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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 59

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The director watched us quietly. Han Woojin held my hand and said.

“How can I leave him? Of course, I’ll ask the main character to take care of him.”

“Is it hard?”

“It’s more than hard. I’d swim across the Styx to come back.”

PD Lee Jaemin chuckled.

“Change the ending?”

No way.

“Should we?”

Don’t change it.



“That’s a joke, right?”

Han Woojin shook his head slightly while shaking me a bit.

“We can’t do that.”


“Well, it would make it more emotional. Oh, about that scene. I just go to the room where the baby is and watch him laugh, right?”


“But if the baby’s role is Kongja, I think I could lift him up?”

The director stroked his chin and looked at me. I smiled and spoke up.

“Hyung! I like you!”

“Hahaha! The kid likes me so much.”


“But keep believing that.”

Until the filming ends.

“Not bad. Woojin, let’s try delaying the cut. Let’s shoot a bit more.”

“Wow, PD. Do you trust me that much?”

They both laughed at each other.


I clapped quietly.

Clap clap clap—

At the sound of my clapping, they looked at me. I smiled brightly and said.

“You guys get along well!”

There was a reason why the atmosphere on set was good.

I kicked my legs and praised them.

“Let’s stay friends in the future too!”

Despite my praise, they were silent. Instead, there was a stillness in the air.

“Was my response a bit much?”

While I slightly regretted it, PD Lee Jaemin spoke.

“Did we just get praised?”

“Seems like it?”

“Oh, being praised by a baby…”

“Jaemin, how old is Kongja?”

“About two?”


Han Woojin patted me and said.

“The funny thing is, it feels good!”

Yes, yes.

“Babies don’t lie.”


Thank you for interpreting it positively.

Han Woojin adjusted his hold on me and patted my back.

“Kongja, thanks for the compliment.”


“Anyway, let’s shoot it that way.”

“Okay, get ready.”


PD Lee Jaemin turned around and walked away.

However, Han Woojin didn’t seem to have any intention of letting go of me.

‘I gained a lot from that conversation earlier.’

They definitely said they’d delay the cut.

‘So, I just need to match this guy’s pace?’

Let’s think about it, Ma Kongja.

It was a scene where a dying doctor sees his son for the last time.

‘How should I look?’

Should I cry?


The viewers should be the ones crying, not me.

‘Then should I smile?’

Not bad, but a bit ordinary.

‘Hmm, instead of crying or smiling, I should focus on something else.’

Even though the scene itself is sad, people usually feel more emotional when they can relate to it.

‘Empathy is felt when things are similar, right?’

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head.

‘Something ordinary would be good.’

I’ll do what a typical kid would do when they see their dad.

‘Well, I don’t have a dad, but I know what it’s like when my mom comes home from work.’

I slightly tilted my head up. I saw Han Woojin’s chin.

‘I’ll just think of him as my mom.’

A smile crept onto my face.

‘I’m looking forward to this shoot.’

It had been a while since I stood in front of the camera, and my heart was pounding with excitement.

‘It seems like we’ll work well together.’

Han Woojin crossed the set. Judging by his direction, he was heading towards the other actors.

‘He’s probably taking me to show off how close we are.’

What a kind person.

‘Well, I guess I should play along.’

He had given me 200 coins. I could certainly do that much.

Sure enough, as soon as we reached the other actors, Han Woojin said,

“Isn’t he cute?”

“Oh! It’s Kongja!”

“I wanted to say hi earlier, but the director was there. I’m glad you brought him over, sunbae!”

“Really? Are we close?”

“Already? Seriously, Kongja?”

I couldn’t just say no.

I answered with a bright smile.


“Aww, so cute!”

“This kid calls me hyung on his own.”

Excuse me?

“No way. I bet sunbae (Senior) insisted he call you that instead of Uncle.”

Han Woojin got serious.

“No way! Do I look like an Uncle?”


The actor playing the main role whispered in Han Woojin’s ear.

“Sunbae, you’re the most handsome man in the universe and a representative handsome actor of Korea.”


“But you don’t look young.”


Han Woojin clutched his chest and staggered.

“That’s too much!”

No, that’s accurate.

‘He doesn’t look young, but he is handsome.’

Some people are never satisfied.

Despite his grumbling, Han Woojin didn’t put me down.

Instead, he fiddled with my feet.

The actor playing the main role commented,

“He’s definitely popular these days. So cute.”

“I didn’t want to get married, but…”

Han Woojin kept squeezing my feet.

“If I could have a son like this, I might reconsider. Isn’t he adorable?”


The actor put a hand on Han Woojin’s shoulder and spoke earnestly.

“I was thinking after watching that parent-child show.”


“A kid like this is really rare.”

That’s correct.

“A kid this angelic is 0.000001%.”

It’s probably as likely as having lived twice.

“Kongja not only has a good personality but is also super cute. The chances of being this insanely cute are 0.00000001%.”


‘It’s like wishing to be reborn handsome after death.’

Han Woojin held me tighter and exclaimed,

“If he takes after me, the looks should be fine, right?”

Wow. Han Woojin just bragged about his looks so naturally.

“Looks, sure.”

“What, are you saying I don’t have a good personality?”

“Oh, no. I just think it’s hard to be as angelic as Kongja.”

“Hey! People said I looked like an angel when I was little!”


Han Woojin coughed awkwardly.

“Only when I was sleeping.”

Everyone listening to their conversation covered their mouths and laughed.

I clenched my fists. Cold sweat ran down my face.


Main actors, please stop being funny.

‘T-This is tough.’

Even if I’m a smart baby, laughing at their words would be strange.

While I was taking deep breaths, the main actor spoke.

“Sunbae, let me hold him too.”

“Hey, no. He’s my son.”

“He’s the son in the drama!”

“Still no. He’ll get too used to others.”

Han Woojin didn’t let me go.

“You’re too much. I wanted to see Kongja too!”

“I’m not giving him up! See, Kongja is comfortably nestled in my arms. He likes me.”

No, I don’t really care.

‘Well, if it’s to get closer, this isn’t so bad.’

I smiled brightly and said,

“Hyung! Good!”

So let’s do our best in the acting. The longer, the better.

Han Woojin’s pupils trembled.

‘Is that not enough?’

I grabbed his hand and wriggled my legs.

At that moment, subtitles appeared in front of my eyes.

[Actor Han Woojin likes your cute voice]

[Love and Peace Coins increased by 300]


‘This is the second time, and it’s gone up a lot.’

Han Woojin really likes kids.

“I want a son like him!”

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2 months ago

Thanks for the chapter

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