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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 39

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“Did you have a photo like this?”

Manager Kim Seokchul exclaimed in surprise as he checked Louis’s phone.

Dojae had forgotten about the photo until he heard that the Candiz agency had asked to take a picture together.

Still half asleep, Louis stood there blinking in confusion.

“Wouldn’t this photo help clarify things?”

Dojae carefully suggested.

It had only been three hours since the broadcast ended and the controversy erupted.

In just three hours, the article comments and various community comments had exploded, but it was still manageable.

Once things were sorted out, those who saw the internet would barely know there had been any controversy.

Just like Woochul said, “If you had looked at the internet an hour later, you wouldn’t have known.”

“What do you think?”

Manager Kim Seokchul examined the photo more closely without a word.

The photo was taken in the waiting room of Candiz, with Louis posing together with the Candiz members.

Today, as always, the members and Jung Giljoo went around the waiting rooms before the main broadcast to greet the senior singers.

Since MOST, who were significantly their juniors, became a candidate for first place, Manager Jung Giljoo knocked on the waiting room door of Candiz more cautiously.

However, Candiz welcomed MOST in an even friendlier atmosphere.

They were the first to congratulate them on being the first-place candidate.

When Jung Giljoo said that Louis had always been a fan to lighten the mood, the Candiz members laughed and thanked him.

“I’m… a fan of the drama ‘Internship’. You sang the OST, right?”

“From back then? That was really early.”


“Wow. But can you still say you’re a fan? We’re candidates for the same first place today.”

“We’ll work hard! Even if you win first place, I’ll be so happy too.”

“Hahaha. Really? The other members’ expressions are serious!”

“No, not at all! Seniors!”

Louis once again displayed his uncanny social skills.

He even asked the Candiz members for autographs.

At that moment, Kijoon’s face stiffened, but the Candiz members enjoyed it even more.

“Haha! The youngest member of the team? Still a minor?”

“Yes! Louis is 19!”

“Wow. Is that your stage name? Real name?”

“Real name! I’m a native Korean!”

“Your name is so pretty.”

Saying this, the members wrote Louis’s name on a large piece of paper and signed it.

They also took a photo with Louis holding the signed paper.


“Hyung… I won’t get scolded, right?”

Sensing the serious atmosphere, Louis asked Dojae hesitantly.

On the first music show day, when Louis wanted to get Candiz’ autographs, Manager Kim Seokchul had warned him not to get too excited.

Now that they had taken a photo, he feared he might get scolded this time.

“No, that’s not it.”

Rather than scolding, the photo was material to quell the controversy with Candiz.

Manager Kim Seokchul looked up and asked,

“…Does everyone raising their index finger mean ‘let’s be number one together’ or something?”

In the photo, both Candiz and Louis were raising their index fingers.

Louis quickly answered,

“No! It means ‘we are one.’ It’s a gesture from the drama I like. Right?”

“Oh, hyung! How did you know? You don’t even watch it. As expected of Dojae hyung.”

“You talk about it all the time.”

“Did I?”


Listening to their conversation, Manager Kim Seokchul had a slightly relieved expression.

Even if it didn’t mean ‘number one,’ it didn’t matter.

“Anyway, this photo should be enough. Louis, can you send it to me too?”

Realizing why the photo was needed, Louis quickly nodded.


[MOST Louis, adorable Candiz fan certification!]

[Candiz attitude controversy? Nonsense… Shows friendship with MOST]

[Predicted it before the broadcast, evidence of Candiz MOST first place prediction]

[Candiz in a long battle with certain malicious commenters… Apologizes to MOST]

[Candiz’ pointless controversy… Upset by malicious screenshots]

[Candiz supports MOST “Happy to be nominated together”]

[Angel Candiz “Expected MOST to win first place… Happy for them”]

[Newcomers recognized by Candiz, what kind of group is MOST?]

“Wow… The world has changed since I woke up.”

The members, who returned to their dorms and finished showering, clicked their tongues as they read the new articles.

“Anyway, I’m glad things worked out. It was almost uncomfortable.”


At Heungmin’s words, Woochul nodded.

If they weren’t going to respond, they wouldn’t respond at all.

To ensure this incident never gets mentioned again.

However, if they were going to respond, they would do so as quickly as possible.

That was Dojae’s thought.

Fortunately, Team Leader Jung Heeyoung seemed to think the same way.

As soon as the photo was delivered, Planning Team 2 moved quickly.

Louis casually posted on Tweety.

@[Louis] This is Louis^^v I’m so happy about being number one! I feel like flying. Thank you fans & senior Candiz for supporting our first place!

Not long after the controversy arose, it was possible to act as if nothing had happened.

If it was just a comment, it could have been a problem.

However, the photo was included.

In the photo, Louis’s outfit was the one from the pre-recorded rehearsal.

This meant it wasn’t a hastily taken photo pretending to be friendly after the controversy arose.

Furthermore, the signed paper Louis was holding also helped quell the controversy.

