazy?”

President Seo scratched his chin.

“People who saw this scene are probably all in tears. I don’t even need to check the internet reactions to know.”

“It’s concerning. If a good director sincerely calls, it’s hard for me to turn them down.”

“Let’s wait and see. By the way, when is Auntie An coming back?”

Ma Soo-jung sighed.

“She’s recovering, but she doesn’t seem motivated yet.”

“Why not?”

“She has a serious illness, but no relatives have come to visit her.”

She smiled bitterly.

“Even though her ex-husband who ran away after getting into debt is one thing, but even her siblings, whom she worked to support through school, haven’t come. It must be hard for her emotionally.”

“Wow. That’s tough.”

“Actually, I was thinking of visiting her with Kongja. Kongja also wants to see her.”

President Seo stroked his chin and chuckled.

“This might sound funny out of the blue, but, Soo-jung, you really brought up the child well.”

“Oh my, why so suddenly?”

“No, just. The kid is so kind. I noticed it even on the set, that young child being considerate.”

Ma Soo-jung bowed her head and smiled slightly.

“Our Kongja did that?”

“Yes. Definitely not an ordinary child. Wow… I wonder how things will turn out. It seems like there will be a big buzz, from the viewers’ board to social media.”

Ma Soo-jung agreed.

“Yeah, definitely.”

“What should we tell the media? I thought we should take it easy, but this seems like it’s going to be sensational.”

“Probably. Since I’m the only spokesperson, all the attention will come to me.”

Ma Soo-jung straightened her shoulders and spoke.

“As a mother, I should be prepared. But to what extent do you think this will be sensational?”

“Well, I don’t know either.”

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2 months ago


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