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Prince from another dimension becomes an Idol chapter 35

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[LIVE] MOST’s Debut First Live Broadcast! (Broadcast Ended)

-MOST, let’s hit it big!

-Everyone was so cute today

-Dojae’s style was amazing today.. even his ankles were handsome.. gasp.. gasp..

 -Block the pervert

 -Didn’t expect our oppa’s physicality to be this perfect

-It feels like our boys are already veteran idols? They did so well even though it was a live broadcast,,

-You could tell they were still a bit stiff, but it was an on-live 10/10

-Feels like they’ve been in the game for a year, not just a week (in a good way)

-Ah, I love the boys so muchㅠㅠㅠ they’re all so nice and cuteㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ

-Looks like the leader hyung is a bit scaryㅋㅋ

 -He has charisma, maybe because he’s the eldest

-Did you see their faces when they hit 10,000 likes today? I’ll get them to 100 million!!

-Heungmin really likes Woochul

 -They seem closeㅋㅋ

-Dojae oppa, I love youㅠㅠ

-Woochul, come marry me!! Just bring yourself!! I’ll earn the money!!

After the broadcast ended, the members smiled as they read the flood of post-broadcast reviews.

Although there were some minor mistakes due to it being live, it was still a successful first live broadcast.

Most importantly, they felt what it was like to communicate with their fans.

Unlike performing on stage, it felt like they had gained hundreds, thousands of friends.

It’s only been a week since their debut.

It was a time for fans to learn a lot about MOST members, whom they still didn’t know much about.

During the debut showcase, the questions were mostly about the album concept, so fans could gather some minor information.

One such fact was that Louis was not mixed-race.

-The youngest seemed really excitedㅋㅋㅋ His mistake when greeting was cuteㅋㅋ

-But really, Louis isn’t mixed-race?



 -He revealed it in today’s live that he’s not

-How is that possible?

 -What do you meanㅋㅋㅋ he was just born that wayㅋㅋㅋ

-So there was a secret about his birth

 -There’s no birth secret in a normal family

-Both his parents are Korean

-No way, so Louis is just his stage name?

-His real name is Kim Louisㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-What? Kim Louis?ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ

-ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ Amazing

“Of course. Louis is hot. Everyone is surprised.”

Woochul admired, and Louis grinned.

The fact that Louis, who looked mixed-race, was actually an ordinary Korean had been discussed as a good selling point during the planning meeting.

The members, gathered in the dormitory living room, kept reading the reactions.

-I think MOST is going to be a hitㅋㅋㅋ let’s keep going like this~!!

-I wish the boys would do another broadcast, I want to see them more

-I miss themㅠㅠ waiting for the next schedule

“…It’s been less than an hour since the broadcast ended.”

Kijoon, who had been quietly watching, mumbled softly.

Woochul, who turned to Kijoon, said.

“Hyung, really. But they already want to see us again. Isn’t that touching?”


“It’s touching? Eh?”

Feeling Kijoon’s sharp gaze, Woochul quickly changed his tone.

Dojae laughed softly.

“It’s amazing. We can see the reactions so quickly…….”

Although they were tired, the positive reactions gave them energy.

They felt like they could go straight to the next schedule.

Of course, this was Dojae, who had good stamina.

Compared to other members, Heungmin and Kyuseong, who had less stamina, were sprawled on the sofa, listening to the fan reactions the others shared.

“Our next schedule is the day after tomorrow, right…….”

Just as Dojae was trying to confirm the next schedule with Kijoon.

The door to the dorm opened, and Jung Giljoo, who had been called by Manager Kim Seokchul , entered.

“Manager Giljoo!”

Heungmin, who was almost lying on the sofa, jumped up to greet Jung Giljoo.

A while ago, Manager Kim Seokchul had left with a serious expression and hadn’t returned to the practice room by the end of the broadcast.

Instead, he had called for Jung Giljoo, which made everyone curious about what was going on.

“What did Manager Kim say?”

“Is something happening to us?”

Jung Giljoo, hurriedly taking off his shoes, looked flustered by the barrage of questions.

“You guys are so impatient, just wait a bit.”

The members stopped reading comments and waited for Jung Giljoo to say something.

Standing in the middle of the living room, Jung Giljoo cleared his throat.

“First, there’s good news and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?”

Trying to sound serious, Jung Giljoo said.

It was something he had always wanted to say in a serious situation, like on TV.



“Wow. Amazing. I’ve always wanted to say that line too.”

While the other members were confused, Louis was excited and responded.

“Just tell us anything quickly! There’s bad news?”

Heungmin urged, and Jung Giljoo reluctantly answered quickly.

“You guys’ rest day tomorrow is canceled.”


Woochul looked immediately shocked.

“We’ve scheduled a newspaper interview. And a magazine photo shoot.”

Starting with the debut showcase, they had gone through five music shows and today’s ON TV live broadcast.

It was a rest day the members had been eagerly looking forward to, having been in a state of tension every day.

Since there were continuous schedules afterward, it was undoubtedly bad news for the members.

“But isn’t that… good news too?”

Kyuseong, who needed the rest the most, felt it wasn’t entirely bad news that they had more work.

After all, it was better to be busy as a celebrity than to have no work.

Jung Giljoo quickly nodded.


“If that’s the bad news, what’s the real good news?”

