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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 55

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I quickly crawled over the sofa and grabbed her hand. She was startled.

“Oh, you scared me!”

She seemed more surprised than expected, so I apologized immediately.

“Auntie? Sorry!”

“Oh? It’s okay, Kongja. I was just a bit startled.”

“Auntie An?”

Auntie An hurriedly made an excuse.

“Nothing. I was just deep in thought. Oh my, because of Kongja, I’ll get to see a drama filming set!”

She forced a bright tone, but it felt suspicious.
My intuition told me.

‘Something’s up.’

Is something wrong, Auntie An?

When I tilted my head, she quickly changed the subject.

“Oh, I need to hang the laundry. See you later, Kongja!”

Auntie An hurried away. Watching her back, I tilted my head.
Mom murmured softly.

“It’s a bit strange, isn’t it, Kongja?”


Sliding down from the sofa, I said.

“It’s not like Auntie.”

Mom nodded. I recalled how she had pressed her chest.

‘Wasn’t it around the solar plexus?’

What’s there? Lungs? Stomach?

‘I wish I could use the internet.’

I missed the days when I could just search for a blocked solar plexus symptoms and get a list.
(Solar Plexus= a compilation of nerves and ganglia that is located in your abdomen near the diaphragm and behind your aorta)

Mom lifted me off the floor and said.

“I’ll have to ask her later. Up you go. Our Kongja is getting heavy!”

“I’ve grown!”

“Indeed. Our Kongja is growing day by day.”

My mom hugged me tightly and said, “I’m sorry I can’t be with you.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“It’s okay!”

“Oh, my angel.”

My mom patted my back and went inside. I swung my legs and smiled brightly.


Appearing on ‘Emergency Room’… I couldn’t stop laughing. I kicked my feet together in the cradle, grinning broadly.

‘I’ve rewatched this show so many times.’

The character Han Woo-jin played in the drama, ‘Joo-hyuk,’ was the protagonist’s mentor and teacher.

“Well, he wasn’t exactly kind.”

But he gradually opened his heart to the protagonist’s efforts. And by the end, he became a true mentor.

“And then Joo-hyuk got an incurable disease.”

Of course, Joo-hyuk wanted to live.

The protagonist of ‘Emergency Room’ did everything he could to save his mentor Joo-hyuk.

“But he died in the end.”

That scene was still vivid.

In his final moments, Joo-hyuk saw his life flash before his eyes.

‘A subtle OST played in the background…’

The things Joo-hyuk loved passed by one by one.

‘The emergency room, his deceased wife, and his son who would soon be an orphan.’

After a moment of smiling, the scene turned white, and a beeping sound echoed.

‘How much did I cry watching that scene!’

The thought of appearing in that scene made me clap and laugh. It felt childish, but my heart kept racing.

‘It’s an actor’s instinct to want to be in a great piece.’

I took a deep breath.

Okay. Let’s calm down. What I need now is composure.

‘Alright, Ma Kongja. Let’s think this through.’

How should I approach this role?

‘Is there any need to overthink?’

I just have to act like a loving son.

‘They said they cast me because of my loveliness.’

But what kind of child is considered lovely?

‘Damn, this is a tough one.’

I sprang up from the cradle.

‘Honestly, I don’t know.’

Should I just smile? Or should I reach out my hand and approach?

‘Somehow, that doesn’t quite feel like loveliness.’

The child’s image in the ‘Emergency Room’ scene I remembered was brief.

‘The screen time was just a few seconds. Thinking back, it was a pretty plain scene for an emotional moment. No impact.’

In hindsight, the bond between Joo-hyuk and the child seemed lacking.

‘This must have been because the child actor was unwell.’

They couldn’t find a suitable replacement. Even a few-second scene can reveal a lot if the actor’s condition is poor.

But if I do it?

‘I want to make it a legendary scene.’

Making the audience cry would be fitting for a quality supporting actor like me, Lee Hanjoo Lee.

‘Well, the director wants loveliness. That’s pretty abstract.’

Honestly, I didn’t know exactly what the director wanted. I needed to know to add details.

