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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 58

* * *

I looked at Auntie An steadily.

Honestly, I understood.

‘She must have her reasons.’

She probably wants to rest and be hospitalized more than anyone else.

Auntie An shook her head hastily.

“No, Auntie’s not in pain!”

Auntie An, even a baby wouldn’t believe that excuse.

‘There’s no choice.’

I took a deep breath.

‘Coins are the only answer. I need to inform my mom too, but.’

Ah, coins.

Is it because they’re Love and Peace Coins?

‘They seem to be used only for health-related purposes…….’

Well, I have enough in this life. It’s not bad to use them to care for the health of those around me.

‘This situation is similar to what happened with Mom.’

I just need to collect the coins.

I muttered inwardly.

‘Total coins!’

[ Total coins: 23,453 ]

I had accumulated quite a bit from working hard.

‘Now, let’s see how many coins it takes.’

I mumbled to myself after a long time.

‘Use coins!’

[ How would you like to use the Love and Peace Coins? ]

‘For Auntie An to become healthy!’

[ To make the diligent Auntie An healthy, 100,000 coins are required. Would you like to proceed? ]

I was momentarily shocked.

‘Excuse me?’

Why is the inflation so bad!

‘What did I do for it to cost a hundred thousand?’

Is it just my imagination, or is everything getting harder?


I rubbed my forehead.

‘Well, I guess it can’t be helped.’

It just means that Auntie An’s health is that bad.

‘I need to gather more.’

But how?

‘What’s there to think about. I just need to act well and move people.’

And the opportunity was right in front of me.

“Kongja, shall we go?”


Oh right, I’m at the filming site. I was just about to start acting.

‘The director expects nothing from my acting!’

I clenched my fist. I now had one more reason to make this scene a legendary one.

‘So, this scene involves Han Woojin holding me?’

Honestly, the chemistry with Han Woojin was crucial for this scene.

‘Chemistry is best built by getting closer.’

How does one get closer as a baby?

At that moment, as if speaking of the devil, Han Woojin walked over leisurely.


I immediately turned my head. When our eyes met, Han Woojin approached me.

‘Let’s become close, even if it’s for a limited time.’

Han Woojin couldn’t take his eyes off me. I smiled broadly right away.

“Oh? Director! The baby is smiling at me?”

“Oh, really?”

“The baby must recognize my good looks.”

“Babies tend to like good-looking people.”

That’s not it.

‘But it’s better to let them think so.’

I reached out my arms.

“Hold me!”

I felt a pang of despair saying that.

‘How humiliating.’

I have to ask to be held at my age!

‘But to act, Han Woojin has to hold me anyway.’

So we might as well create some good shots for the camera in advance.

‘Plus, Han Woojin isn’t a difficult actor despite his popularity.’

We had worked on the same project before. Though we didn’t have scenes together.

‘I played the uncle of the female lead, a con artist.’

And he was the lead scientist.

‘So we never met on set.’

But I heard about him.

They said Han Woojin was so positive and humorous that he always brightened the mood on set.

‘So he wouldn’t be difficult with a baby like me.’

Han Woojin held me and gently shook me.

To be honest, it was uncomfortable, but I guess he was just trying to play with me.

“Then, I should play along.”

I flapped my arms.

“Kyaa! Fun!”

“Huh? Fun?”

“Yes! Fun!”

Han Woojin shook me a bit more vigorously. What can I say?

“It feels like I’m a shaking tin can…”

But I should still show that I enjoy it.

He’s trying so hard.

I screamed with all my heart and soul.


Maybe that’s why.

It took quite a while for Han Woojin to stop shaking me.

“Huff, huff!”

Han Woojin was panting. I shook my head slightly as I saw the sweat dripping from his forehead.

“To think he’s trying so hard because he thinks I like it.”

He’s really kind. This person.

I laughed and kicked my legs. Han Woojin stared at me.

I tilted my head and asked.


“Oh, man. You’re really cute.”

Han Woojin shouted to PD Lee Jaemin.

“PD! Can I bite this kid?”

No, you can’t.

“Haha! Why, is he that cute?”

“Yes! Seeing him makes me want to have a child too.”


“Yes. Look at him smiling. Those cheeks and these hands!”

Han Woojin showed my hands to the director.

“They’re so small, but they move!”


“He must really like kids.”

Han Woojin kissed my hand and tried to put it in his mouth. The director quickly stopped him.

“Woojin, the baby will cry.”

“He won’t cry. Look.”

Yeah. I won’t cry. I can’t cry here.


I kicked my legs and laughed.

“See, he likes it.”

“Well, usually they’d cry.”

“Maybe he’s not an ordinary baby.”

“Yeah, he did seem special on the variety show.”

Alright. The stage is set. I looked at Han Woojin and said.

“I like you, Uncle!”

“Oh, uncle? Me?”

“Yes! I like you!”

Hmm. The reaction is a bit strange.

Han Woojin shook his head quickly.

“Not uncle, call me Hyung!”


“Yes. Hyung. I’m not an uncle yet!”

Okay. Sure, let’s go with that.

‘Looking at his appearance, he does look more like a Hyung.’

But isn’t he almost forty?

‘But I have to be friendly to get along.’

We need to shoot the scene well.

I smiled brightly and said.

“Hyung! I like you!”

Then, a caption appeared in front of my eyes.

[The actor who heard ‘Hyung’: Han Woojin likes it]

[Love and Peace points increased by 200]


“That increased a lot.”

It must have been really touching.

I suddenly felt a bit emotional. What the heck, I’ll keep calling him that.


“Yes, yes. Oh, it touches my heart. Kid, what’s your name?”

You don’t know?


“Huh? Free (Kongjja=공짜 Kongja=공자)? Why is the kid’s name free?”

“No! Kongja!”

“Okay. Free. Ma Soo-jung’s naming sense is weird. The kid’s name is Free?”

PD Lee Jaemin couldn’t take it anymore and spoke up.

“Woojin, it’s Kongja. The name.”

“Huh? Kongja, as in the philosopher Confucius?”


“So, his full name is Ma Kongja (Young master)?”

Yes, that’s correct.

Han Woojin stared at my face.

“Hmm, it’s unique but it suits him. Maybe because he’s cute.”

“Right? I thought the same when I first heard it.”

“Oh man, he’s so cute. He’s not shy and laughs a lot.”

“That’s why we cast him.”

Han Woojin adjusted his hold on me.

“This kid is my son?”

“Yes, the son you see at the end.”

“I’m going crazy.”

Han Woojin shook me lightly. I pretended to enjoy it again.

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