Woochul, forgetting about the rest, asked to hear the good news.

“You guys…….”

Before he could even start, a pleased smile tugged at Jung Giljoo’s lips.

“You’re candidates for first place!”


“You’re candidates for first place on [Music Show: Victory] the day after tomorrow! Even though it’s on cable, being first place candidates in just two weeks since debut is amazing!”

In cable music shows, the criteria for selecting the number one spot often heavily rely on internet votes and social media metrics, more so than other factors.

This tends to favor idol groups with dedicated fanbases over other singers.

Achieving first place is generally easier on cable than on public broadcasting.

Despite this, being a contender for the top spot was still surprising.

As Jung Giljoo pointed out, it’s rare for a rookie to be a candidate for first place in just their second week. Given that they planned to promote for another month, it was a promising sign.

“Wow, am I really about to become the manager of a breakout group?” Jung Giljoo, who had only managed unpopular singers until joining Kingdom recently, muttered in awe.


“Is it true, hyung?”

“Yes, I’ve heard from Manager Kim!”

“Wow… that’s insane.”

The members were also deeply moved.

“Who are the other contenders?”


“Gosh, that’s unbelievable.”

Louis sighed, holding his head with both hands. Just a week ago, the thought of even making eye contact with Candiz made him nervous, and now they were standing alongside them as contenders for the top spot.

Even if they weren’t fans of Candiz, it was meaningful just to be competing against such a highly regarded A-list idol group.

“Winning first place might be tough… but just being a candidate is something. Maybe we could actually snag a first place during our promotions?”

Heungmin’s voice betrayed his excitement.

Getting first place during their promotional period was the ultimate goal for this round of MOST’s activities.

“…I don’t know.”

Dojae, deep in thought as he enjoyed the moment, mumbled quietly.

Everyone turned their gaze towards him.

“Don’t you think we could at least get it once, having come this far?” Heungmin asked, thinking Dojae was being pessimistic.

Dojae shook his head.

“No, I mean we might get it as soon as the day after tomorrow.”

The members, momentarily stunned by Dojae’s confident smile, soon burst into laughter.

“Yeah, that would be great.”


Louis murmured with a hopeful expression. The hearts of the MOST members beat fast with anticipation and hope.


“Let’s take a break.”

New Entertainment, practice room.

As Yoo Myeongwoo called for a break, the members of The Origin scattered to rest.

Having successfully gained popularity with their debut album, The Origin was set to release another digital single early next month to maintain their momentum. It was all part of a grand plan to secure the Rookie of the Year award.

It had become a tradition for new idol groups from New Entertainment to win the Rookie of the Year award.

This year would be no different.

“Did you see the music show rankings today?” Park Jinhyuk, casually browsing entertainment news on his phone, started the conversation.

Although he directed his question towards Yoo Myeongwoo, it was the youngest member of the team who responded.

“MOST is a contender for first place.”

The youngest, who had joined New around the same time as Louis, was placed into The Origin to fill in for the absent Sunghwan after a few months as a trainee.

This rapid debut made him the subject of envy and jealousy among New’s trainees. However, being someone who followed his own path, he wasn’t fazed by it.

Nodding towards the youngest, Park Jinhyuk glanced at Yoo Myeongwoo again and mumbled.

“They’re doing better than expected.”

Yoo Myeongwoo, who had been playing a game on his phone, put it down with a sharp sound. Startled, Park Jinhyuk and even the youngest swallowed dryly.

Park Jinhyuk had occasionally mocked Dojae alongside Sunghwan when Sunghwan had been bullying Dojae.

At that time, it seemed like the norm, and he didn’t feel any guilt.

It wasn’t until Dojae refused to debut and left that he realized something was wrong.

By then, it was too late.

He had considered apologizing, but when he consulted Yoo Myeongwoo, Yoo Myeongwoo had asked in return, ‘Do you want to leave evidence like Sunghwan?’

It made sense.

Back then, Yoo Myeongwoo was respected as the team leader and the company executive’s nephew.

He seemed smart.

Looking back, Park Jinhyuk should have realized something was off when Yoo Myeongwoo referred to Sunghwan so coldly.

After debuting and seeing Sunghwan being kicked out of the team, the members of The Origin understood.

To the top predator Yoo Myeongwoo, anyone could be a ‘Kang Dojae’ or a ‘Sunghwan’.

They were no different.



“So, you’re envious because they’re doing well?”

With a question from Yoo Myeongwoo, broken into single phrases, Park Jinhyuk quickly shook his head.

If he upset Yoo Myeongwoo, his part in the next title song could be reassigned. He learned this while preparing for their debut album.

A member who had recently displeased Yoo Myeongwoo hadn’t gotten a single chance to be in the center during performances.

“Of course not. I’m just surprised. I can’t believe they’re a contender for first place.”

“Anyone can be a contender for first place on Showbiz. Why are you surprised by that?”

While Yoo Myeongwoo would act humble and greet the Showbiz staff politely in person, this was his true attitude behind their backs.

“…That’s true, but if they do get first place…”

Though being a contender for first place on Showbiz wasn’t a huge deal, winning first place changed things.

It would mean grabbing the number one title just two weeks after their debut, an impressive feat for rookies.

Park Jinhyuk’s words made Yoo Myeongwoo smirk as he picked up his phone again.

“They won’t get first place.”

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