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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 36

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‘There’s no way those beggars could get first place,’ Yoo Myeongwoo thought as he focused on his phone screen.

Still, he couldn’t help feeling irritated.

Among the countless rookie groups that debuted the same year, he had paid the least attention to this one.

Although Big Boys had some momentum, Kingdom Entertainment was nothing more than a small fry in the idol industry.

Suddenly, it seemed they had come into some money, evident in the lavish album they released.

Lee Jungyeop’s songs were decent, but even the tracks produced by the members (much to his reluctance to admit) were excellent.

If they managed to get first place in just two weeks, they would certainly be considered a threat to The Origin. ‘With no other major teams around right now… we should have been the only remarkable rookies,’ he thought.

It was clear as day how much pressure and comparisons the company and outsiders would impose if MOST became more successful than expected.

“Of all teams, it had to be the one with Kang Dojae… that arrogant jerk.”

He had been irked ever since Kang Dojae abruptly left the debut group.

Because of him, he had to let go of Sunghwan, who had been perfectly compliant with his wishes.

In truth, Yoo Myeongwoo had been annoyed with Kang Dojae for a long time.

“Even without anything to his name, relying solely on his body… these guys who think hard work alone can achieve everything. It makes me sick.”

Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, Yoo Myeongwoo despised the tenacious poor. “As if they think they can climb up by doing so.”

Grinding his teeth, he thought, “I should have cut them off from the start. I won’t make the same mistake twice.”

Yoo Myeongwoo opened his messenger to find his uncle’s contact.


On the Broadcast Day of [Music Show: Victory]

The MOST members arrived at the broadcast station with bright faces.

“The waiting room is here,” said Manager Kim Seokchul , guiding the members.

A paper with [MOST] printed on it was stuck on the door.

“Wow, awesome,” they exclaimed. “Is this room just for us?”

For the past week, MOST had been sharing waiting rooms with other rookie singers.

But as first place contenders, their treatment changed immediately.

The members cheered as they entered the waiting room.

“This is great!”

“It’s nice, using it just for us.”

Manager Kim Seokchul calmed the excited members.

“You can use it exclusively when you’re contenders. Otherwise, you might have to share it with other teams based on seniority again.”

“Ah… okay.”

Woochul joked, saying he wished they could always be contenders for first place.

“It would be nice to actually get first place like Dojae said…” said Kyuseong quietly, putting down his bag.

Though usually strict, Kyuseong’s ambition and passion were second to none. Heungmin nodded slightly at his words.

“It would be nice. But if we expect too much, the disappointment could be big… I don’t think we’re quite at the level to get first place yet.”

Though their song ranking was good, it still felt too soon.

They couldn’t quite feel the fanbase growing yet.

Listening to their conversation, Kijoon spoke up.

“Whether we’re contenders or not, let’s focus on today’s stage. Let’s concentrate on our performance.”

Dojae quickly responded, “Yes.”

The other members also agreed, their voices mixed with excitement, anticipation, and anxiety.


“Looks like you ladies put a lot of effort into today,” Woochul said to the stylists as he checked his outfit one last time before the live stage.

“Thanks for noticing,” one stylist joked.

“Since you guys are contenders for first place today, we put in extra effort.”

“Which means you have to get first place!”

“Don’t put too much pressure on them!”

“Feeling pressured? You’re bouncing around even now. Just don’t rip your outfit; it’s a bit tight today.”

“Of course not! You made it sturdy, right?”

Woochul looked at himself in the mirror again.

Today’s outfit was a white shirt and black pants, like a school uniform.

It was simple and made his face stand out more.

“My already handsome face looks even better…” he muttered, then turned and shook his head, looking at Dojae next to him.

“No matter how good I look, it’s nothing compared to you, hyung.”

“It suits you perfectly, hyung, right?” Louis chimed in, agreeing with Woochul.

“Yeah, perfect! Hyung, you’re the visual of our team. I can’t even compare.”

“No one’s comparing you to Dojae. Dojae’s on another level,” Heungmin said bluntly.

Woochul frowned a bit but couldn’t disagree with Heungmin’s assessment.

Dojae, accustomed to the compliments, smiled and stretched his wrists and ankles.

“My face has definitely improved compared to before,” he thought.

In South Korea or Korean Empire, Kang Dojae or Lee Dojae, he always had a shadow on his face. But now, that shadow was gone.

Dojae warmed up while mentally rehearsing the choreography.

Of the two title tracks, the one nominated for first place today was ‘I’m Different’. Although ‘Dynamic’ had slightly better rankings, the cable music show [Music Show: Victory] weighted internet votes more heavily, making ‘I’m Different’ a first-place contender.

