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Handsome since birth, road to stardom chapter 54

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“I knew I had a feeling.”


I blinked at Mom. My chest swelled with respect.

“Honestly, Kongja might resent me for this decision later…….”

Mom kissed my cheek.

“I’m prepared for that. Kongja.”

No, no!

‘No resentment!’

I will be forever grateful!

‘Wow. If I don’t show filial piety, I’m not human.’

Let’s be filial. Absolutely. Lee Hanjoo, no, Ma Kongja!

While I was swimming in the sea of emotions, Auntie An said.

“Will you keep showing Kongja?”

“Yeah. Luckily, I know the industry well. I’ll be selective about it. At least…….”

Mom looked at her glowing phone.

“Not these people who are causing a fuss right now.”

“They must not be good.”

“Yeah. They must at least protect child actors.”

Mom sighed deeply.

“This industry is rough.”

“That’s true.”

“If it’s a weird director or set, I’ll make sure to avoid it. I’m Kongja’s mom.”

Oh, Mother.

‘If I don’t show filial piety later, you can hit me on the back of my head.’

That’ll bring me to my senses.

Auntie An laughed a little and hugged me.

“What if a good offer comes?”


At that moment.

Beep beep beep—

Mom’s phone rang. She checked the caller and said.

“I’ll consider it. Like this.”

Mom brushed her hair to one side and answered the call.

The living room was quiet, so I could hear the conversation clearly.

“Hello, PD Lee.”

-Oh, Ms. Soo-jung! It’s been a while.

“I heard you’re working on a new project.”

-Yeah. The ratings are good.

“I know. People are saying it’s because it’s you, PD Lee.”

-Thanks for the compliment.

“You’re welcome.”

PD Lee?

‘Who could it be?’

There are a few PDs with the surname Lee. But if it’s a well-known PD, the story changes.

-I’m busy, so I’ll get to the point. Ms. Soo-jung, please help me.

“Oh my? Do you want a special appearance?”

-A special appearance would be nice, but that’s not it. Phew.

The person Mom was talking to took a deep breath.

-I’m filming a medical drama, you know that, right?

“Of course I know.”

I immediately knew who it was.

‘PD Lee Jaemin.’

A rating of 20.8%. It will move to OTT later, but it’s IBS for now.

‘I worked with him in my past life.’

When filming a historical drama, I once rolled around as an extra.

‘Was it beggar number 23?’

I recalled the scene. I was eating a potato, then got slaughtered by the enemy.

‘He was quite skilled.’

Strict, but his directing was good.

‘He was also a decent person.’

So the atmosphere on set wasn’t bad.

-There are 20 episodes of pre-filming for this.

“That’s very like you, Director. It’s good to have a lot of pre-filming.”

-Right. I insisted on getting this much pre-filming. But here’s the thing, the main character dies later.

“Oh my? Director. I’m watching that show, that’s a spoiler.”

I immediately knew the drama.

‘Emergency Room.’


‘This is a masterpiece.’

A 26-episode drama with two emergency room doctors as main characters, each patient’s story was touching. And the highlight was when one of the main characters died of an incurable disease.

‘The always strict mentor finally died.’

The teacher’s son was just a baby who had recently celebrated his first birthday.

‘That’s why it later turned into a sea of tears.’

I had heard that the overseas profits from the Korean Wave were the most significant.

‘So that drama was being filmed now.’

I didn’t know.

– Sorry, sorry. But we couldn’t find a suitable child actor. The one we originally planned to cast got measles.

“Oh my!”

– When we couldn’t find a suitable child, so I watched a variety show. Ms. Soo-jung, please let us use Kongja.

Wow. Mom!

‘We need to seize this opportunity!’

The teacher’s son!

‘It’s a legendary scene!’

This must happen! I have to do this!
I stared intently at my mom. My heart was pounding.

“Our Kongja, right?”

– Please, I’m begging you. Okay?

“Because of today’s variety show, my phone is burning up. It seems my little angel did an amazing job.”

– When I saw him, he looked just like ‘Han Woo-jin,’ the actor playing the teacher.

Wow. Han Woo-jin.

‘Even though he’s in his late 30s now, he’s still a handsome actor.’

Even after ten years, whenever someone mentioned a handsome actor, Han Woo-jin’s name would come up immediately.

“You know how old our Kongja is, right?”

– Of course, I know.

“You also know that if the filming environment is harsh, it won’t work, right?”

– I’m famous for following guidelines well, you know.

Mom smiled broadly.

“I know. That’s why I’m agreeing. Got it?”


For a moment, I almost grabbed my clothes and bowed.

‘I can’t believe she’s opening such a great path for me!’

To think I’d be playing Han Woo-jin’s son in a drama!

‘That alone will draw attention!’

My hands were trembling.

The beautiful mother who made all this possible continued her phone conversation.

“You know what happens if you overwork our Kongja, right?”

– Oh, I know! Wow. Thank goodness. I was worried because we couldn’t find a suitable child actor, but this is like a rope dropping from the sky! Kyah!

“Oh my, the director is excited.”

– The moment I saw him, I knew he was the one! The teacher’s son is the reason for his life, so he has to be lovable! There are many cute child actors, but not many who are lovable.

Hmm, director. Isn’t that the same thing?

‘Cute and lovable are the same, right?’

Sure enough, Mom didn’t seem to understand the difference either.

“Is there a big difference?”

– Yes, very different. Cute is about appearance, but lovability comes from actions. Ms. Soo-jung’s son is exactly like that. How does such a little kid try to protect others?

Mom covered her mouth and laughed.

“Kongja is a bit like that. That’s what worries me.”

– Why?

“I worry he might be too kind.”


‘Mom, you don’t need to worry about that. I’m not that kind.’

Mom smiled at me. I hid my true feelings and smiled back.

For some reason, I felt a prick of conscience.

‘I was trying to create an angelic image, but now it seems they’re seeing me as too kind?’

I hope this doesn’t backfire.

Mom, not knowing my thoughts, continued with her gentle touch.

“Then, please adjust the schedule.”

– Okay! I’ll contact you.

“Okay. See you next time, director.”

Mom ended the call and sighed.

‘Mom, why did you suddenly sigh?’

What’s worrying you?

When I rubbed my face against the hand I held, she sighed even deeper. Mom muttered softly.

“This is a big problem.”

Huh? What is it?

“I didn’t think of this. Who will take Kongja to the filming set?”


‘This is a problem!’

Come to think of it, child actors’ schedules and shooting are usually managed by their parents.

‘But my mom is busy!’

Moreover, I wasn’t affiliated with any agency, so I didn’t have a manager either.

‘This is a big issue.’

Mom crossed her arms and pondered. Then Auntie An suddenly intervened.

“I’ll go! What are you worried about?”

“Oh, will you go, Auntie An?”

“Yes. I went to the premiere too, didn’t I?”

“Thank you. But it’s still concerning, so it might be better if someone else also goes. Hmm…”

Mom crossed her arms and continued thinking.

‘Sorry, Mom.’

Mom couldn’t uncross her arms for a long time.

‘I’m already being unfilial.’

I’m making my busy mom worry.

I awkwardly smiled and lowered my head.

At that moment, through my lowered head, I saw Auntie An’s hand pressing her chest.


Feeling something was off, I looked up, and Auntie An was exhaling repeatedly.

‘Is her chest hurting?’

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