‘I can’t just call and ask.’

I smirked.

‘Well, they’ll tell me on set.’

I’ve worked with child actors enough to know. Directors give very specific acting directions to child actors.

‘Like making a face as if they need to use the bathroom or as if they stubbed their toe. They tailor it to help the child immerse.’

Director Lee Jae-min would probably do the same.

“Let’s adjust on set.”

No need to worry unnecessarily now.

I flapped my arms. I didn’t know when I’d go to the filming site, but I was excited again.

“Seriously, what an easy life.”

In my previous life, getting a role required not just auditions but also endless networking.

“Thanks to meeting the right people, it’s all resolved in one go.”

Having a helper makes such a huge difference.

Wow, Lee Hanjoo. No, Ma Kongja.

“Let’s be good to those around us, including mom.”

I didn’t do well in my previous life.

“Not that I had anyone to be good to.”

But now it’s different.

“Speaking of being good to others…”

I thought of Auntie An, clutching her chest.

“Hopefully, it’s nothing serious.”

I heard that conditions like esophagitis can cause chest pain too.

“I’m a bit worried…”

If something happens.

“I’ll use a coin.”

It’s not just anyone; it’s Auntie An, who feeds and houses me!

“Of course, it’s a paid job.”

But there’s love in her care!

I flapped my arms in the cradle.

“I’ll definitely get everything I couldn’t in my past life!”

I’ll walk down this paved road smoothly!

I made up my mind and started leg exercises.

First, it’s important to handle my body well.

“I’ve improved a lot.”

Now I could move my fingers as I intended. But eating on my own was still a stretch.

“It feels like there’s a limit.”

It’s quite early to be talking at this stage, too.

“I should think about this more.”

I took a deep breath and moved my legs again. For now, I needed to exercise.


“Kongja, Uncle’s here!”

“Ah, hi there!”

Oh, dear.

I awkwardly smiled at the person in front of me.

“Mom, the person taking me to the filming site is…”

Is it him?

“Kongja, you remember Uncle, right? We met at your first birthday party!”

Of course, I remember.

‘Isn’t he the president of Top Line, Mr. Seo?’

Excuse me. A first birthday party is a special occasion, so it makes sense to take the time, but…

‘Why would the president personally take an actor’s child to the filming site?’

Does your company have no work? Are you that free?

President Seo, unaware of my thoughts, grinned.

“Well, Soo-jung wanted someone reliable, so here I am.”

Can’t you just send a trusted manager?

“I don’t have much work these days.”


“Maybe I hired my staff too well. They handle things so perfectly that I have nothing to do. Actually…”

President Seo said as he picked me up.

“They get paid the same as I do.”


“I brought him here with money as bait because he seemed capable. Kongja, let me give you some free life advice. When recruiting talent, you shouldn’t skimp on money. Even if it means cutting your own salary!”

‘That sounds about right, but…’

Cutting his own salary to hire employees could be seen as an act of respect.

‘But still, this is a bit much!’

Why is the boss here at my filming set? At that moment, Auntie An interrupted.

“Oh my, Mr. President. It’s been a while.”

Ah, they must know each other.

“Yes! You look even younger, ma’am.”

“Oh, ho ho. You haven’t changed a bit, Mr. President. Did you come to pick up Kongja?”

“Yes! I came to pick up the madam as well. Now, give me the stroller. I’ll take care of it.”

Wow, this guy’s really something.

‘No wonder they call him the sales king.’

The boss pushed my stroller. I stared at him intently.

‘Well, now that I think about it, aside from my mom, he’s probably the most capable and safest person right now.’

The boss noticed me looking at him and smiled.

“Kongja, nice to see you, uncle?”

Sure, let’s go with that.


“Ah, you’re so cute today too. But what’s with these clothes? Who dressed you like this? It’s too unique. Silverfish-like clothes must be hard to choose on purpose.”

Oh, boss, that’s because!

“Although you’re still cute, this isn’t right. Kongja, should uncle buy you some clothes?”

I glanced around nervously. As expected, Auntie An’s eyes flashed like a goblin’s.

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