Someone zoomed in on the signed paper and posted it.

The Candiz members’ P.S. notes were clearly visible.

[Have a great day~ (Oh, does that mean you have to be number one? LOL) We’ll cheer for you! -Areum-]

[MOST, fighting for first place today! -Miso-]

It was too obvious a supportive message to be from people who would be upset about MOST’s potential first place.

At the right time, Candiz’s agency released an article stating that Candiz had watched MOST’s debut stage last week and praised it.

The article suggested that since MOST is a sufficiently talented and popular junior group, there was no reason to feel bad about them taking the top spot.

As the situation quickly resolved, the members also seemed relieved.

Woochul, muttering that he almost choked on his ribs, said,

“It’s a good thing that Louis braved his shyness and took the picture.”

“Fortune favors the bold!”

“Wins the beautiful? You sneaky guy… You said you were just a fan.”

“No! No! I swear it was a purely innocent motive. It was all about being brave and winning!”

“Sure. Woochul, you’re thinking too much like Louis.”

“Hyung, you’re discriminating against your younger brother?”

Woochul, Louis, and Heungmin chattered noisily.

“I’m glad Dojae thought of posting the picture. I didn’t even consider it.”

“Dojae’s pretty smart. Unlike you guys.”

“Wow. Now you’re favoring Dojae?”

Listening to the three of them bicker in the background, Dojae monitored the community reactions with Kijoon.

– What the heck~ the picture is cute haha
– Did they draw a number 1 with their fingers to say let’s be number 1 together? Both are cute
– They look like a family photo with the youngest haha
– Candiz is all over thirty, Louis is nineteen
– Candiz and MOST are both likable
– The singers don’t care but the fans are going crazy, right?
– Fans didn’t care either, it’s the antis causing a fuss
– The antis are really harsh on Candiz… The video captures are totally malicious
– There seem to be many people jealous of MOST’s sudden success
– If you capture a smiling face like that, it looks like they’re angry
– It’s the fault of the reporters who manipulated the captures from the start
– Are they doing a show to cover up the controversy?
– Haha they must have predicted the controversy and took pictures in the waiting room? Haha
– Why would MOST cover up a controversy? It looks like they genuinely liked them
– Looks like Candiz predicted MOST would be number 1
– It makes sense, their music and votes are too good
– Their momentum is really strong
– Their album sales are going up every day
– Their song is just good
– Candiz is winding down their activities while these guys are on the rise
– MOST was well-deserved to be number 1, those who said otherwise should reflect
– There are so many people who don’t know anything
– Hope MOST hits it even bigger!!!
– Miso and Areum seem really nice
– There was a reason for all the excitement haha (Louis flipping gif)
– Louis was a fan of Candiz, instant likability

The direction of the comments quickly changed, just like the articles that flipped like a palm.

It was a relief but also felt hollow and amusing.

Kijoon, who was monitoring the reactions beside him, seemed to have similar thoughts.

“Today… makes you think a lot.”

The chattering members turned to Kijoon.

“What are you thinking about?”

“Well, Candiz sunbaenims genuinely congratulated us with smiles from beginning to end… But such a fuss was made over a momentary frown.”

“…That’s true. If it weren’t for the pictures, there would be rumors every time.”

Heungmin muttered bitterly.

It was a thought he had since he first saw the article at the rib restaurant earlier.

“The internet is always like that. In the video, it just looks like they frowned to avoid the paper confetti.”

Woochul murmured in a dark voice.

Similar thoughts crossed the members’ minds.

This kind of controversy could have happened to them too.

“Well, it’s not something we can avoid by just being careful… but let’s be more mindful of our actions from now on.”

The members nodded at Kijoon’s words.

“It seems like we really are getting popular. There are quite a few people criticizing us.”

“Try not to read malicious comments, okay?”

Understanding Heungmin’s concern, Woochul quickly replied, “Got it.”

There was another reason for the members’ growing thoughts.

Due to the initial controversy, the views on MOST’s stage and their number one acceptance speech videos had doubled.

In terms of recognition, MOST was still no match for Candiz, so it had become an unintended noise marketing.

After midnight, the members went to their rooms and fell into a deep sleep.

Excitement, anticipation, tension, and emotion…

Experiencing all sorts of feelings made the day seem longer than usual.


A few days later.

MOST members visited the shop to prepare for their schedule.

Louis, Woochul, and Kyuseong were dyeing their bleached hair while the remaining members got their makeup done.

Despite winning first place on cable TV, not much had changed since then.

They still prepared for and performed on stage every day.

‘We’re also nominated for first place on N TV’s music show the day after tomorrow.’

If they won there, it would be their second first-place trophy.

‘We haven’t been nominated on a major network yet though…’

Dojae thought as he closed and opened his tired eyes.

The warm hairdryer wind made him drowsy.

But thinking about today’s new schedule woke him up.

Just as they were dozing off and waking up repeatedly, the members’ eyes suddenly widened.

A very familiar voice was coming from the radio playing in the shop.

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