MOST fans had pushed ‘I’m Different’ this week. This meant that if fans pushed ‘Dynamic’ next week, it could also be a contender.

It was a sign that MOST’s fandom was growing strong enough to make them first-place contenders through concerted voting.

The timing was also fortunate; it was a period without any sensational hit songs or overlapping promotions with major groups.

“I’m heading to the stage!”

The moment they finished their check, the staff knocked on the waiting room door.

The members hurriedly left the room.

As soon as they stepped out into the hallway, their smiles faded.

Forgetting the pressure of being first place contenders and relaxing with smiles was something they could only do in the waiting room.

“Our performance is up, and then Candiz’ performance is next, right?”



“Candiz even cheered for us earlier… Too nervous.”

“They’re really kind. Can’t we both be first?”

Throughout the wait, the members tried not to put too much meaning on today’s stage.

They repeatedly talked about focusing only on delivering a high-quality performance like any other stage.

But there was an undeniable longing for their first win.

Even the standard was the same.

It was natural to want to be number one as soon as possible after debuting.

Dojae felt the same way.

“Today, we might win. No, I want to win.”

The initial goal was simply to become a singer.

To stand on stage and sing freely.

To see someone happy and joyful because of their songs.

But as they prepared for their debut, Dojae also developed a yearning for first place.

He wanted to acknowledge the time spent with the members.

Their first win, the trophy they would grasp, would be ample reward for the members’ efforts.

A testament that everyone worked hard…

That they did well.

Behind the busy stage set, Dojae clenched his fist and placed his hand on top of the members’ hands.

“As always, but especially today, let’s put on a stage we won’t regret.”

That way, it would be twice as joyous if they won, and it wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t.

Dojae’s words made the members exchange glances.

Their eyes sparkled with determination.

“Of course!”

“Let’s go!”

“Yeah! Let’s go!”

With a spirited cheer, the members went up on stage to the MCs’ introduction.




With the members’ entrance, a loud cheer erupted.


As they took their positions and looked ahead, Dojae and the members were momentarily stunned.

Compared to just a week ago, there were significantly more fans in the audience.

Being first place contenders had led the broadcasting company to expand MOST’s fan seating area.

But there was no time to be moved.

The upbeat drumbeat of “I’m Different” immediately thumped through the venue.

The members’ bodies reacted instinctively.

As they lifted their heads and extended their arms, a huge cheer rang out.

“Ahhh! MOST! MOST!”

“Wow, the kids look amazing today.”

“The school uniform! Voting for ‘I’m Different’ was the right choice!”

“Since they’re first place contenders, isn’t Kijoon smiling more than usual?”

“Yeah. Wow, they’re really going all out today! The dance is intense!”

“They always dance intensely.”

“No, today there’s no holding back!”


The fans could feel the members’ fervor in their dance.

Reaching the highlight, fans were so absorbed that they forgot to even make comments.

The temperature in the venue kept rising.

The heat generated by the audience’s excitement only fueled the members more.

Every movement of the members exuded an indescribable passion.

―I’m different!

As the final line ended, just when they were about to strike their poses, Louis, overcome with excitement, leaped into the air.


Woochul, startled, let out an involuntary shout, thankfully only heard by the members.

Louis spun mid-air, and a deafening cheer erupted from the audience.


As Louis landed and almost stumbled, Dojae quickly caught him.

Louis turned to Dojae with a bright smile.

‘You almost got hurt.’

Dojae wanted to say something, but seeing Louis’s bright, sweaty smile made him chuckle.


Eventually, the astonished Dojae could only smile back at Louis.

Another legendary performance by MOST was born.


Following MOST, Candiz delivered a professional performance, and [Music Show: Victory] was nearing its end.

All the performers gathered on stage with the MC.

Being rookies, MOST usually stood in the corners or the back, but today they confidently stood right next to the MCs.

“Now, only the first place announcement remains!”

“Will the monster rookies MOST, who are growing at a frightening pace just two weeks after debut, take first place with ‘I’m Different’?”

“Or will the charming and lively Candiz take first place for the third consecutive week with ‘Give Me Love’?”

“Wow, I really don’t know!”

“Me neither! Shall we check the results?! Today’s first place is…”

On the live VCR screen, the faces of MOST and Candiz members were shown side by side.

Both teams looked tense.

Having won first place multiple times, Candiz were somewhat better, but MOST members were visibly nervous.

Especially Kyuseong, who looked pale on screen.

It was hard to believe this was the same member who had just performed energetically.

“Oh Lord…”

Heungmin, who didn’t even believe in God, muttered a prayer.

Louis’s face was twisted, making it unclear whether he was smiling or crying.

Instead of looking elsewhere, Dojae stared directly at the camera lens.

“The first place is…!”

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