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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 56

* * *

“Um, boss? Are these clothes really that bad?”

The boss was firm.

“They’re bad. It’s only because of Kongja’s face that he can pull off this shiny space style. Even if it’s this style, there should be something cuter. There’s a space monster stuck in the pocket.”

That, that’s true.

“Isn’t it cute?”

“The fluorescent monster? Well, it could be cute. But it doesn’t match Kongja’s skin tone. That kind of thing suits kids with a bit of a tan. Our Kongja, as you know, is fair like white rice cake.”

Boss, kids at this age are naturally as pale as bone broth.

‘Besides, it was Auntie An who dressed me.’

Sure enough, Auntie An’s lips twitched.

“Is that so?”

“Yes. You shouldn’t dress him in such gaudy clothes. Is Soo-jung into this kind of fashion? I doubt it. Our Soo-jung is known for dressing well.”

Boss, please stop…

“Children’s clothing doesn’t mean you lose your fashion sense. Anyway, Kongja, I can’t let you go around looking like this. People might think Soo-jung is bullying you.”

The boss didn’t stop talking.

“Who dressed you like this? Trying to block the kid’s future? Kongja, did you choose this?”

It would be bad if I said no here.

I smiled brightly and said,


“Good grief…”

The boss looked at Auntie An and advised,

“It’s better not to let Kongja choose his own clothes in the future.”

Auntie An’s eyes narrowed. I awkwardly smiled.

‘Mr. Seo, I did my best.’

I tried to change the subject with all my might.

“Uncle! I’m curious!”

“Oh, really, Kongja? What are you curious about?”

“Where are we going?”

Of course, I knew we were going to the filming set.

“Oh, you’re curious about that. We’re going to a place with lots of cameras. Don’t be surprised even if there are many unfamiliar things. There will be huge lights, so it might be dazzling.”

He explained it very well from a child’s perspective. I made a big circle with my arms.

“Will it be this big?”

“Oh, how cute. My heart is trembling. No wonder the CF offers came flooding in after one variety show appearance. Kongja, it’s a bit bigger than that.”


‘So many commercials came in?’

I didn’t know that. Does that mean my mom rejected them all? Why did she refuse?

Mr. Seo opened the car door and said,

“Soo-jung turned down a lot of offers. She said she’d only do one, and we’re negotiating that now.”

Wow. Mom!

‘Only one!’

We could do more!

“Though I understand why she’s being so selective. There’s also the issue of image consumption. Besides, Kongja isn’t short on money. Even if it’s for charity.”

I see.

To have a long acting career, you need to be selective with commercials.

Overexposure outside of the screen can lead to image fatigue.

‘Mom really thinks far ahead.’

Mr. Seo skillfully placed me in the car seat.

“By the way, Kongja, uncle was moved watching your variety show.”


“Yes. I’ve done a bit of managing myself, you know. Kongja, you’re like a gem among gems.”

‘You have a good eye for people.’

Of course, I am.

“Uncle is very excited about how you’ll grow up, Kongja. In that sense.”

Mr. Seo got into the front seat and said,

“Let’s buy some clothes on the way. Kongja, this is really not it.”

Oh dear.

‘I tried so hard to change the subject.’

I glanced sideways. Auntie An’s lips were twitching again.

I mentally crossed my heart and muttered.

‘Namu Amita Bul.’ (Buddist Chant)

I realized I had done something wrong, but what could I do? I’m not religious. I had no choice.

‘I did my best.’

Sparks flew from Auntie An’s eyes. I turned my head away with effort.

* * *
The filming set was as usual. I entered, being held by Mr. Seo.

“Oh, hello. Director Lee Jaemin!”

Mr. Seo cheerfully extended his hand. Director Lee Jaemin shook hands and said,

“Oh, Mr. Seo, you came?”

“I’m the only one left at the company.”


“It’s true. The company is small. Effort is the only way to survive.”

As expected, this guy was a master of smooth talking.

Since someone like this is the president, it’s no wonder the top line is doing so well.
The president lifted me up and showed me to the PD.

“PD-nim! It’s Kongja!”

I waved my legs a bit and smiled brightly.

“Hi there!”


It was just a simple greeting, but PD (Producer Director) Lee Jaemin took a step back.

“The camera messed up! Wow, this is adorable. Is this really a person?”

What kind of expression is that?

As I tilted my head in confusion, staff members suddenly gathered around.

The FD (Floor Director) approached and whispered.

“It’s a person, PD-nim. Looks like a fairy though.”

“Wow! I’ve never seen anyone like this before. Look at those eyes.”

“Look at the nose. Even at this age, that nose bridge stands out.”

“Really. Can I touch it?”

At that moment, Auntie An shouted.

“Oh no! Everyone, sanitize your hands with alcohol before touching!”

Wow. My aunt is amazing.

She pulled out an alcohol hand sanitizer.

“I brought it just in case!”

Oh, Auntie An!

‘Despite her strange fashion sense, she truly is wonderful!’

She was brimming with energy.

The staff lined up and extended their hands.

Auntie An even kindly pressed the sanitizer pump for them.

Once the hand sanitizing was done, the FD from earlier gently touched my nose.

“Oh, it’s real bone. This nose is genuine.”

“Wow, don’t you think this nose will be even prettier when they grow up?”

“It’s not just the nose. If this face grows up as it is, oh my.”

PD Lee Jaemin looked at me and mimed a camera frame with his fingers.

“This face is a fraud.”

“It suits the role of Juhyuk perfectly, doesn’t it?”

“More than suits it. How could Juhyuk die leaving a son like this?”

At that moment, a person in a patient’s gown walked over. It was a familiar face…

‘Wow, Han Woojin!’

Once considered the most handsome man in South Korea.

‘He’s playing a patient, so he’s dressed in shabby clothes.’

But his good looks couldn’t be hidden.

Han Woojin smiled slightly and said,

“Is this my kid?”

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